
Senate Bill(SB) 208, passed by the 84thTexas Legislature, Regular Session (2015), requires the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to integrate into a single vocational rehabilitation (VR) program the two separate programs for individuals with visual impairments and individuals with other disabilities not later than October 1, 2017.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) Combined State Plan for Program Years 2016–2019 (Combined State Plan) identifies two designated state units (DSUs) to administer the VR programs: one for General Services and one for Blind Services.To meet the requirements of SB 208, TWC must amend the Combined State Plan to establish one DSU for all VR services.


WIOA requires eachstate to identify its goals and priorities in carrying out the VR program in its Combined State Plan.[1]In Texas’ Combined State Plan, each DSU lists its own separate set of goals.[2]As a first step in amending the Combined State Plan to establish one DSU, TWC must develop one set of goals for the integrated VR program.

WIOA also requires the goals and priorities to be jointly developed, agreed to, and reviewed annually by the DSU and state rehabilitation council, which in Texas is the Rehabilitation Council of Texas (RCT).[3]TWC staff provided an initial draft of the integrated VRgoals to RCT at itsquarterly meeting on November 3, 2016. Initial feedback from members was supportive of the draft of the integrated VR goals. As of December 6, 2016, staff has not received additional feedback from RCT members.

On November 22, 2016, the Commission approved the draftVR goals and posted them for public comment on the Vocational Rehabilitation Services web page. Comments were accepted until November 30, 2016. TWC received two written comments during the comment period, both inquiring if VR intended to serve only individuals with disabilities in the specific target populations listed in Goal Area 1. This is not the intention of the goal area. The target populations were selected for particular, but not exclusive, focus because the VR programs previously determined that individuals in these populations were unserved or underserved. Staff is recommending minor wording changes to the draft VR goals to provideclarification.


Staff recommends that the Commission adopt the revised VR goals in the following three areas, with additional detail for each area provided in Attachment 1.

  • Goal Area 1: Target Populations
  • Goal Area 2: Services to Students and Youth with Disabilities
  • Goal Area 3: Partnerships

Following the adoption of the VR goals, TWC will share these goals with the public at stakeholder meetings, which are scheduled in January 2017, and which are intended to solicit additional stakeholder input on the integrationof the two DSUs.

Attachment 1

Vocational Rehabilitation Goals for a Combined Designated State Unit for Inclusion in the Workforce Innovationand Opportunity Act Combined State Plan for Public Comment

Goal Area 1: Target Populations

Improve customeremployment outcomes for individuals with significant disabilities, including but not limited to individuals who are blind or significantly visually impaired, individuals who are from minority backgrounds, customers with developmental or intellectual disabilities, neurodevelopmental disorders (including autism), mental health disorders, and veterans with disabilities.

Increase counselors’ knowledge ofwork incentives and the effect of earnings on Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income toimprove counselors’ provision of vocational counseling on decisions impacting employment.

Provide a customer service delivery system that makes information available tocustomerson their options for services, providers, careers, and other areas, to (1) enable informed consumer choice and (2) deliver quality and timely services.

Goal Area 2: Services to Students and Youth with Disabilities

Expand and improvevocational rehabilitation services, including preemployment transition services for students with disabilities who are transitioning from high school to postsecondary education and/or employment, and improve coordination with state and local secondary and postsecondary educational entities.

Provide supported employment services for youth and other individuals with the most significant disabilities who require extended support in order to achieve and maintain an employment outcome.

Goal Area 3: Partnerships

Enhance collaboration and coordination with Local Workforce Development Boards, employers, and other stakeholders to increase competitive integrated employment outcomes and work-based learning experiences, which may include in-school or after-school opportunities such as internships, volunteer positions, and summer and year-round work experience programs.

DP Draft Integrated VR Goals_Post Comment Period (12 6 16) Notebook.docx

Agenda Item: 12/20/16 Commission Meeting 1

[1]29 U.S.C. §721(a)(15)(C)

[2]WIOA Combined State Plan, Appendix 2, §11 ( and Appendix 3, §12 (

[3]29 U.S. Code §721(a)(15)(C) and 29 U.S. Code §725(c)(2)(A)