Take a Ride on the Road to Freedom: Summary

Staci Stawar, Andrea Streckfuss, Alecia Williamson, Chrissy Wilson

Ø  “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” African American Spiritual

o  Bury Me in a Free Land by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

Ø  Our perceptions of African Americans, Slavery and the Underground Railroad

o  What thoughts automatically “pop” into your mind?

o  Are these thoughts positive or negative?

Ø  Our Justification

o  WE need to open the minds of students.

o  WE should be teaching the Underground Railroad as African American empowerment.

o  WE are responsible for how our students view African American history.

Ø  Follow the Drinking Gourd: An In depth look

o  Incorporates reading and music

o  Great interactive lesson for all primary grades

o  Lesson can be expanded by using other spirituals or traditional books

Ø  Primary Lessons

o  Minty: The Life of a Young Harriet Tubman by Alan Schroeder & Jerry Pinkney

·  Children learn about the childhood of Harriet Tubman and are encouraged to compare their lives to her’s.

o  Escape North by Monica Culling

·  Children learn about the secret acts of the Underground Railroad

o  Spirituals, code words, etc.

Ø  Intermediate Lessons

o  Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky by Faith Ringgold; Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt by Deborah Hopkinson

·  Children learn the importance of quilts in the success of the Underground Railroad.

·  Children will also learn their cardinal directions as their construct their own quilt squares and make a class quilt.

o  Follow the Drinking Gourd by Bernadine Connelly

·  Discussed in detail previously

Ø  Middle School Lessons

o  Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad by Ann Petry

·  Students become familiar with research as they search the internet and this book for information on the Underground Railroad.

·  Using the information they found, students internalize the meaning of being a slave and write a narrative.

o  Civil War Almanac by Justin Segal; Civil War A-Z by Norman Bolotin; The Civil War 1861-1863 by Rebecca Stefoff

·  Using these texts, students create a timeline that captures the major events of the Civil War and the Underground Railroad.

Ø  Overview of Books

Ø  Overview of Bloom’s Taxonomy

Ø  Incorporating Art – Underground Railroad Train

o  An often forgotten subject, art allows students to express visually what they have learned mentally.

o  This train is simple. It illustrates the three main components of the Underground Railroad: slavery, the journey, and freedom.

o  Each component is illustrated on a different poster board and then connected.