French 2
School Year 2017-8
Mme. Christy Beckstrom
B Wing Rm 126
Hours Available for Help:
After school on most Thursdays or by appointment.
Office phone:
E-Mail Address:
French 1
Course Description:
This is an intermediate course for the student who has completed one year of high school French. Activities will focus on reinforcing the four language skills of listening comprehension, reading, writing and speaking. Students will be able to ask questions or make statements involving learned material. Students will show signs of spontaneity. This course focuses on essential elements of grammar for successful communication in the target language.
Method of Instruction:
This combination of methods will be used to teach language skills in reading, writing, listening comprehension, and oral proficiency. The students will experience a wide variety of learning experiences which are designed to engage them in the class as active participants and help them make French part of their long term memory. Besides using our textbook and workbook, the students will participate in TPR (Total physical response) activities. The students will use technology as a learning tool and will keep a writing journal in the target language. There will also be writing, reading and learning enhancement activities such as skits, dialogues, games, songs, films, and hands on activities such as cooking. Quizzes will be used to pre-assess students, as well as being used for formative assessment to help them monitor their progress. There will be periodic summative tests and students will complete a number of projects individually and as a member of a group as part of their skill development.
Course Objectives:
Students will demonstrate beginning level proficiency in reading, writing, listening comprehension and oral production in the target language.
· The student will be able to listen with comprehension and discrimination in the target language.
· The student will be able to converse coherently and with discrimination in the target language.
· The student will read in the target language with comprehension and discrimination.
· The student will write appropriately and accurately in the target language.
· The student will gain an understanding and appreciation of different cultures.
· The student will be aware of the career advantages and opportunities from knowing a foreign language well.
· The student will use critical thinking skills in learning and using the target language.
Course Topics/Units:
Topics that will be covered in French 2 include: idiomatic expressions with faire, avoir, être, & aller; more verbs in the present , imperative, passé compose, recent past, near future, comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, pronouns and others.
Textbooks and Required Tools or Supplies:
The required textbook is Bien Dit 2 (blue). Also a blank composition book or spiral due Sept 11/12, 2017
Grading Plan:
Participation/Daily Work 5% 90% - !00% A
Homework 10% 80% - 89% B
Unit Tests 20% 70% - 79% C
Writers’ Journal /interactive 15% 60% - 69% D
Projects 20% Below 60% F
Weekly Quizzes 10%
Final 20%
Quizzes: In order to assess how you are progressing, quizzes will be given regularly on material that has been covered in class. The key to performing well on quizzes is adequate nightly preparation!
Tests: A test will be given at the end of each unit. Tests will have a variety of formats including any combination of written, listening, and oral assessment.
Projects: Oral presentations, written compositions, and/or research projects will be assigned both individually and as small groups.
Class Participation: Speaking is an integral part of learning a foreign language. Although we are in the beginning levels of instruction, students will be expected to use French in class. You will not be penalized for incorrect answers, so don’t be shy! A positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and being prepared are important parts of your class participation grade. You will lose points if you talk in English with your peers. It is alright to ask for clarification in English.
Attendance: You should be present as often as is possible. We will move through concepts quickly. Every day that you are absent you will miss out on in-class discussion and practice, and be required to make up all assignments within the number of days missed. If you anticipate an extended absence, you should make arrangements to get any missed assignments so you do not fall behind.
Extra credit is available upon arrangement with the instructor on an individual basis.
Examples of possible extra credit assignments include, but are not limited to pen pals, posters, French Club Activities, and French National Honor Society.
Classroom Rules of Conduct:
Rules for the classroom are:
· Be on time and bring materials. In the classroom be seated and ready to work by the time the bell rings.
· Be kind; be respectful and courteous to me and the other students. (Raise your hand, listen when others are speaking, respect the rights and feelings of others)
· No chewing gum, eating or drinking (except water) in the classroom, unless it is an approved cultural activity.
· No Electronic Devices, or evidence thereof. (No ear buds, cords, cases by the time you enter my classroom.) Phones will be confiscated if in sight in the classroom. Parents please contact your student via the office during school hours. PLEASE DON”T CALL OR TEXT DURING MY CLASS I WILL TAKE YOUR CELL PER SCHOOL RULES.
· WSHS Dress Code will be enforced students not in compliance will be sent to the student center.
· Absolutely no profanity.
· Don’t steal from me, my classroom, or anyone else, ever.
Please make a copy of this to keep at home if you wish.
Parents/guardians: Your child and I have read through this document together; I hope that you have also read through it. Your signature below is your agreement to support my efforts to teach your child to the best of my ability.
Student Name printed: Class Period:
Parent/guardian name(s) printed: Telephone #:
Parent email:
Parent Signature(s):