Career Bingo

Learning Outcomes

In this lesson, students will use a class game to learn about careers and the sixteen career clusters.

Grade Level: 6-8

Teacher Planning

One 45-minute class period

Materials Needed for Activity

·  Copied Bingo sheets (one for each student team)

·  Writing implements

Lesson Details

Guiding Questions

·  How are careers divided into clusters?

·  What do you know about the functions of different careers?


·  Category – A group for things with similar characteristics.

·  Career Cluster—A category into which careers are divided based on each career’s function.

o  Law, Public Safety, and Security

o  Information Technology

o  Education and Training

o  Human Services Cluster

o  Health Sciences Cluster

o  Hospitality Cluster

o  Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Cluster

o  Marketing, Sales & Service Cluster

o  Manufacturing

o  Architecture and Construction

o  Arts, A/V Technology and Communications

o  Finance

o  Business, Management, & Administration

o  Government & Public Administration

o  Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

o  Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Teacher Instruction/ Student Activity

1.  Before you play Career Bingo, you have to prepare the Bingo sheet. Print the included 5x5 sheet. Now prepare a list of 20 questions and answers about careers and career clusters. Most answers should be the names of careers or career clusters. Example: Q: Which career cluster has careers that help sick people? A: Health Sciences

2.  Once you have your questions and answers prepared, have students split into teams of relatively equal size. Distribute a Bingo sheet to each group.

3.  Read the answers to the questions aloud (in many cases this will be a list of the 16 career clusters). As you read the answer list, each team should write the answers into boxes of their choosing on their Bingo sheet.

4.  Make sure that the groups are ready to play.

5.  Ask the teams each question on your list and give them time to deliberate. When a team identifies the answer to a question, they should circle it on their Bingo sheet.

6.  When a group's answers create a straight line or diagonal line across the Bingo sheet, they should shout 'Bingo!'. Check their answers--if they have correct answers circled in their line, they win the game. If they have one or more incorrect answers circled in their line, then they are eliminated from the game.

7.  The game continues until a team has won.

8.  Reward the victors and console those who were defated.


Students who exceed the lesson objectives will:

·  Participate actively in the game

·  Play competitively without gamesmanship

Students who meet the lesson objectives will:

·  Participate in the game as part of a team

·  Show moderate interest in the game

Students who do not meet the lesson objectives will:

·  Avoid participation in the game

·  Disrupt the game