Novice Tier 2 Parent Meeting Sept 30/13

  1. Introductions:

·  Coach, Assistant Coaches, Manager, Parents

Kim Vincent, Corey Hartnell, Jason Arnott, Nathan Sigurdson, Keith Berg, Michael Myers(absent)

Jennifer Berg - Mgr

  1. Coach Philosophy

·  Skill devt, game iq

·  Discipline on bench, ice and dressing room – disrespect, intentional bad behavior (safety) coach speaks to child first, continues – parents. May sit a shift during game. Explanation will be provided following proper time passing

·  Short bench – last 3 minutes, close games only – not a typical occurance – will depend on situation – safety first

·  Expectations of players

o  Arrival time prior to games & practises – 40 minutes prior to game

ready to hit ice at beginning of practice

o  Dress code – voted tracksuits V Jackets – vote 9-3 for tracksuilts

-  Tracksuits available for purchase following practice Oct 1

o  Respect!!

o  Off-ice training: 10 000 pucks – Kim will register team – online program dedicated to developing kids skills off-ice

·  Expectations of parents

o  Zero tolerance – 24 hour cool off period – go through appropriate channels

o  Parents out of room 15 mins prior to games – coaches will address kids about upcoming game plan

o  No parents in room post-game/practice – kids should be able to dress/undress themselves. Let coaches have an opportunity to summarize games/practices with kids without distractions

  1. Team Operations

·  Volunteers

o  Treasurer – Christina Keller, cosigner – Jennifer Berg

o  Tournament Committee Representatives (need 2 representatives)

§  BJ Arnott

§  Clayton Dunford

o  Equipment Manager

§  Steve English

o  Fundraising

§  Jessie Loewen

o  Team Functions

o  Timekeepers/Scorekeepers

§  Greg Lewis

§  Jason Brander

§  A schedule will be made to ensure all games are covered

·  Number of votes needed to be considered majority 13 votes constitutes a majority

·  Tournaments—

o  Rescheduling ice with CAHL is difficult and could result in us travelling to another town to host a home game.

o  discussion/vote on number and travel distance vote on 3 – all in favor – including our own

·  Dryland –discussion/vote – no time – Kim offered it up to parents to run and organize if they choose

·  Health Care Forms –needed for each player, please send e-copy or hard copy to Jen

·  Fundraising—discussion/vote

o  Socks – 27.25$ times 2

o  Referees

o  Tournaments

o  Apparel

o  50/50

o  Greg Lewis will have silent auction at work Christmas Party

o  Scotia bank/ BMO offers money for opening accounts

o  Jeremy Pautler will look into ice program run by/organised by a family member

  1. Financial

·  Budgeted Expenses

·  Additional per player fees to cover team expenses - $100 cash call

·  Corporate sponsorship request – some parents offered to look into it with work

  1. Questions
  2. Summary

Communication is key

Parent/kid name cards will be provided – please send relavent info to show up on card to Jen

Rely on teammates if you need. Parents who work together are great role models for their children