
Section 1: Table Definitions 3

Section 2: Table Glossaries and Form Reference 5



SERVER maintenance 7


PERIPHERALS (all non-shared devices which may be plugged into a computer) 9


Network_DEVICE 11

Network_SERVICE 12






billing 18

Software standards 19

Section 3: Appendix - REFERENCE TABLES 20

Computer_Make 21


External_contract_service_family cross reference (VITA SErvice Families) 22

JOB_CATEGORY (to be used on spreadsheet) 23

Language 25

LAN_Device_type 26

Lan_Technology_ID 27




perating_system 30

peripherals_type 30

Server_function 30

telco_Provider 31

telco_service_type_category 33

Telco_Service_type 33

tool_type 34

tool_id 34

Telco_equipment_Type 38

Vendor 39

Table Descriptions (Reference tables included in Appendix A) 4

Agency Table 8

Agency_Presence Table 9

Business_Application Table 10

Bus_App_Server_Association Table 12

Computer_Room 13

External_Services Table 14

External_Services_Association Table 15

LAN_Device Table 16

LAN_Service Table 17

Personnel Table 18

Physical_Location Table 19

Shared_Enterprise_Device Table 21

Server Table 23

Server_Use_Association Table 24

Software Table 25

Telco_Circuit Table 26

User_LIsT 27

Voice_Services Table 28


Category_Ref Values 30

License_Type Values 32

Manufacturer_Ref Values 33

Network_Device_Ref Values 34

Other_Device_Ref Values 35

Provider_Ref Values 36

Server_Make_Ref Values 37

Server_Use_Ref Values 39

Service_Ref Values 40

Software_Ref Values 41

Speed_Ref Values 43

Technology_Type_Ref Values 44

Telco_Service_Ref Values 45

Vendor_Ref Values 47

Voice_Service_Ref Values 48

Section 1: Table Definitions

Table Descriptions (Reference tables included in Appendix)

Table / Definition
Physical_Location / Information describing the physical location(s) for an agency (starting with Headquarters and including all locations). The street address and associated details of a particular physical location for an agency. If an agency has a campus environment, the physical location is the street address for each building in the campus.
Computer_Room / Information concerning computer rooms, defined as a room that houses servers, mainframes or midrange computers that have the following characteristics: (1) at least 100 square feet, (2) separate climate controls for temperature and humidity and (3) electrical connections adequate for multiple computing devices.
Servers Details / Information concerning servers, midrange and mainframe computers at a specific location. You will also be asked to select which of your agency’s business applications, if any, are running on each server and/or mainframe.
Server Software / For each server, specify the software details. Server software includes operating systems, utilities, business applications, e-mail, GroupWare, communications, and connectivity. Included are commercial applications and shrink wrap software. Site licenses or select agreements are typically capitalized over the duration of the agreement. Software that is licensed under an annual subscription is recorded as an annual expense. If a maintenance or support agreement exists on a software license, and the main purpose of the agreement is to obtain updates and upgrades, the cost for the maintenance/support agreement should be recorded here. Software that is resident on a server but used by clients or is difficult to allocate cost wise between servers and clients should be allocated to the PC software category.
Peripherals / Specify the current quantity of peripherals by type for this location. Includes all non-shared devices which can be plugged into a computer.
Personal Computer / Specify the quantity of PCs by type for this location. Includes any stationary desktop workstations and mobile computers. Mobile computers include laptops and handheld devices.
Network Device / A network device is any communications device necessary to support a LAN, WAN or Wireless LAN infrastructure.
Network_Service / Information concerning the Local Area Network (LAN) services at a specific physical location.
Telco Equipment / Information concerning any telecommunications equipment provided at a specific physical location that is NOT BILLED by DIT. Such equipment includes customer premises equipment such as PBX, ACD, Key Systems and IVR/VRU. Also includes equipment for conferencing, audio/video, satellite and broadcasting. This category EXCLUDES desktop telephones.
Telco_Service / Information concerning any telecommunications circuits and services provided at a specific physical location which are NOT billed by DIT. All telecommunications services billed by DIT will be captured directly from DIT and presented to the Agency for review. Examples include all voice, data, and video services, both wired and wireless, including satellite, cellular, mobile radio, audio/video, broadcasting, Internet, etc.
Shared_Enterprise_Device / Information concerning Enterprise class devices attached to networks for shared use by servers and/or users. Examples include, high capacity printers used for high volume batch printing services, network attached storage devices, storage area networks, tape backup silos, tape cartridge subsystems, etc. Do NOT include typical workgroup printers and similar devices (less than $1,500 value).
Agency Business Application / Agency acquired or developed strategic business applications or systems which may include multiple licensed software components as well as custom developed software. Examples include Pavement Management System, Voter Registration System, etc.
Central systems such as CARS and PMIS should only be reported by the central agency that owns it.
External_Contract Services / Information concerning the paid services provided to your agency either by external service providers or some other agency (e.g. DGS, etc.). External services include such things as application hosting, ASP services, backup services, database hosting, email, IT consulting, seat management, storage services, systems development and web hosting. External services does not apply to staff augmentation (i.e., body shop contracting), Telco or any services billed by DIT. Total annual maintenance costs for LAN/WAN premise equipment should be included in this section as well.
Information concerning third party/vendor maintenance and warranty costs for servers, software and shared enterprise devices is NOT captured here.
Billing / Information concerning DIT billing. The adjusted cost field allows agencies to rectify any inaccuracies.
Software Standards / Information concerning all licensed, ‘commercial off the shelf’ (COTS) software currently installed on servers and mainframes (as defined in this document), for which a license was purchased or leased, and ongoing software maintenance fees are paid.
This definition includes such things as operating systems, DBMS, email, ERP Applications, GIS, group/collaboration, etc.
This definition does NOT include such things as custom developed code or COTS module customization where no licensing is involved. In addition, standard utility applications (i.e. backup, virus, etc.) should not be identified.

Section 2: Table Glossaries and Form Reference





Building_name / Enter the building name (such as Monroe, Washington, Plaza, 9th Street Office) associated with a location.
street_name_1 / Enter the street name (UPS not PO Box) associated with the location.
street_name_2 / Additional Address Information
City / Enter the full town or city name (no abbreviations).
District_ID / This is a new feature built into Asset Portfolio. Agency’s with large numbers of people gathering data and many physical locations, may add the physical locations which they are responsible for to a district. They may then sort their locations by district. It is not a mandatory field, and agencies do not need to use this feature.
state_ownership_ind / Indicate whether the location is owned, leased or other by the state (other might include property donated for free).
Agency Location comment / Enter any related comments.
Physical Location comment / Enter any related comments
state_code / Select the two-letter abbreviation for the state associated with the location.
zip_code / Enter zip code
lease_termination_date / Information describing the date on which the current facility lease terminates.
lease_termination_penalties / Information describing the financial penalties associated with terminating the lease prior to the lease termination date. For small agencies prior to < 1/01/04, For medium agencies < 7/1/04, for large agencies < 1/1/05
closed_ind / Check if location closed
cost_per_sq_foot / Enter annual cost for lease/state charge ending
Form Reference: Physical Location Maintenance
Definition /
The official name of the agency. /
Information describing the physical location(s) for an agency (starting with Headquarters and including all locations). /
Agency acquired or developed strategic business applications or systems which may include multiple licensed software components as well as custom developed software. Examples include Pavement Management System, Voter Registration System, etc. Central systems such as CARS, PMIS and ProBud should only be reported by the central agency that owns it. /
Link that maintains information concerning the business applications that run on servers, midranges and mainframes. /
Information concerning computer rooms, defined as a room that houses servers, mainframes or midrange computers that have the following characteristics: (1) at least 100 square feet, (2) separate climate controls for temperature and humidity and (3) electrical connections adequate for multiple computing devices. /
Information concerning the paid services provided to your agency either by external service providers or some other agency (e.g.. DGS, etc.). External services include such things as application hosting, ASP services, backup services, database hosting, email, IT consulting, seat management, storage services, systems development and web hosting. External services does not apply to staff augmentation (i.e., body shop contracting), Telco or any services billed by DIT. Total annual maintenance costs for LAN/WAN premise equipment should be included in this section as well.Information concerning third party/vendor maintenance and warranty costs for servers, software and shared enterprise devices is NOT captured here. /
Facilitates the capability to identify individual services within a provider’s service bundle. /
Information concerning the Local Area Network (LAN) services at a specific physical location. /

FTE (Full Time Equivalent) quantities at a specific location for all individuals who are performing IT functions, or are providing direct support to IT personnel. This collectively includes those individuals who are:

1)Classified as IT staff 2) Not classified as IT staff but are spending their time performing IT functions

3) IT staff augmentation (contractors) personnel, EXCLUDING any augmentation staff billed through DIT.4) Not classified as IT staff but are directly supporting IT Staff noted above (i.e. Administrative Support, Procurement, HR, Training, Fiscal & Budget)

FTE should include staffing (actual headcount and open positions) as of August 1, 2002. The FTE Headcount shall be broken down into the identified categories based upon work performed during FY02.Hourly and Contractor employees must be converted to FTE (1,800 hours per year = 1 FTE). /
The street address and associated details of a particular physical location for an agency. If an agency has a campus environment, the physical location is the street address for each building in the campus. /
All IT Projects either in progress or under consideration through FY06. Include all projects regardless of approval and/or funding. Please indicate as well any projects that may have been temporarily suspended or were recently cancelled. .In this case, provide any information and cost estimates that were developed prior to the project’s suspension.All IT Projects with total expenditures (goods and services) between $100,000 and $1,000,000 should be included. Any project in excess of $1,000,000 must also be included, unless an accurate Major IT Project Baseline Data Template has already been completed and is on file with DTP.IT includes all IT Products (hardware, software), IT Services, and Telecommunications (voice, data, wireless, and video) products and services, as defined in the Department of General Services / Division of Purchase and Supply (DGS/DPS) Agency Procurement and Surplus Property Manual. /
Information concerning all licensed, ‘commercial off the shelf’ (COTS) software currently installed on servers and mainframes (as defined in this document), for which a license was purchased or leased, and ongoing software maintenance fees are paid.This definition includes such things as operating systems, DBMS, email, ERP Applications, GIS, group/collaboration, etc. This definition does NOT include such things as custom developed code or COTS module customization where no licensing is involved. In addition, standard utility applications (i.e. backup, virus, etc.) should not be identified. /
Information concerning servers, midrange and mainframe computers at a specific location. You will also be asked to select which of your agency’s business applications, if any, are running on each server and/or mainframe. /
Links Server Use to a specific Server - shows when a single server performs multiple tasks. /
Information concerning Enterprise class devices attached to networks for shared use by servers and/or users. Examples include, high capacity printers used for high volume batch printing services, network attached storage devices, storage area networks, tape backup silos, tape cartridge subsystems, etc.Do NOT include typical workgroup printers and similar devices (less than $1,500 value). /
Information concerning any telecommunications circuits and services provided at a specific physical location which are NOT billed by DIT. All telecommunications services billed by DIT will be captured directly from DIT and presented to the Agency for review. Examples include all voice, data, and video services, both wired and wireless, including satellite, cellular, mobile radio, audio/video, broadcasting, Internet, etc. /
Information describing the agency point of contact(s) /
.Information concerning any telecommunications equipment provided at a specific physical location that is NOT BILLED by DIT. Such equipment includes customer premises equipment such as PBX, ACD, Key Systems and IVR/VRU. Also includes equipment for conferencing, audio/video, satellite and broadcasting. This category EXCLUDES desktop telephones. /


computer_room_id / Number that uniquely identifies a computer room.
room_name_number / Enter the name and/or number of the computer room. A computer room houses server, mainframes etc. and must be at least 100 sq. feet.
cost_per_sq_ft / If a premium is paid for space used as the computer room, enter the annual cost per square foot of the computer room here.
raised_floor_sq_ft / Enter computer room square footage of removable flooring with space provided underneath for wiring access, air conditioning and/water control
non_raised_floor_sq_ft / Enter the square footage of computer room space not counted as raised floor
comment_text / Enter related comments.
Delete_record / Allows you to delete a computer room record

SERVER maintenance (please note, you will need to add function, software, and business app. for each server)

server_name / Indicate the server name by which the server is commonly known (e.g., some nickname).
Use_type / Select from Drop Down (see appendix)
operating_system / Select from Drop Down list.
model_name / Enter the model name and/or number of the server (e.g., Proliant).
Computer_make / Manufacturer
Production_ind / Select whether the server is used as a production server.
shared_with_agencies_ind / Check if shared with other agency
comment_text / Enter related comments.
Serial_No / Enter serial number located on the server
owned_leased_ind / Select if the server is owned or leased or other.
lease_termination_date / The date that the lease of the server ends.
annual_lease_cost / Enter the annual cost associated with the lease
lease_termination_penalties / Enter penalties if any. For small agencies prior to < 1/01/04, For medium agencies < 7/1/04, for large agencies < 1/1/05
purchase_year / Enter the year that the server was purchased
cost_per_unit / Enter cost per unit
annual_maint_warranty_cost / Enter the annual third party/vendor cost to maintain and/or provide warranty support.
Form Reference: Servers