Regency Park I & II Homeowners Association

Board Meeting Minutes – July 9, 2013

18503 Park Grove Lane– Dallas, TX 75287

President Kimberly Bolos called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. noting that a quorum of the 2013 – 2014 Directors was present.

ATTENDEES:Kimberly BolosArnold Gendelman

Malcolm ClarissimeauxCarter Hatton

James CollinsEhren Stewart

Sheila CollinsJulie Wilson


Minutes of the June 6, 2013 meeting were approved as redistributed on July 4 with corrections. Later in the meeting it was noted that the Association Garage Sale will be held on October 5, not September 28 as previously indicated in the minutes.


Carter Hatton distributed a copy of the financial report as of June 30, 2013 for the Association reflecting a total cash balance of $11,558.07.

Action: A column will be added to future reports to identify the dues collected via PayPal.


Arnold Gendelman advised the Board with the results of his research regarding three crime reports that are available for the Association area, including the one provided by the City of Dallas Police Department. Recent reports indicate few instances of crime within the Association boundaries.

After a lengthy discussion, Ehren Stewart offered to develop a draft of a proposed page for the Association website containing a link to the Police Department website and crime report.

Action: This page will be distributed to all Board members for review and approval.

Content from the City of Dallas door hanger with the Top Five reasons for code violations has been added to the website.

Action: Arnold Gendelman will request additional copies of the door hanger from the city to be distributed to homes within the Association boundaries.

Action: Kim Bolos will obtain photos of the polluted swimming pool at 4136 Seabury from Holly Hatton and contact Councilwoman Sandy Greyson’s office to request assistance regarding escalated inspection and enforcement of city codes against this residence.


Fernando Ochoa previously advised Kim Bolos that there was no new information to report.

Volunteers will be asked to assist in picking up trash along Frankford and Midway Roads.


Ehren Stewart advised that he has been working on enhancements to the Association website. There is unlimited space available through Yahoo Small Business. Suggestions for content as well as links to community services are needed to make the site even more relevant and appealing to the users.

It was suggested that information regarding the city recycling program, a list of those items that can or cannot be recycled, and spraying for West Nile Virus be added to the site.

Vanessa Stewart plans to publish the next newsletter August 15; asking that articles and suggestions for content be submitted by July 20.

Action: Arnold Gendelman will draft an article regarding security to be included.

Action: Julie Wilson will submit information regarding community service links and the average price per square foot for recent home sales in the area.


Julie Wilson distributed a report regarding the 2013 membership drive. To date, dues from 80 members have been received, including 11 new members.

Follow up activities will include a mailing emphasizing the benefits, responsibilities, and activities of the Association, most especially mowing the grass and maintenance of the perimeter walls.

The following Block Captains will be asked to solicit additional members from their respective areas.

Cedarview – Arnold Gendelman

Country Brook – Volunteer needed

Firebrick – Mike Watson

Joshua – Malcolm Clarissimeaux

Kentshire – Jack and Janna Birkner

Lawngate – Volunteer needed

Park Grove – Volunteer needed

Seabury – Beth Moore and Fernando Ochoa

Voss/West Creek – Chris Francois

Malcolm Clarissimeaux proposed that a small, but attractive yard sign be developed to be given to each member as recognition of their support for the Association.

Consideration should also be given to purchasing additional signs that advise when new content is posted to the web site as well as signage along Midway and Frankford Roads saying words to the effect that “this area is maintained by the Regency Park Homeowners Association”.

Action: It was discussed that Kim Bolos, with Ehren Stewart’s assistance, would update the email distribution list to reflect the latest member emails prior to the Newsletter distribution in August.


The Block Party will be held on Saturday, October 19. The Block Party Committee will be chaired by Holly Hatton. Janna Birkner will assist by soliciting corporate donations from area vendors.

The National Night Out for Crime Prevention is Tuesday, August 6, beginning at approximately 7:00 p.m. Arnold Gendelman will coordinate Association activities for the evening and investigate possible partnership with the Country Brook Homeowners Association. This event presents an additional opportunity to solicit new members for the Association.

Kim Bolos reported that a 5K Run is to be held in Addison on September 21 and suggested that a team be assembled from Regency Park. She will coordinate this effort and submit information for inclusion on the website.

Carol and Monty Martin, residents of Firebrick, have offered to host a holiday party.

Betty Oliver has volunteered to host a happy hour/social event, possibly in the spring.

Action: Kim Bolos will follow up with these members to determine the specifics regarding dates and logistics.

Action: Ehren Stewart volunteered to look into coordinating a monthly social.

Plano Prairie Gardens will conduct a seminar regarding low maintenance, Texas suitable landscapes at the Timberglen Library Auditorium on Thursday, July 18.


Kim Bolos is finalizing the paperwork necessary to obtain liability insurance policy from the City of Dallas.


Filing with the State of Texas on behalf of the Association will be submitted in August.


Association Documents

Malcolm Clarissimeaux advised that he would like to dispose of out of date documents he has retained on behalf of the Association. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved that these documents be discarded in accordance with all laws and regulations.

Ehren Stewart volunteered to scan all current Association documents to be added to the drop box for ongoing reference and retention.

Lessons Learned

Ehren Stewart proposed that in the future, a Lessons Learned report be prepared at the conclusion of any significant Association event or activity, including the names of key contacts and providers. This process will ensure that future activities are continuously enhanced and past missteps are not repeated. The Board agreed that this effort would prove valuable and should be implemented.


The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 1, at 6:30 p.m. at 18503 Park Grove Lane.

With no further business for consideration, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheila Collins


RPHOA – July 9, 2013 Minutes – Revised July 27, 2013Page 1