Unit 1 Homework Page 8

Name ____KEY______Period ____

CRHS Academic Chemistry

Unit 1 Matter and Change


Due DateAssignment On-Time (100)Late (70)




______Warm Ups


#1 / #6
#2 / #7
#3 / #8
#4 / #9
#5 / #10


  1. What is matter? _____Anything that has mass and takes up space______
  1. Name 3 properties of solids.

Definite shape; definite volume; particles packed closely


  1. Name 3 properties of liquids.

Variable shape; definite volume; particles are packed

Loosely together

  1. Name 3 properties of gases.

Variable shape; variable volume; particles far apart

Classify each of the following properties as either chemical or physical by putting a check in the appropriate column.

Physical / Chemical
  1. blue color
/ X
  1. density
/ X
  1. flammability
/ X
  1. solubility
/ X
  1. reacts with acid to form H2
/ X
  1. combusts easily
/ X
  1. sour taste
/ X
  1. mass
/ X
  1. reacts with water to form a gas
/ X
  1. explodes when in contact with water
/ X
  1. hardness
/ X
  1. boiling point
/ X
  1. can neutralize a base
/ X
Physical / Chemical
  1. length
/ X
  1. odor
/ X
  1. reacts with a base to form water
/ X
  1. Using the list above, name 2 intensive physical properties.blue color, density, flammability, solubility, sour taste, hardness, boiling point
  2. Using the list above, name 2 extensive physical properties. Mass, length______

23. For each sample below, determine if the contents represent an element (E), compound (C), homogeneous (HOM) or heterogeneous mixture (HET). Then…

a)Circle the substances that can be separated by physical meansPhys

b)Box the substances that can be separated by chemical meansChem

c) Star the pure substances.*

___HET_ Iced Tea with table sugar (C12H22O11)Phys
__E____ Aluminum metal (Al) *
___HET_ Table Salt (NaCl) and sand (SiO2)Phys
____E__ Copper metal (Cu) *
____E__ Sulfur dust (S) *
___C__ Water (H2O) *Chem
__HET__ Olive Oil and waterPhys
__HOM_ Kool-aid and waterPhys / ____C__ Baking soda (NaHCO3) *Chem
____E__ Iron metal (Fe) *
____HETIron metal and sulfur dust (Fe and S)Phys
___E__ Carbon dust (C) *
__HOMStainless steel (Fe, Cr, Ni, Mo, C, Mn)Chem
___C__Copper (II) sulfate (CuSO4) crystals *Phys
___HETA speckled rockChem
__HOMCrude Oil (C5H12, C8H18 , C4H10,C20H42, others)Phys


  1. What is the density of an object with a mass of 45 grams and a volume of 5.0 mL?


Will this object float or sink in water? ( FLOAT / SINK ). How do you know? Sink because density greater than 1 g/mL ______

  1. What is the density of an object that has a mass of 5.0 grams and a volume of 72.3 mL?

  1. What is the density of an object that has a volume of 232.0 m3 and a mass of 273 kg?
  1. The density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL. How many milliliters are there in 300.0 grams of mercury?
  1. A solution of hydrochloric acid has a density of 1.12 g/mL.

a)Calculate the mass of 250 mL of the solution.

b)Calculate the volume occupied by 250 grams of the solution.

  1. The density of uranium is 18.9 g/ cm3. What is the mass of 2.00 cm3 of Uranium?
  1. The density of uranium is 18.9 g/ cm3. What is the volume of 27 grams of Uranium?


1. Classify each of the following as being a physical (P) or chemical (C) change:

___P__Sodium hydroxide dissolves in water.
___C__Hydrochloric acid reacts with potassium
hydroxide to produce a salt, water, and heat.
___ P__ A pellet of sodium is sliced in two.
___ P__ Water is heated and changed to steam.
___ C__ Potassium chlorate decomposes to potassium
chloride and oxygen gas.
___ C__ Iron rusts.
___ P__ Evaporation
___ P__ Ice melting / ___ P__ Sugar dissolves in water.
___ C__ Wood rotting
___ C__ Pancakes cooking on a griddle
___ C__ Grass growing in a lawn
___ P__ A tire is inflated with air.
__ C___ Food is digested in the stomach.
__ P___ Water is absorbed by a paper towel.
___ C__ When placed in water, a sodium pellet catches
on fire as H2 gas is liberated and NaOH forms.
___ C__ Milk sours

2. List the 4 indicators of a chemical change:

1)Heat Exchange

2)Color Change

3)Production of Gas

4)Formation of Precipitate

3.You are tutoring a 5th grade science student. Write 4 original (not from your notes) sentences describing the difference between physical and chemical changes. Be sure to include examples.

4. State the law of conservation of mass in words: matter cannot be created or destroyed

5. State the formula for the law of conservation of mass:

____Mass Reactants = MassProducts______

Fill in the missing mass for #’s 6 through 13

6. 17.0 g sodium + 129.2 g magnesium fluoride  47.4 g sodium fluoride + __98.8___ g magnesium

7. __96.3_____ g sodium + 12.2 g magnesium fluoride  21.4 g sodium fluoride + 87.1 g magnesium

8. Na + Cl  NaCl

30.5 g41.84 g__72.34__g

9. 2Ca + O22CaO

_118.2__ g38.2 g156.4 g

10. 2Na + MgF22NaF+ Mg

17.0 g129.2 g47.4 g_98.8_ g

11. 2Na + MgF22NaF + Mg

__96.3__g12.2 g21.4 g87.1 g

12. 4Na + O22Na2O

__52.1_g15.8 g67.9 g

13. 2Na + 2HCl H2+ 2NaCl

__41.8_g31.2 g47.1g25.9 g

14. 40 g of calcium reacts with 71 g of chlorine to produce _111_ g of calcium chloride.

15. ____78___ g of potassium reacts with 16 g of oxygen to produce 94 g of potassium oxide.

16. In the following reaction: 2NaN3 decomposes to form 2Na + 3N2. If 500 grams of NaN3 decomposes to form 323.20 grams of N2. How much Na is produced? ____176.8 or 177_____ g