Third Grade – The First People

Lesson 4

Title: Native Americans Today

Unit of Study: Third Grade – The First People


G4.0.4 Use data and current information about the Anishinaabeg and other American Indians living in Michigan today to describe the cultural aspects of modern American Indian life; give an example of how another cultural group in Michigan today has preserved and built upon its cultural heritage.

H3.0.4 Draw upon traditional stories of American Indians (eg. Anishinaabeg- Ojibway (Chippewa), Odawa (Ottawa), Potawatomi; Menominee’ Huron Indians) who lived in Michigan in order to make generalizations about their beliefs.

4-H3.0.4 Draw upon stories, photos, artifacts, and other primary sources to compare the life of people in towns and cities in Michigan and in the Great Lakes region during a variety of times periods from 1837 to the present.

Abstract: The students will compare and contrast Native Americans from today and in the past through literature and classroom discussion.

Key Concepts: Native Americans, culture, past, present, misconception

Sequence of Activities: (approximately 30 minutes)

1.  Write down the words: Native American. Ask students what they know about this term and the people it represents. Create a T-chart on the whiteboard/chart paper. Label the sides “Our Ideas about Native Americans Today” and “New Truths and Information about Native Americans Today”. List student responses for initial ideas about these terms (column 2 will be filled in later).

2.  Have students draw two pictures. One of a Native American 200 years ago and one of what they think a Native American would look like today. Share and add their observations about the Native American pictures to their initial responses on the chart paper.

3.  After students have shared their preconceptions of Native Americans, share a variety of photographs about Native Americans today. (Photo Sheet Included) Discuss findings and address student misconceptions.

4.  Complete column two of the classroom T-chart “New Truths and Information about Native Americans Today”.

5.  Show Discovery Education video: Native Americans: People of the Forest. Segment 5-6

o  Native American History Since the Arrival of Europeans (01:47)

o  Life on the Modern Reservation (5:34)

6.  Discuss how Native Americans can be totally integrated into modern society (same clothes, jobs, cars) as well as the building of casinos for income.

7.  Discuss how Native Americans can still be living on a reservation and keep some of their old cultural ways. (dress, beads, ceremonies, hair, etc.)


English Language Arts: Paragraph or Quick Write of knowledge gained

Extensions: Student can write a few fact questions/answers to create a match game with students or be compiled to create a classroom Jeopardy game. Blank template available on bottom of website:

Instructional Resources:


Teacher Resources: Recommended book: Children of Native Americans Today By: Yvonne Wakin Dennis

Information & Facts:

This work by Calhoun ISD Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.