The Great Gatsby – Chapter III Study Guide

My Title: ______

Name: ______Due Date: ______

Davidson, English 3/4, Period _____Score: ______/ 23

Chapter III opens with a magical summer party at Gatsby’s. Fitzgerald’s ability to create a mood is demonstrated most effectively here. Notice the often ‘aimless’ conversation, the exciting glitter that hides a purposeless existence. Read the chapter completely and carefully before re-reading to answer these questions. Give quote and page #....!

1.Re-read the first seven paragraphs. Quote phrases or words from each paragraph that describe the summer parties:

2.During Prohibition in America, alcohol was prohibited for 13 years from 1920 – 1933. From what you have seen in the first three chapters, how has the period of Prohibition affected life in the 1920’s Jazz Age in America that Fitzgerald presents?

3.Nick was on his way to do what when he encounters Jordan Baker?

4.How do the quotes on page 44, “Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once” and “…he was a German spy during the war” help to characterize Gatsby?

5.Jordan and Nick meet someone in the library, Owl-Eyes. About what does he comment and what is Fitzgerald commenting about?

6.How does Nick meet Gatsby? What does he think of him?

7.Why doesn’t Jordan believe Gatsby was an “Oxford man”?

8.Nick likes New York (except eating in the Yale Club). What does he do for a living?

9.How does Nick feel about Jordan as the chapter progresses? What does he remember about her reputation?

10.There are two driving incidents in this chapter. First, Owl-Eyes has an accident; secondly, Jordan is driving and insists, “They’ll keep out of my way” (58). What do these two driving incidents mean?

11.Why does Nick consider himself “one of the few honest people that I have ever known?” (59).

12.Gatsby: (mark all that apply)

___is obviously an important, powerful, wealthy man

___gives glamorous, expensive parties he seems to not really enjoy

___is rumored to be a nephew or cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm’s

___is rumored to be a German spy

___is rumored to have killed a man

___once told Jordan he was an Oxford man, but Jordan did not believe him

___is always dancing and flirting with his many women party guests

___knows and has invited most of his party guests

___continues to be a mysterious character

13.True or False?

___Chapter 2 presents a party of average people living pointless, meaningless lives

___Chapter 3 presents a party of rich people living pointless, meaningless lives.

14.Complete and turn in Characterization Chart with this Study Guide (20 points).

Chapter III Quote Log (9 points total)

Must be different quotes than used in the study guide.

Page #QuoteMeaning


