Spring, 2009 Course Syllabus

Social Safety Nets: Theories & Practices



Hsiao-hung Nancy Chen(陳小紅)

I.  Introduction:

Related Concepts: Social Protection

Social Exclusion/Social Inclusion

Social Welfare

Social Security

Social Safety Nets, etc.

II.  Main Theoretical Foundations/Models of Social Safety Nets:

(1). Theoretical Foundations/Models

1.  The Keynesian Model

2.  The Beveridge Model

3.  The Bismarck Model

4.  The Fabian Model, etc.

Fitzpatrick, Tony, 2001, Welfare Theory: An Introduction, UK: Palgrave.

(2). Issues Involved

1. The roles of the State, Market, Community, Family and Individual

2. Universal Vs. Selective Principles(Coverage)

3. Welfare Rights Vs. Hand-outs (Welfare Ideology)

4. The tradition of social solidarity Vs. Market competition

5. Welfare State Vs. Social Provision for the Very Needy, etc.

Pierson, Christopher and Francis G. Castles, 2000, The Welfare State Reader, Cambridge: Polity Press.


Ian Gough著、古允文譯,1995,福利國家的政治經濟學,台北:巨流圖書公司。


(3). Social Policy Implications: Social Security System Derived

Ex.: Budgetary System

Social Insurance System

Personal Account System etc.

Mink, Gwendolyn and Rickie Solinger (eds.), with a forward by Frances Fox Piven, 2003, Welfare: A Documentary History of U.S. Policy and Politics, New York: New York University Press.

陳小紅,2008, “台灣社會政策的發展、啟示與展望”, 第四屆社會政策國際論壇論文--東亞社會政策的形成與發展,中國上海,July 17.








III.  Factors Impinge Upon Social Security System:

(1). Demographic Transition—The First and Second Stage of Population


(2). Family Structural Changes

(3). Economic & Financial Situation of a Country

(4). Value Premises Shifts

(5). Political Democratization, etc.

Jones, Kathleen, 2000, The Making of Social Policy in Britain: From the Poor Law to New Labor, London: The Athlone Press.

IV.  Demographic Transition & Its Policy Implications—A Global perspective

(1). The 1st Stage of Population Transition

(2). The 2nd Stage of Population Transition

(3). Policy Implications:

Country Experiences (Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore and Other Countries)

McDonald, Peter, 2005, “Very Low Fertility: Its Causes and Its Remedies”, Paper Presented at International Workshop on Low Fertility and Population Policies, Seoul: Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, July 3-5.

Retherford, Robert, 2005, “Japan’s Baby Bust: Causes, Implications and Policy Responses”, Paper Presented at International Workshop on Low Fertility and Population Policies, Seoul: Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, July 3-5.

Lee, Sam-Sik, 2005, “Lowest Fertility and Policy Directions in Korea”, Paper Presented at International Workshop on Low Fertility and Population Policies, Seoul: Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, July 3-5.

Soo, Daphne, 2005, “Singapore’s Fertility Challenges”, Paper Presented at International Workshop on Low Fertility and Population Policies, Seoul: Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, July 3-5.

Kim, Minja, 2005, “Marriage, Work, and Family Life in Korea, Japan, and the United States”, Paper Presented at International Workshop on Low Fertility and Population Policies, Seoul: Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, July 3-5.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy(陳小紅),2005,”Taiwan’s Demographic Transition and Its Policy Implications”, Paper presented at International Workshop on Low Fertility and Population Policies, Seoul: Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, July 3—5.




V.  Globalization & Social Safety Nets:

(1). Globalization & Labor Issues

1. International Migration—Foreign Labor Issues

2. International Capital Flow, Outsourcing & Unemployment

3. Human Trafficking

(2). Policy Implications:

Country Experiences(Taiwan, China, Philippines, Singapore, Russia, etc. )

Yeates, Nicola, 2001, Globalization and Social Policy, London: Sage Publications.

Esping-Anderson, Gosta, 1990, The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, UK: Polity Press.

Choi, E. Kwan and David Greenaway, 2001, Globalization and Labor Markets, UK: Blackwell Publishers.

Ross, Andrew, 2004, Low Pay High Profile: The Global Push for Fair Labor, New York & London: The New Press.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy(陳小紅),2006,”Social Safety Nets and Socio-economic Disparity under Globalization”, Paper presented at APEC Symposium on Socio-economic Disparity, Seoul, Korea, June 28-29.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy(陳小紅),2003,”A Case Study of Chinese Taipei”, in Chanyong Park & Kye Woo Lee (eds.), Globalization and Social Safety Nets in Asia-Pacific Region, Seoul, Korea: KIHASA: APEC SSN CBN Head Institution, Ministry of Health and Welfare, pp.49—86.

Van Der Bly, Martha C. E., 2005, “Globalization: A Triumph of Ambiguity”, Current Sociology, Vol. 53, No. 6, November, pp. 875-893.



VI.  Ageing & Related Policies:

(1). Pension/ Pension Reforms

(2). Elderly Housing

(3). Elderly Care—Medical & Otherwise

(4). Country Experiences (European Vs. US Vs. Asian Countries)

The Oxford Institute of Ageing, 2004, Ageing Society.

Research Committee on Sociology of Ageing, International Sociological Association, 2003, Spring Newsletter 2003, April.

Commission of the European Communities, 2002, Europe’s Response to World Ageing: Promoting Economic and Social Progress in Ageing World, A Contribution of the European Commission to the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing.

Hans-Joachim Von Kondratowitz, Clemens Tesch-Romer, Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, 2002, “Eastablishing Systems of Care in Germany: A Long and Winding Road”, German Centre of Gerontology, Berlin, Germany, May.

Estes, Carroll L., 2001, Social Policy & Aging: A Critical Perspective, London: Sage Publications.

Moody, Harry R. 2000, Ageing: Concepts & Controversies, Third Edition, Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press.

Randel, Judith, Tony German and Deborah Ewing, 1999, The Ageing and Development Report: Poverty, Independence and the World’s Older People, London: Earthscan Publications Ltd.

VII.  Pension Systems & Underlying Ethos:

(1). Budgetary System

(2). Social Insurance System

(3). Individual/Personal Account System

(4). Defined Benefits Vs. Defined Contribution

(5). Pension Fund Management, etc.

Robert Palacios, 2002, “Managing Public Pension Reserves, Part II: Lessons from Five Recent OECD Initiatives”, The World Bank: Social Protection Unit, Human Development Network, July.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy(陳小紅),2005,”Universal Values Versus Political Ideology: The Virtual Reform Experience of Taiwan’s National Pension Plan”, in John Doling, Catherine Jones Finer and Tony Maltby (eds.), Ageing Matters: European Policy Lessons from the East, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 96-122.


陳小紅,2005年,”持續演變中的台灣「退休養老」制度”, 2005年兩岸四地社會福利學術研討會論文,中國武漢:中華文化社會福利事業基金會、中南財經政法大學及武漢大學共同主辦,6月15-19日。


陳小紅, 2001年,”不同國民年金方案對人民權益之影響—社會面與政治面分析”, 羅紀瓊、曾巨威主持,國民年金制度對政府財務負擔與人民權益影響之研究成果報告,第六章,行政院經濟建設委員會委託,頁6-1—6-40。



VIII.  Medical Insurance:

(1). The Advent of the National Health Insurance Program in Taiwan & Its Reform

(2). OECD Countries Experiences

Marmor, Theodore R., 1994, Understanding Health Care reform, New Haven

and London: Yale University Press.

IX.  War Against Poverty: Social Safety Nets Delivery

(1). Income Distribution & Poverty

(2).Vicious Circle of Poverty

(3) Programs & Schemes Adopted in Taiwan and Their Assessment

(4). Other Countries’ Experiences

Claudia Wallis and Sonja Steptoe, How to Fix No Child Left Behind, Education Special Report, Time Magazine, June 4, 2007, pp. 34—41.

Schram, Sanford F., 2006, “Re-commodified Discourse: The Limits of the Asset-Building Approach to Fighting Poverty”, Chapter 5, Welfare Discipline: Discourse, Governance, and Globalization, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 107--134.

Kiely, Ray, 2005, “Globalization and Poverty, and the Poverty of Globalization Theory”, Current Sociology, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 895-914.

Asian Development Bank, 2002, Proceedings: Fourth Asia Development Forum on Trade and Poverty Reduction, December.

Smeeding, Timothy, 2005, “Causes and Conditions of Social Vulnerability: Experience from the LIS Dataset”, Paper Presented at APEC Symposium on Strengthening Social Safety Nets Under Rapid Socioeconomic Changes, Seoul: Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea, August 23-24.

Betson, David M., 2005, “ Addressing the Needs of the Poor”, Paper Presented at APEC Symposium on Strengthening Social Safety Nets Under Rapid Socioeconomic Changes, Seoul: Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea, August 23-24.

Wiseman, Michael, 2005, “The Multiple Avenues of Impacts and Policy Responses”, Paper Presented at APEC Symposium on Strengthening Social Safety Nets Under Rapid Socioeconomic Changes, Seoul: Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea, August 23-24.

Son, Hyun H., 2005, “ On Addressing Pro-poorness of Government Programs: International Comparisons”, Paper Presented at APEC Symposium on Strengthening Social Safety Nets Under Rapid Socioeconomic Changes, Seoul: Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea, August 23-24.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy (陳小紅),2005年,”War on Poverty: What Has Been Delivered Under Chinese Taipei's Social Safety Nets?”, Paper Prepared for SSN/APEC, Seoul, Korea, August 23-24.

古允文,2007年8月,” 現代經濟不安全的本質:失業、不穩定就業與社會救助”,厚生基金會,「回到根本:重構台灣的基本生活安全網」學術研討會論文,台北。

孫健忠,2007年8月,”現行社會救助與相關臨時方案的檢討”, 厚生基金會,「回到根本:重構台灣的基本生活安全網」學術研討會論文,台北。

陳小紅,2009年2月,”淺釋新貧現象與社會福利政策之規劃—由「工作所得補助方案切入」,主計月刊,第638 期,頁13-18。

陳小紅,2006年,”全球化框架下的社會安全網:兼論中國「和諧社會」之建構”, 北京:孫中山思想與兩岸民生問題學術研討會, 北京大學主辦,11月9-11日。

陳小紅,2001年10月,中國大陸國企改革城鎮下崗職工的再就業與社會保障體系間關係的社會學考察 (I、II),行政院國科會專題補助研究計畫成果報告。


X. Social Services & NGOs:

(1). In Cash Vs. In-Kind Services

(2). Decommodificatin, Gender-Neutral & Destratification

(3). Public Vs. Private Deliveries

(4). Privatization of Social Services Deliveries, etc.

National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan, 2002, “Introduction of Japanese Social protection System”, December.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy Chen(陳小紅),2001,”The myth and the reality of privatizing social welfare services: A case study of Taipei city”,in Catherine Jones Finer(ed.), Comparing The Social Policy Experiences of Britain and Taiwan, (UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited – ISBN07546 14522), pp. 67-91.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy (陳小紅),2002,”Taiwan” Chapter, in Razali Agus , John Doling, and Dong-sung Lee (eds.), Housing Policy Systems in South and East Asia, (UK: Palgrave McMillan), pp. 84-103.

陳小紅,2001年,“半世紀來台灣的「住宅政策」:評析與展望”,收入詹火生、古允文編著,社會福利政策的新思維,厚生白皮書—社會福利篇,台北:立法院厚生基金會,頁 311-362。


XI. Resource Allocation & Taxation Policies:

(1).Tax Burden & Social welfare: An International Comparison

(2). Recent Tax Reform in Taiwan & Its Welfare Implications

(3). Changing Picture of Government Budget Allocated to Social Welfare & Its Policy implications, etc.

Barr, Nicholas, 1993, The Economics of the Welfare State, 2nd edition,

Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Fazeli, Rafat, 1996, The Economic Impact of the Welfare State and Social

Wage: The British Experience, Aldershot: Avebury.

Page, Robert and Nicholas Deakin (eds.), 1993, The Costs of Welfare, Aldershot: Avebury.

Mitchell, Deborah, 1991, Income Transfers in Ten Welfare States, Aldershot: Avebury.

陳小紅,2008,”M型社會的成因及影響--「全球化」的觀點”, M型社會的新貧現象與福利措施, CARES 中華救助總會社會福利論壇主題演講, 中華救助總會、朝陽科技大學社會工作系主辦, 台中:朝陽科技大學, 5月2日,頁21--40。




XII. What Next for Taiwan’s Welfare Future?

(1). To the Right? To the Left? Or Go to The Third Way?

(2). Relationship between Economic Development and Social Safety Nets

Holmlund, Bertil, Agnar Sandmo and Erling Steigum (eds.), 2000, Social Security in the 21st Century, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Holliday, Ian and Paul Wilding, (eds.), 2003, Welfare Capitalism in East Asia: Social Policy in the Tiger Economies, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Taylor-Gooby, Peter, 2005, “Problems and Issues in Strengthening Social Safety Nets: Cases of Developed Countries”, Paper Presented at APEC Symposium on Strengthening Social Safety Nets Under Rapid Socioeconomic Changes, Seoul: Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea, August 23-24.

Lightman, Emie, 2005, “Problems and Issues in Strengthening Social Safety Net”, Paper Presented at APEC Symposium on Strengthening Social Safety Nets Under Rapid Socioeconomic Changes, Seoul: Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea, August 23-24.

Norris, Donals F. and Lyke Thompson (eds.), 1995, The Politics of Welfare Reform, London: Sage Publications.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy(陳小紅),2003,”Paradigm shifts in social welfare policy-making in China: struggling between economic efficiency and social equity”, in Catherine Jones Finer, (ed.), Social Policy Reform in China: Views from Home and Abroad, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 51-68.

Chen, Hsiao-hung Nancy(陳小紅),2001年5月,”Searching for welfare model(s): Taiwan’s social welfare policy in the millennium” in Lee-in Chen Chiu (ed.), Taiwan, East Asia and Copenhagen Commitment, (Taipei: Chung-Hwa Institute for Economic Research Press), pp. 207-232.

吳明儒,2007年8月,” 建構台灣多支柱的基本生活安全網”,厚生基金會,「回到根本:重構台灣的基本生活安全網」學術研討會論文,台北。




XIII. Social Quality Approaches

(1)  Concepts as to Social Quality, Social Indicators, Social Exclusion, Social Inclusion and Social Empowerment.

(2)  Country Experiences on Social Quality Research

Baars, Jan, 2006, “Social Quality: A Philosophical Analysis”, The 3rd Keynote Lecture Delivered at Chiba University 21st Century COE Program International Symposium/The 1st Asian Public Policy Research Consortium Meeting, Japan: Chiba University, March 27-28.

Baars, J., W. Beck, P. Herrmann, . J. G. van der Maesen and A. C. Walker, 2003, “Social Quality: A Sustainable Project for Europe”, Briefing Paper for the Round Table of the European Commission, The Netherlands: The European Foundation on Social Quality, November.

Chan, Raymond, 2007, “Social Quality in Hong Kong: Who Cares? Which Quality?”, Paper Presented at The 2nd Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies, Taipei: National Taiwan University, March 28-29.

Cummins, Robert Ashley, 2007, “Social Indicator and Social Development”, Keynote Speech Delivered at International Conference on Social Indicator and Social Development, Taipei, Taiwan: Center for Survey Research and Center for Geographic Information Science, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica and Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan, June 14-15.

Gordon, David, 2007, “Measuring Social Quality in Asia and Europe with Particular Reference to Socio-economic Security”, The 5th Keynote Speech Delivered at The 2nd Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies, Taipei: National Taiwan University, March 28-29.

Gordon, David, 2006, “Indicators of Social Quality”, European Journal of Social Quality, Vol. 5, Issue1/2, pp. 1-7.

Gordon, David, 2006, “Poverty in Asia and the Role of Social Policy: Possible Lessons from Europe”, Paper Presented at Chiba University 21st Century COE Program International Symposium/The 1st Asian Public Policy Research Consortium Meeting, Japan: Chiba University, March 27-28.

Herrmann, Peter, 2007, “Empowerment—A key Concept in Re-defining Citizenship on the Way to Sustainable Welfare Society”, Paper Presented at The 2nd Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies, Taipei: National Taiwan University, March 28-29.

Mitchell, Deborah, 2007, “Social Quality in Australia: Managing Risk, Complexity and Demographic Change”, Paper Presented at The 2nd Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies, Taipei: National Taiwan University, March 28-29.

Oishi, Akiko, 2007, “Indicators of Social Quality in Japan”, Paper Presented at The 2nd Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies, Taipei: National Taiwan University, March 28-29.

Ogawa, Tetsuo, 2007, “The Concept of Social Quality and its Potential Role for Public Policy Making”, Paper Presented at International Conference on Social Indicator and Social Development, Taipei, Taiwan: Center for Survey Research and Center for Geographic Information Science, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica and Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan, June 14-15.

Ogawa, Tetsuo, 2007, “The Concept of Social Quality and its Implications for Social Well-being and Ageing Policy in Asia and the Pacific—Developing a Social Quality Approach in Asian Types of Civil Society and its Implications for 3S Developments—“, Paper Presented at The 2nd Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies, Taipei: National Taiwan University, March 28-29.