Name: ______Student #: ______Grade: ______
Crash Car Derby Rubric
Length / 10 / 7 / 3 / 0
4" min - 6" max / meets / under/over 1" / Under/Over 2" / Under/Over 3"+
Width / 10 / 7 / 3 / 0
3" min - 4" max / meets / under/over 1" / Under/Over 2" / Under/Over 3"+
Height / 10 / 7 / 3 / 0
3" min - 5" max / meets / under/over 1" / Under/Over 2" / Under/Over 3"+
Durability / 20 / 13 / 6 / 0
Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor
Vehicle remains intact after testing - can be tested again / Some parts come off, but can be reattached and tested again / Many parts come off, most can be reattached, vehicle can still be tested / Vehicle come apart and can not be tested again
Construction / 35 / 25 / 15 / 5
Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor
Test / 15 / 0
Rolls / does not roll
Design Process / 25 / 15 / 0
Complete documentation of the design process / Partial documentation of the design process / No documentation of the Design Process
Materials List / 10 / 5 / 0
complete materials list / partial materials list / no materials list
Sketches of Final Vehicle / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0
sketches of all 3 views / sketches of 2 views / sketch of 1 view / no sketches
Vehicle Velocity / 50 / 30 / 10 / 0
All data and accurate calculations / All data and partial calculations / Data only / No data or calculation
Impact Testing / 100 / 97 / 94 / 91
Egg Survives
Level 6 - 14” / Egg Survives
Level 5- 13” / Egg Survives
Level 4 - 12” / Egg Survives
Level 3 - 11”
88 / 85 / 70 / 50
Egg Survives
Level 2 - 10” / Egg Survives
Level 1 - 9” / Egg Breaks at
Level 1 – 9” / Vehicle will not impact wall
Late Project - (-10 points per Day) - Deduction
Total Points earned

Georgia CTAE Resource Network Unit Plan Resource Unit ENGR-8.2 Crash Car Derby• Page 1 of 1