‘Script for July 2012 MidyearReview’


We have recently updated our FMS Strategic Plan. As a result, performance competencies have also been updated to ensure we are evaluating those competencies thatincorporate our core valuesand are better aligned to our positions.

The updated competencies will reflect what is needed from your individual roles/positions. You will be evaluated on these for this year (2012) and moving forward…see updated Competencies Definitions.

INTRO (Why we are meeting):

  • In addition to reviewing the updated competencies and their associated definitions, this is also an opportunity to review your strengths, identify opportunities for improvement in these areasat ‘midyear’ and to set goals for your success over the remainder of the review period.

IMPORTANCE OF THE Performance Evaluation:

  • My intent is to work closely with you to continue to improve your effectiveness, and proficiency in your trade/position as XXXXX, as well as work to improve employee satisfaction in your role at FMS and provide a sense of accomplishment for the work that you do and the contributions that you make to our organization!

DELIVERY of the Performance Evaluation:

1. So far this year, your STRENGTHS as I see them have been in the areas of:

  • Strength 1
  • Strength 2

2. I believe you have an OPPORTUNITY FOR DEVELOPMENT in the following areas:

  • Improvement #1 and WHY AND HOW
  • Improvement #2 and WHY AND HOW

3.IF APPLICABLE = Individual Development Plan/Goals:

  • Attend XXX training….
  • Assign XXX work….
  • ….GOAL #1
  • ….GOAL #2

FMS Competencies

FMS Values
Quality / Is attentive to detail and accuracy, is committed to excellence, looks for improvements continuously, monitors quality levels, finds root cause of quality problems, owns/acts on quality problems.
Transparency / Promptly, proactively, and consistently shares information and decisions; communicates in an open, honest and direct manner; ability to share true opinions and provide feedback that is delivered in a professional and constructive manner.
Dedication / Wholly committed and takes pride in going the extra mile to get the job done.
Collaboration / Consistently develops and sustains collaborative working relationships with customers, between all levels and departments and with all stakeholders. Encourages and facilitates cooperation within the organization and with customer groups; fosters commitment, team spirit, pride, trust.
Innovation / Generates new ideas, takes risks, supports change, encourages innovation, solves problems creatively.
Core Competencies
Dependability / Meets commitments, works independently, accepts accountability, handles change, sets personal standards, stays focused under pressure, meets attendance/punctuality requirements.
Integrity / Deals with others in a straightforward and honest manner, is accountable for actions, maintains confidentiality, supports company values, conveys good news and bad.
Job Competence / Understands duties and responsibilities, has necessary job knowledge, has necessary technical skills, understands company mission/values, keeps job knowledge current, is in command of critical issues.
Functional Competencies
Non-Trades & Trades
Customer Service / Handles customer questions and complaints, communicates with customers, handles service problems politely and efficiently, always available for customers, follows procedure to solve customer problems, understands company products and services, maintains pleasant and professional image.
Communication / Communicates well both verbally and in writing, creates accurate and punctual reports, delivers presentations, shares information and ideas with others, has good listening skills.
Operations Support
Customer Service / Handles customer questions and complaints, communicates with customers, handles service problems politely and efficiently, always available for customers, follows procedure to solve customer problems, understands company products and services, maintains pleasant and professional image.
Self Management / Sets well-defined and realistic personal goals; monitors progress and is motivated to achieve; displays a high level of initiative, effort, and commitment towards completing assignments in a timely manner; works with minimal supervision; demonstrates responsible behavior.
Administrative Support
Communication / Communicates well both verbally and in writing, creates accurate and punctual reports, delivers presentations, shares information and ideas with others, has good listening skills.
Self Management / Sets well-defined and realistic personal goals; displays a high level of initiative, effort, and commitment towards completing assignments in a timely manner; works with minimal supervision; is motivated to achieve; demonstrates responsible behavior.
Strategic Thinking / Creates and communicates a long-term vision, balances short and long term goals, keeps own and team's work aligned with overall goals, understands the market and can predict change, understands the industry and the competition, creates and adjusts strategic plans.
Technology Competence / Skilled in the use of computers, adapts to new technology, keeps abreast of changes, learns new programs quickly, uses computers to improve productivity. Knowledge of developments and new applications of information technology, emerging technologies and their applications to business processes to meet organizational requirements.
Strategic Thinking / Creates and communicates a long-term vision, balances short and long term goals, keeps own and team's work aligned with overall goals, understands the market and can predict change, understands the industry and the competition, creates and adjusts strategic plans.
People Management / Defines roles and responsibilities, motivates and challenges employees, delegates effectively, rewards contributions, manages collaboratively. Applies clear/consistent performance standards, handles performance problems decisively and objectively; ensure staff are treated in a fair and equitable manner.
Resilience / Deals effectively with pressure; maintains focus and intensity and remains optimistic and persistent even under adversity; recovers quickly from setbacks.