Uchiyama vitae
Kay Uchiyama, PhD
Associate Professor
Regis University
3333 Regis Blvd.
Denver, Colorado 80221
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Research on Teaching, Research on Learning to Teach, and Classroom Assessment
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
Dissertation: Teachers’use of formative assessment in middle school reform-based mathematics classrooms.
University of Tampa, Tampa, FL
Bachelor of Arts – German
University of Maryland University College
Baltimore, Maryland
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE – Elementary Education
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Other Education
Quality Matters (QM)
Higher Education Experience
August 2017 INSTRUCTOR
PresentUniversity of West Florida
- Teach foundation courses
- Supervise Field Experience
August 2017 Regis University
- Teach on ground, blended, and online courses for Elementary, Secondary, and Principal licensure programs
- Past Program Coordinator for M.ED Elementary Licensure Program
- Past Program Coordinator for M.ED plus Principal Licensure Program for Colorado
- Supervise and coach student teachers
- Coordinated the revision of the M.ED Elementary Licensure Program curriculum
- Assessment reviewer for Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP)
- Write and oversee writing of on-ground and online courses; Elementary, Secondary, and Principal Licensure programs.
- Mapped and revised curriculum for Teacher Licensure and Principal Licensure Programs
- Develop partnerships with area schools and districts
- Observe, evaluate, and coach adjunct instructors
- Pilot technology applications for use in online and on-ground courses (i.e. Sharp Aquos™ Board; WebQuests)
- Member of the university’s Higher Learning Commission Quality Initiative TeamDevelop the assessment plan for the proposal;coordinated the development of qualitative data collection instruments, data collection and analysis for the plan.
- Represent the College of Professional Studies on the Regis University Academic Planning and Policy Council (APPC)
- Assist in the Nevada Department of Education accreditation process for the Regis Las Vegas Campus
- Participate in Colorado Department of Higher Education committees related to the implementation of Senate Bill 191 - Ensuring Quality Instruction Through Educator Effectiveness (Equitee)
- Spearhead the Regis University/Colorado Springs Children’s Literacy Partnership
- Served on the Colorado Department of Education committee to develop the rules and standards for a Colorado Elementary Mathematics Specialist license.
June 2010Arapahoe Community College, Littleton,Colorado,
- Department Co-Chair for the Elementary Education program.
- Develop and teach online courses and on-ground courses
- EDU 261 – Teaching, Learning, and Technology
- EDU 265 – Instructional Design
- Develop and teach ground based courses
- EDU 221 - Introduction to Education
- EDU 260 - Adult Teaching and Learning
- ECE 101- Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- ECE 102 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education Lab
- ECE 220 - Curriculum Development
- Conduct professional development for full time and adjunctfaculty
- Observe and coach adjunct faculty
- Serve on strategic planning committees
- Develop, implement, and document the Teacher Preparation Department Assessment Plan
- Pilot implementation of Desire2Learn Learning Management System
- Developa new Associate of Science degree with a pathway in secondary mathematics teacher education
- Create and coordinate a partnership with Regis University for a pathway to a four-year institution in secondary mathematicseducation
- Serve as the ACC representative to the community college and four year college annual conference (2 + 4 conference)
July 2007Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
- Develop and teach undergraduate and masters ground based and online courses
- Supervise and coach secondary student teachers
- Supervise and coach teacher candidates in a Professional Development School setting
- Serve as site supervisor in Professional Development School
- Serve on master’s thesis committees
- Develop a post bachelor’s pathway for secondary mathematics licensure
- Advise post bachelor’s and master’s students in secondary mathematics and foreign language
- Collaborate across colleges for classroom response systems (Clickers) research and grant development
- Coordinate curriculum mapping of all education licensure courses
- Serve on School of Education committees
- Train graduate students in use of Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Levels of Use research protocol
Spring 1998University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
- Supervised and coached student teachers in all content areas.
- Teach the companion seminar for student teaching with emphasis on concentrated on curriculum, pedagogical knowledge, and professional issues associated with the student teaching experience, facilitated the development of the student teaching portfolio and the work sample required for Colorado licensure.
Spring 2002 University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
- Developed and taught EDUC 4122: Principles and Methods of Secondary Education- course emphasizing objectives, functions, modern philosophy, curriculum, discipline, planning, learning styles, assessment, and educational media.
Sumer 2003University of Colorado, Boulder
- Organized and placed students in practicum assignments.
K - 12 Experience
District Level
District Assessment Coordinator, Poudre School District, Fort Collins, CO
- Collaborate with Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment on needs assessments for schools and in leading curriculum support teams
- Supervised Assessment Department staff
- Analyzed assessment data, interpreted assessment results and created reports for school personnel, community, state and others
- Trained other district personnel in the administration of assessment instruments
- Trained other district personnel in the interpretation of school data and development of school improvement plans
- Assisted feeder schools systems with data analysis and alignment
- Performed research and attend meetings and conferences to keep abreast of latest assessment related information, data and tools
District School Improvement Liaison, Department of Defense Dependents Schools
(DoDDS), Hessen District, Rhein Main Air Base, Germany.
- Directed and monitored the implementation of the School Improvement Process for the schools in the Hessen District.
- Coordinated the Hessen District assessment program.
- Assisted schools with the identification and/or formulation of goals, assessments, and strategies in the development, implementation, and documentation of comprehensive School Improvement Plans.
- Assisted schools with development of professional development plans related to their school improvement process.
- Served as a member of North Central Association Accreditation (NCA) teams.
- Collaborated with other District School Improvement Liaisons to standardize implementation across the Europe Region.
- Designed and presented staff development on such topics as: School Improvement, Interpreting CTBS, Equity, Effective Schools, Alternative Assessment, Critical Thinking, Multiple Intelligences, and Brain Based Learning.
- Served on committee for the development and implantation of the three district Educators’ Day
- Represented the Superintendent’s Office on the Planning Committee for the National Science Foundation’s Model Schools Project
- Served as member of the Germany Region School Improvement Council.
Building Level
PRINCIPAL, Wiregrass Academy at Charter Woods Hospital, Dothan, Alabama.
- Developed and administered the educational program for adolescent inpatients, grades 6-12, in a psychiatric hospital.
- Taught English and social studies.
- Hired and supervised teaching staff.
- Served as the liaison between the home school and hospital.
- Developed and administered a summer educational program for patients.
Classroom Level
TEACHER, Department of Defense Dependents’ Schools, Fulda,Germany.
TEACHER, Smith Middle School, Ozark, AL.
TEACHER, Bellamy Elementary School, Hillsborough School District, Tampa, FL.
TEACHER, Riverhills Elementary School, Hillsborough School District, Tampa, FL.
May 2016-Currently collaborating with a team of researchers across the US and Canada to
presentdetermine the assessment literacy of k-12 educators.
August 2013-Researcher on the Regis University Quality Initiative Project for the Higher Learning
PresentCommission. Responsible for the development, collection and analysis of data to support document success of this plan.
January 2012-Capstone Research Project with Dr. Kelli Woodrow and Dr. Vicki Caruana, CPS Regis
December 2012University, a project investigating the impact of critical reflection and transformational
learning on master’s students and instructors of the capstone course for the Masters of Education degree.
June 2010Regis University 21st Century Communities of Excellence. (Unfunded FIPSE grant)
September Researched the history of federal legislation in assessment for Dr. W. James
2008Popham’s paper, The role of assessment in federal education programs; A paper
Nov. 2008commissioned by The Center on Education Policy, Washington, DC.
Jan. 2008Researched ACT data and course taking patterns, the impact of a grass roots school-wide
May 2008writing assessment on instruction, the implementation of Read 180 on student learning, and the implementation of the World Language Standards. Poudre School District, Fort Collins, CO.
March 2006Research project: Teacher mentors: Promoting the professional growth of future educators. With Jane Nicolet.
August 2005Rocky Mountain Middle School Math/Science Partnership: 15 months to highly
August 2007qualified. NSF Funded Grant. CO-PI with Brian Cobb.
August 2005Preparing tomorrow’s math teachers today, Unfunded NSF grant proposal
January 2005-Preparing tomorrow’steachers to use data (PTD). Collaboration with Mesa State
September 2007College, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center and University
of Denver. NSF Funded grant.
May 2005- Research in science education (RISE) P.I. Colorado Council on Higher Education No July 2006 Child Left Behind Grant. Collaboration with Weld County District RE 1.
March 2004Using clickers in higher education, Unfunded grant proposal in collaboration with the
Microbiology Department.
January 2004-Research in mathematics education (RIME) Colorado Council on Higher Education No
December 2003 Child Left Behind Grant.July 2006Collaboration with Weld County District RE 1.
December 2003Dissertation – Teachers’use of formative assessment in middle school reform-based mathematics classrooms
Fall 1998-Research Assistant - The effects of standards-based assessments on schools and
Spring 2001. Classrooms. Focus on mathematics in grades 4 & 7 in the state of Washington. Principal Investigators: Hilda Borko, University of Colorado at Boulder; Shelby Wolf, University of Colorado at Boulder
SY 1995-1996District team member researching the extent of implementation of K-8 reform-based SY 1996-1997 mathematics curricula. Led and funded by District Superintendent, Marcia Johnson.
O’Brian, J. O. & Uchiyama, K.P. (in press). Classroom assessment, The Handbook of Teaching and Learning, Indianapolis, IN, Wiley Blackwell
Uchiyama, K.P (in preparation). Assessment literacy
Uchiyama, K.P. (in preparation). The use of WebQuests in higher education.
Uchiyama, K.P.& Radin, J. (2009). Curriculum mapping in higher education: A vehicle for collegiality. Innovative Higher Education, 23(4), 271-279.
Suchman, E.; Uchiyama,K;Smith, R & Bender, K. (2006). Evaluating the Use of a Classroom Response System in a Microbiology Course. Journal of Microbiology Education, 7(1), 3-11.
Uchiyama, K.P (unpublished manuscript). Formative assessment use in the classroom: A model for teachers.
Borko, H., Wolf, S., Simone, G. & Uchiyama, K. P. (2003). Schools in transition: Reform efforts in exemplary schools of Washington. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 25 (2), 171-201
Uchiyama, K. P., Wolf, S.A. (2002). The best way to lead them. Educational Leadership. 59 (8), 80-83.
George, A.A., Hall, G.E. & Uchiyama, K. (2000). Extent of implementation of a standards-based approach to teaching mathematics and student outcomes. Journal of Classroom Interaction .35 (1): 8-25
Borko, H., Elliott, R., & Uchiyama, K. (1999). Professional development: A key to Kentucky's educational reform effort. Teaching and Teacher Education.18(8). 969-988.
Uchiyama, K. & Simone, G. (1999). Publishing educational research: Guidelines and tips. American Educational Research Association,
(*designates peer-review selection process for papers)
Uchiyama, K.P. (upcoming-April 17, 2017) Using WebQuests as a tool for learning.Presentation for the eLearning Consortium of Colorado.
*O’Brian, J.R.; Sands, D.J; Uchiyama, K.P.; Nacon, H.D. (2008). Engaging students and teachers in
collaborative formative assessment. Presentation at the 2008 Annual Meetingof the American Educational Research Association
*Uchiyama, K.P. & Woods, D. (2008). The qualitative analysis of video: A practical guide.Mini course on video data analysis.Presentation at the 2008 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
*Uchiyama, K.P. & Woods, D. (2007). The qualitative analysis of video: A practical guide. One-day course on video data analysis presented at the April 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
*Uchiyama, K.P. & Radin, J. (2007). Curriculum mapping in higher education: A model for change. Poster presentation at the April 2007Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
*Uchiyama, K.P.; Radin, J. (2007). Curriculum mapping in higher education: A model for change.Paper presented at the January 2007 Hawaii International Conference on Education.
*Uchiyama, K.P.; Radin, J. (2006). Information-based educational practice: Perspectives from four teacher preparation institutions in Colorado. Poster session at the November 2006 TED/TAM conference in San Diego.
*Uchiyama, K.P.; Radin, J. (2006). IBEP integration through curriculum mapping. Paper presented at the March 2006 Society for Information Technology and Education Conference in Orlando, Florida.
*Uchiyama, K.P. (2005).Teachers’ use of formative assessment in middle school mathematics classrooms. Paper presented at the April 2005 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
*Uchiyama, K.P. & Woods, D.(2005). The qualitative analysis of video: A practical guide. One-day course on video data analysis presented at the April 2005 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
*Woods, D. & Uchiyama, K. (2004). The qualitative analysis of video: A practical guide. Co-facilitated a mini-course onvideo data analysis at the April 2004 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, Ill.
*Uchiyama, K. (2003). Feedback in the process of formative assessment in reform-based middle school mathematics classrooms. Presentation at the April 2003 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
*Uchiyama, K. (2001, April). Implementation of reform through strategic leadership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.
*George, A. A., Alquist, A., Uchiyama, K. P., & Hall, G. E. (1998 April). Student outcomes and the extent of fidelity of use of mathematics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Uchiyama, K. (1994, March). Multiple intelligences and equity. Presentation at the North Central Association for Colleges and Schools Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Uchiyama, K. (1994, March). Critical thinking skills. Presentation at the North Central Association for Colleges and Schools Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Uchiyama, K. & Walker, E. (1994, February). Critical thinking skills. European League for Middle Level Education Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.
Uchiyama, K., Currier, R., & Stroebel, P. (1993, March). Equity. North Central Association for Colleges and Schools Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
JanuaryMuseum Box: A technology application to increase student engagement. Presentation to faculty and staff at Regis University
NovemberUsing brain research to impact teaching and learning. Presentation to the Denver Archdiocese
2015Alternative Licensure Cohort
October Brain-based teaching and learning. Presentation to middle school educators at the
2013Colorado Association of Middle Level Educators
July 2010 Classroom management strategies, Presentations for teacher candidates, principal licensure
July 2011candidates and affiliate faculty, Regis University
April 2011 &
November 2011
January 2009“Learning is not a spectator sport”. Presentation to faculty at Arapahoe Community
November 2008Developing and using performance assessment. Presentation to faculty at Arapahoe Community
October 2008Developing and critiquing traditional assessment. Presentation to faculty at Arapahoe Community College
August 2009Induction training for the Widefield School District, Colorado Springs, on the following topics:
Classroom management, activities and strategies to increase student learning, performance assessment
August 2007Presentations to school faculties on using data to inform instruction. Poudre School District,
June 2008Fort Collins, Colorado
August 2006Teacher Mentors: Promoting the professional growth of future educators. Presentation to Professional Development School mentor teachers in Thompson Valley School District, Loveland, CO
July 2005Building rubrics. Presentation to Colorado Teachers of Career and Technical Education at Marriott Hotel, Fort Collins, Colorado
February 2003Brain-based teaching. Sand Pine Elementary School, Wesley Chapel, FL. Training for faculty
School YearsThe school improvement process for special education. Widefield School District,
2002 – 2003 Colorado Springs, CO. Consulting and in-service training on the school improvement
2001 – 2002process as it pertained to Special Education and compliance with district, state, and
2000 – 2001federal policies
April 2001Scaffolding student learning. SA Wilson Preschool, Widefield School District, Colorado Springs, CO. In-service training for preschool special education teachers and para-professionals on scaffolding
January 2001Standards-based teaching. SA Wilson Preschool, Widefield School District, Colorado Springs, CO. Workshop training on teaching to Colorado Content Standards for preschool special education teachers and para-professionals
December 2000Teaching in a block schedule. Lockwood MS, Billings, MT. Presentation for middle school teachers
January 1997Classroom assessment. Wiesbaden Middle School. Wiesbaden, Germany. Conducted a workshop with W. James Popham for middle school teachers
October 1996Brain based teaching & learning. Garland City Schools, Garland, TX
Presented training to district teachers
May 1996The school improvement process. Hessen District Principals’ Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany. Workshop for administrators on the school improvement process
April 1995Vision, goals & strategies: Making connections. DoDDS-Europe Administrators’ Conference, Bad Kissingen, Germany. With R. Currier, D Dautrich, B. Erdmann, P. Jenkes, C. Hall,K. Young. Workshop on strategic planning for school reform
October 1994Interpreting CTBS. Hanau Area Principals' and Assistant Principals' Meetings, Hanau, Germany. Workshop on reading and analyzing CTBS scores.
March 1994Building Commitment. DoDDS-Germany Administrators' Conference, With L. Seabrook, developed and presented a workshop focused on increasing “buy-in” to reform and school improvement
School Year Critical Thinking Mentors. Frankfurt District Schools, Frankfurt, Germany. Over a period of three
1992-1994 years, led a cadre of eight educators in developing and implementing a set of three trainings focused on teaching district teachers how to incorporate critical thinking skills in their classrooms. This program was done three times over a period of three years
August 1991The Outcomes Accreditation School Improvement Process. Frankfurt District Schools, Frankfurt District, Germany. Training for all principals and school improvement teams on the North Central Association Outcomes School Improvement Process for school accreditation