Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting held at the Stoneleigh Village Hall, Stoneleigh at 7.30 p.m. on the 14th April 2011.

PRESENT: Councillor H. Baker (Chairman), Councillors Mrs L. Fletcher, G. Gatward, Mrs J. Mackenzie, V. Owen, D. Persaud, A. Taylor, I. de Worringham, County Councillor M. Doody.

APOLOGIES: Councillors D. Botterill, Ms T. Grant, Mrs L. Thrift, and District Councillor B. Mackay.

There were four members of the public present.

It was noted that both Councillors D. Ellwood and Ms S. Woolf have resigned from the Council.

123. Minutes

The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 10th March 2011 were circulated, approved and signed by the Chairman.

124. Matters Arising from Minutes

Big on Play

Cllr M. Doody said that Warwick District Council (WDC) had identified Stoneleigh as needing the play equipment the most. The equipment is due next week and if nowhere has been identified to position the equipment then WDC will reallocate it to another village. He said that he is rather concerned that the positioning of the equipment has not already been decided upon.


It will cost approximately £2k to install. It may be possible to get this money from the Rural Initiatives and the Community Forum. They will need to know the name of the company installing it and how much the complete bill will be.

Cllr L. Fletcher said that the positioning of the equipment was discussed at the Annual General Meeting of the Stoneleigh Village Hall and Playing Fields Charity on Monday 11th April. It was asked again for details in writing about this project and Mr T. Hanselman had already been emailed asking for this information but to date this has not been forthcoming.

Cllr D. Persaud asked which the other villages were that had been successful in obtaining this equipment; Stoneleigh was their first chose followed by Offchurch and Barford. He also said that he cannot understand why this project has not moved forward.

Cllr G. Gatward asked as a way forward whether the village could arrange to store the equipment until such time as a suitable location is found. He felt fairly confident that the Showground would be able to find somewhere to store it. As it is a private group of individuals who have taken on this project he thought that representatives from the Parish Council could liaise with the Village Hall Committee to try and find a way forward. It was agreed to elect a subcommittee from the Parish Council to achieve this. The sub committee will be Cllrs Ms L. Fletcher, G. Gatward and D. Persaud.

Cllr M. Doody managed to contact the Head of Leisure at WDC who confirmed that he would agree for the equipment to be stored at the Showground and if the problem was not resolved then the equipment would be reallocated to another village.

125. Helicopter Flights Operating out of Kenilworth Rugby Football Club

Cllr Mrs J. Mackenzie raised the concern of a resident of Ashow, Mr J. Himsworth with regards to Helicopter pleasure flights operating out of Kenilworth Rugby Club. These flights started last summer as the operator Helicentre decided to move from Coventry Airport. Not only are these flights extremely noisy flying right over his house every 15 minutes but are also a distraction to motorists using the A46.

He has written to the Civil Aviation Authority and since then they have appeared to stop.

Cllr J. Mackenzie said that flights are allowed for 20 days a year unrestricted.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would send a letter to the head of planning asking if permission has been granted for this activity.

126. Public Session

Mr W Blagburn said that he was very pleased that planning permission has been granted to build a single property on the site of the old garage. He thought that his petition with 67 signatures on it helped the decision making. He asked could the owner of the land be asked to sort out the eye-sore as soon as possible.

Also he would like to know what Stoneleigh Park’s views are on the HS2.

Cllr G. Gatward said that the granting of a long-term lease to LaSalle Investment Management, to develop the Stoneleigh Park site was announced in January 2011. Having completed the arrangements with LaSalle, RASE Chief Executive, Brian Warren, has left the Society. Mr Richard Wood, formerly the site engineer for RASE, now works for LaSalle and he would be the person to approach re their views on HS2. Mr Denis Chamberlain, the Society’s former Director of Marketing and Communications, has stepped up to be Chief Executive of a smaller, more focused RASE.

127. Reports

Police Report

The following report was received from the Police:

·  On the 25th March an offender damaged part of the roof and brickwork of a garage in Acorn Close.

At a Warwick District Council awards ceremony held at Leamington Town Hall on 8th March 2011, Chairman, Cllr B. Mackay presented commendations to PCs Mike Everall and Adriano Towle for their outstanding contribution towards making Warwick District a safer place to live, work and visit.

County Councillor M. Doody

Cllr M. Doody gave the following report:

·  At the Area Committee meeting last Tuesday it was agreed to reduce the speed limit in Old Milverton to 30 mph.

·  Looking at putting a zebra crossing by the Rugby Tavern.

·  Sandy Lane has a speed limit of 30 mph at the Lillington end and 40 mph at the Blackdown end. As there is now a school along this road the speed limit for the whole of the road will be 30 mph.

·  The B4113 is being resurfaced and new road markings outside the Showground to hopefully make it safer.

·  The flood alleviation work has now been completed.

·  Warwickshire County Council has received £2.3 m from the Government to repair the pot-holes in the area.

·  The bus service from Baginton to Kenilworth which was removed due to the cuts has now been reinstated.

·  The Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Panel (LEP) is a business led partnership between the private and public sectors and is designed to boost economic growth in the area. A meeting was held yesterday when the Leader of Rugby Council attended. They are looking at spending money at the Showground, Ansty Site, and Coventry Airport. Before any of this can go forward they will need to obtain planning permission from Warwick District Council.

·  Warwickshire County Council is one of thirteen local authorities who have joined forces to formally oppose the HS2 scheme and each of the councils has signed up to the following position statement. “The authorities along the route have come together to oppose the proposals for High Speed rail as they are currently proposed.

It would appear than Virgin Railways from September will reduce the journey time to London by 9 minutes.

If the HS2 goes ahead it would appear that a power station would be built at Coleshill.

Cllr H Baker asked if anything was going to be done to the speed humps in Old Milverton. Cllr M. Doody responded by saying there will be no change. Cllr H. Baker said that the funding from LEP for Coventry Airport has been turned down. He asked if Jaguar/Landrover is part of LEP and he was told that it wasn’t. He also asked if LEP is replacing Advantage West Midlands and was informed that it was. It is made up of the business community and councils but the Chairman must be from the business community.

Cllr A. Taylor commented that Burton Green appreciated the efforts by Warwickshire County Council and Warwick District Council on the HS2.

Cllr L. Fletcher said that she reported pot-holes in Hall Close and she was pleased to see that they were repaired within 2 weeks.

Cllr V. Owen said that WALC tried to get a representative onto the LEP but was refused. Also he understands that shortly there will be a directive from Government not to install any further “Sleeping Policemen”.

County Councillor J. Whitehouse

No report received from Cllr J. Whitehouse.

District Councillor B. Mackay

No report received from Cllr B. Mackay.

District Councillor G. Illingworth

No report received from Cllr G. Illingworth.

128. Finance

a) Income/Expenditure

Income as shown in minute 117a
Less Expenditure 31st March 2011 / £26,598.70

b) Bank Reconciliation

At Co-operative Bank plc, Birmingham

A/C 6101168500 (Current) £198.38

A/C 6101168550 (Instant Access) £31.30

A/C 6101168556 (14 Day Deposit) £14,294.97




c) Cheques for Authorisation

On the proposition of Councillor Mrs L. Fletcher, seconded by Councillor G. Gatward, the accounts listed below were authorised for payment.

300835 Xerox UK Ltd £9.80

300836 Ashow Village Club £36.00

300837 Stoneleigh Village Hall £100.00

300838 PA Maddison (Sal Mar, Stat,Trav etc) £534.79

300839 HMRC £276.27

d) Summary Income & Expenditure – Year Ending 31st March 2011

Details of the above annexed as pages 90-92.

e) Local Councils in England and Wales – Annual Return

The Parish Council acknowledge their responsibility for the preparation of the accounts and confirm, to the best of their knowledge and belief, with respect to the Council’s accounts for the year ended 31st March 2010, the Statement of Assurance cited in the Annual Return.

f) Section 137, Local Government Act 1972 as Amended by Schedule 2 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989

Donations were agreed under the Section 137 agreement on purposes for the direct benefit of its area, or part of its area or all or some of its inhabitants:

Ashow Church – Contribution to Upkeep of Graveyard £500

Stoneleigh Church – Contribution to Upkeep of Graveyard £500

Burton Green Residents Association – Contribution to Newsletter £250

Stoneleigh and Ashow News – Contribution to Newsletter £250

Stoneleigh Action Group produced a business plan with their anticipated expenditure during the next financial year. This is annexed as page 93.

Standing Orders were suspended at 8.50 p.m. to allow the members of the public to participate in the discussions.

After discussing the business plan it was agreed that the Chairman, Cllr H. Baker meets with the Action Group Committee to discuss the business plan in more depth.

Standing Orders were re-instated at 9.07 p.m.

129. Planning

New Planning Applications

W11/0307 –1 The Cunnery, Stoneleigh Park

Move position of existing fence 6.5 metres towards the front of the property and erect with new fencing to match existing.

No Observations.

W11/0084 – 6 The Cunnery, Stoneleigh Park

Construction of a children’s playhouse.

No Observations.

W11/0204 – Park House, Ashow Road, Ashow

New Boundary Wall.

Parish Councils Objects. Boundary wall considered inappropriate in this setting.

W11/0222 – Park House, Ashow Road, Ashow

Demolition of existing single storey rear extension to be replaced by a larger single storey rear extension.

No Observations.

W11/0339 – 255 Cromwell Lane, Burton Green

Erection of single storey front extension.

No Observations.

Progress of Planning Applications

W11/0069- 16 Stoneleigh Close, Stoneleigh

Addition first floor extension

Planning Permission is Granted.

W11/0003- Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

Display of one externally illuminated 1.3m high monolith and 2 externally illuminated building mounted signs.

Advertisement Consent is Granted.

W10/1464- NAC, Plot 25, Stoneleigh Park

Alterations and extension to existing office building to provide mix of B1 and B8 floor space. Resurfacing to provide car park and service yard

Planning Permission is Granted.

W10/1637- South Garden, Stoneleigh Abbey

Partial demolition, alterations and repair to existing greenhouses and erection of pergola.

Planning Permission is Granted.

W10/1638LB- South Garden, Stoneleigh Abbey

Partial demolition, alterations and repair to existing greenhouses and erection of pergola.

Listed Building Consent is Granted.

130. Correspondence

Warwick District Council – Appointment of Parish and Town Council Representatives


WALC - Newsletter


131. Questions to Chairman

Cllr D. Persaud Asked if he could have a copy of the Parish Council’s Policy Statement for Grants.

Also whether it would be a good idea to have a Parish Council web-site.

Cllr V. Owen Suggested that the Burton Green Bugle should include Parish Council News.

Cllr L. Fletcher Asked if the Great British Show was still taking place at Stoneleigh Showground. It was responded yes.

Cllr A. Taylor Stated that the notice board in Burton Green needed attention. He agreed to clean the doors and review it again at the next meeting.

132. Meetings

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 12th May 2011 at 7.00 p.m. This will be followed by the Ordinary Council Meeting at 7.30 p.m. Both are being held at Stoneleigh Village Hall.

133. Closure

The business having been completed the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30 p.m.
