Final review guide and essay questions

The final exam will consist of 100 questions The exam will be 50 % comprehensive and 50% from chapters 32 – 37.

Chapter 32-37 Concepts to review - Read the chapters and pay close attention to the following:

How do plants obtain water and nutrients?

How do plants determine seasons?

Biotic factors - predation, herbivory, diversity, food chains, and competition.

Abiotic factors – wind , sunlight, water, temperature

Models regard population growth and how populations leave an ecological footprint.

The interspecific interactions within a community and the results of disturbance.

Trophic levels and food chains. Rule of 10. Nutrient recycling.

Chapters 1-5 Hit the end of chapter outlines and seek unfamiliar material to review.

Make sure you can answer the multiple chocie questions at the end of chapters

Access the vocab words link and look for unfamiliar words

Review cellular organization

Review characteristics of the three domains of life: prokaryota,

Eukaryota, and archeae.

Evolution is a unifying theme. Review concept of natural selection

Review science as a process: scientific method, variables, controls

Review some of the elements typically found in living things:

Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, sulfur. What do their

Valence shells look like?

Review difference between covalent and ionic. How can you distinguish?

Ie. look at electronegativity table on web site.

Can you recognize polarity? What makes a molecule polar?

Like dissolves like.

Review meaning of pH scale and what it means to be acidic

Review what features of water derive from hydrogen bonding:

Be prepared to draw a simple amino acid and show how it peptide bonds to another

to form a peptide bond.

Proteins: what are the 4 levels of structural hierarchy? Primary, secondary .....

Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

What is the basic form of a biological membrane – fluid mosaic

For review- break each of the eukaryotic oraganelles into functional categories:

What does each one do: 1) manufacturing, 2) breakdown, 3) energy processing

4)  support, movement, communication?

How does the cytoskeleton help maintain cell shape and function?

What are the major differences between plant and animal cells?

What is the fluid mosaic model and how does it apply to the lipid bilayer?

Compare passive transport and active transport across a membrane.

Which of the above goes against a concentration gradient?

Which category does osmosis fall into? Facilitated diffusion?

What happens to a cell dropped into hypotonic solution? Hypertonic?

Review Exo and Endocytosis.

Why does a catalyst work?

Why is the degradation of macromolecules usually exergonic?

How can thermodynamically unfavorable reactions be made to run forward?

Why are enzymes subject to limitations of temperature and pH?

Why is it possible to inhibit an enzyme?

Why can a small amount of enzyme catalyze many reactions.

In your own words state: The first law of thermodynamics.

The second law of thermodynamics.

Ch 6-9

Know the 3 stages of cellular respiration and the input reactants and output products of each.

Know what will happen if cells are forced to go anaerobic.

Know the Light and Dark Reactions of Photosynthesis

Know the stages of Mitosis and of Meiosis

Review Mendel’s laws. Segregation and Independent Assortment.

What happens when Mendel’s laws don’t apply?

Genotype vs Phenotype

10-14 Know how DNA replication works and how base pairing contributes to its function

Know how genetic tools are used to study the function and regulation of genes

Know how natural selection contributes to the theory of evolution.

Describe the structure of a DNA molecule.

Contrast the functions of the three main types of RNA

Why do some kinds of point mutations cause greater changes in proteins than others?

How does transcription differ from DNA replication? Describe at least four differences.

15 Know how the Linnaen system of classification works.

16 Know that Fungi are composed of hyphae and have cell walls made of chitin.

What are the products of yeast fermentation?

31 Know the differences between monocots and dicots

32 Know the basic anatomy of plants. Roles of roots , stems, leaves.

33 Be able to trace flow of water from root to leaf and the processes that drive this.

(aka root pressure and transpiration). Predict consequences of dry conditions on these processes

and wet conditions.