Library Instruction Lesson
Library Orientation, First Grade
Resource Title / Library Orientation, First GradeFile Name / Library Orientation, First Grade.doc
Resource Description
(This is information about the resource.) / First grade students come to the library every week for a lesson and to check out books. Students will review how to hold a book correctly and how to properly remove and return books to the shelves using a shelf marker.
Standard / AASL / FCPS
Strand / AASL / FCPS
Indicator / AASL / FCPS
Benchmark / AASL / FCPS
SOL / Eng 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.9 SS 1.8
(Books, files, links, graphic organizers, databases, etc.) / Silly Sally by Audrey Wood
Shelf markers
Lesson Length / 15-20 minutes
Keywords or key phrases / Holds a book correctly
Book care
Silly Sally
Audrey Wood
Year Created? / 2008
Teacher Editable? / X Yes
(Resources may have more than 1 audience.) / X Librarian
(Resources may have more than 1 purpose.) / X Lesson Plan
Created By
(written by or adapted from) / Created by Jill Woodall
Grade Level / Pre-K
X 1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade / 7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
LEARN Lesson Plan
Library Orientation, First Grade
Link / First grade students come to the library every week for a lesson and to check out books. Students will review how to hold a book correctly and how to properly remove and return books to the shelves using a shelf marker.Assessment: Student responses
and Educate / Welcome students to the library. Introduce yourself. Explain that first graders come to the library for a lesson and to check out books. Ask what things do students need to do when taking books from the shelves?
Assessment: Student responses
Active Learning / 1. Read Silly Sally by Audrey Wood to the class. Ask students if they noticed something special about the language in the book, i.e., how the words sound. It is a rhyming book.
2. Model how to use a shelf marker and review how to correctly hold a book.
3. Give each child a shelf marker to use during book selection. With the help of the classroom teacher, assist students during book selection to monitor that books looked at but not checked out are put back on the shelves correctly, i.e., that they are not “Silly, Sally” (upsides down or backwards).
Assessment: Observation
Reflect / After check out but before the class leaves, ask the students to share what things helped them correctly hold a book (e.g., the spine and the spine label) and what things they found challenging.
Now and Then / Students are learning how to use a shelf marker and reviewing how to hold a book. Throughout the year students will revisit using a shelf maker as they review the different sections of the library. For example, the information on the spine label tells us that the Everybody, Fiction and Biography sections are organized alphabetically and the Nonfiction and Reference sections are in numerical order.