The stated meeting of the Presbytery of New Brunswick was held on 11 November 2014 at the Somerset Presbyterian Church,100 JFK Boulevard, Somerset, New Jersey 08873.


Music for Worship was provided by the Choir of Somerset Presbyterian Church directed by Mary Jane Lojewski. Worship was led by the reverends Sharon Culley, David Hallgren, Karen Hernandez-Granzen, and Wendy Bailey. Worship took the form of a prayer service with a special blessing upon the inhabitants of the Bethany House of Hospitality.


5:45 Dinner

6:25 Orientation for first-time commissioners vice moderator reverend David Hallgren

6:45 Worship

7:15 Presbytery Called to Order moderator elder Lorelei Zupp

Introductions and seating of corresponding members

Approval of Docket

Consent Agenda

Report of the Stated Clerk

7:25 Committee on Ministry Recommendation of Approval of elder Poppy Orendorff

Call for the reverend Linda Owens to be installed as

Associate Pastor at Bound Brook Presbyterian Church

7:40 Board of Pensions Report reverend Alison Seed

7:45 Committee on Ministry recommendation for Policy reverend Jeff Ugoretz

on Board of Pensions Major Medical dues

8:00 Leadership Transition Task Force reverend Wendi Werner

8:15 Presentation of the Proposed 2015 Budget Treasurer elder Linda Gilmore

vice moderator reverend David Hallgren

8:30 Committee on Preparation for Ministry reverend Leslie Dobbs-Allsopp

(presbytery divides) reverend Lauren McFeaters

Recommendation to enroll Richard Coble as candidate

Recommendation to enroll Alexander Serna-Wallender as candidate

8:50 Mission and Social Witness Report

Ghana Mission Trip Report elder Joan Tomlin, reverend Greg Albert

9:05 Announcements

9:15 Closing Prayer, Benediction, and Adjournment

The docket was approved as presented.


Ruling elders attending presbytery for the first time were introduced: Elders Chris Anderson, Laura Still, and Mary Elaine Goth of Bound Brook Presbyterian Church.

The presbytery voted to seat reverend Allison Seed of Heartland Presbytery and the Board of Pensions as a corresponding member.

Elder Ted Settle of Bound Brook Presbyterian Church introduced Rafat Shomali, a Palestinian Christian to the presbytery. The presbytery was delighted to hear Mr Shomali share about life as a Christian in his homeland.


To be supplied for the permanent minutes.


Committee on Ministry:


1. That the Presbytery dismiss the Rev. Caroline Wood to the Presbytery of Mid-Kentucky.

2. That the Presbytery increase the base minimum salary for teaching elders in full-time parish ministry to $ 50,000.00 per year. This is an increase of 2.0% over the current minimum of $49,000.


1. Administrative Commission for the Installation of the Rev. Jim Huang,

Taiwanese American Fellowship Presbyterian Church

Acting on behalf of Presbytery, the Committee approved the Administrative Commission to install the Rev. Jim Huang as Pastor of the Taiwanese American Fellowship Presbyterian Church on 26 October 2014, at 3 p.m. at the Church, 100 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick.

Administrative Commission:

Rev. Jim Pruner, West Trenton Presbyterian Church

Rev. Greg Albert, Presbyterian Church in New Brunswick

Elder Poppy Orendorf, Nassau Presbyterian Church

Elder Lorelei Zupp, Moderator, First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square

Elder David Pollison, Covenant Presbyterian Church

Elder Joan Chen (Chair, Pastor Nominating Committee for the Taiwanese American Fellowship Presbyterian Church)

Rev. Samson Tso (Presbytery of New York City, Corresponding member)

The commission met prior to the service of ordination at 2:30 pm on Sunday, 26 October 2014 at the Taiwanese American Fellowship Presbyterian Church in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

The meeting was duly constituted, prayer being offered by the reverend James Pruner.

Upon motion the commission was organized with elder Lorelei Zupp as Chairperson and the reverend James Pruner as Secretary.

The service of installation followed the order prescribed in the Book of Order.

And so the reverend Jim Huang was installed as Pastor of the Taiwanese American Fellowship Presbyterian Church

Attested: Lorelei Zupp, Chairperson; James Pruner, Secretary.

2. Administrative Commission for the Ordination of Lukata Mjumbe

The Presbytery having sustained his examination for ordination and validated his ministry of evangelism as Executive Director of Urban Mission Cabinet, Inc., the Committee on Ministry, acting on behalf of the Presbytery, concurred with the request of Lukata Mjumbe to be ordained as a Teaching Elder on Saturday, 8 November 2014 at 12 pm at the Lawrence Road Presbyterian Church, appointed an administrative commission to perform the ordination, and authorized that the Lord's Supper be celebrated.

Administrative Commission to ordain:

Elder Lorelei Zupp, Moderator, Hamilton Square PC

Rev. Karen Hernandez-Granzen, Westminster PC

Rev. Nina Reeder, Lawrence Road PC

Rev. Muriel Burrows, Witherspoon PC

Rev. Dave Davis, Nassau PC

Elder David Byers, Westminster PC

Elder Jim Reeder, Lawrence Road PC

Elder Barbara Flythe, Witherspoon PC

Elder Mickey Reilly, Covenant PC

Corresponding members

Elder Eva O. Carter, Presbytery of Sheppards & Lapsley

Reverend Dr. Clyde L. Carter, Presbytery of Sheppards & Lapsley

Reverend Dr. Joseph Scrivner, Sr., Presbytery of Sheppards & Lapsley

Reverend Cornell Edmonds, Presbytery of New York

Reverend Robert Burkins, Presbytery of Newark

Reverend Toby Sanders, Beloved Community (Trenton)

Reverend Darrell Armstrong, Shiloh Baptist Church (Trenton)

Reverend Nyle Fort, Lincoln Gardens Baptist Church (Somerset)

Pastor, Earl Jones, Jr., First Calvary Baptist Church (NYC)

The commission met prior to the service of ordination at 11:30 am on Saturday, 8 November 2014 at the Lawrence Road Presbyterian Church in Lawrenceville, New Jersey.

The meeting was duly constituted, prayer being offered by elder Lorelei Zupp.

Upon motion the commission was organized with elder Lorelei Zupp as Chairperson and the reverend Nina Reeder as Secretary.

The service of ordination followed the order prescribed in the Book of Order.

And so Lukata Mjumbe was ordained to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament as a Teaching Elder of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Attested: Lorelei Zupp, Chairperson; Nina Reeder, Secretary.

3. Mount Airy, Stockton and Titusville Presbyterian Churches

The Committee, acting on behalf of Presbytery, approved the 9 month, renewable agreement among First English Presbyterian Church of Amwell in Mount Airy, Stockton Presbyterian Church, and Titusville Presbyterian Church for shared ministry and pastoral leadership; further, the Committee approved, on behalf of Presbytery, the change in terms of call to the Rev. Kenneth Good and the Rev. Merle Wilson, who will serve as temporary co-pastors to Titusville, with reduced hours at Stockton and Mt. Airy, respectively. (Compensation does not alter, only hours shared among the churches)

4. Presbyterian Church in New Brunswick

The Committee on Ministry, acting on behalf of Presbytery, dissolved the pastoral relationship between the Presbyterian Church in New Brunswick and the Rev. Greg Albert, effective November 15, 2014 with thanks for his service as Designated Pastor; further, Mr. Albert will be moved to Honorably Retired status when the dissolution of the call becomes effective.

The Committee appointed the Rev. Michael Capron to serve as moderator of session of the Presbyterian Church in New Brunswick, effective October 22, 2014 through December 31, 2014.

5. Slackwood Presbyterian Church

The Committee approved the 8 month, renewable contract between the Slackwood Presbyterian Church and the Rev. Kiran Young-Wimberly to serve as part time, temporary pastor, effective October 1, 2014, through May 30, 2015.

TERMS OF CONTRACT (40 hours per month):

Cash salary (monthly) $ 1,400.00 + pastoral care as needed @ $ 35/hour

Reimbursable expense Travel @ $ .56/mile

Benefits Not included (other coverage is in place)

NOTE: In lieu of benefits, session will work with Ms. Wimberly to try to provide a contribution to a medical premium or savings plan; all have agreed to keep track of hours so that she may be paid for extra time.

6. Somerset Presbyterian Church

The Committee approved the renewable contract between the Rev. Sharon Culley and the Somerset Presbyterian Church, to serve as Stated Supply for 12 months, effective September 1, 2014 through August 31, 2015.


Cash salary $ 19,987.00

Housing allowance $ 35,730.32

SS Offset $ 4,262.41

Benefits: Ms. Culley has an alternate plan from previous employer and is not enrolled in the Board of Pensions.

Reimbursable expenses

Travel (mileage @ $. 56/mile) $ 1,200.00

Cont'g educ. $ 800.00

Books/materials $ 300.00

4 weeks vacation

2 weeks study leave

Committee on Preparation for Ministry:


1. Eliseo Morales was enrolled as an inquirer on 3 November 2014.

Mr Morales is a member of Nassau Presbyterian Church and a student at Princeton Theological Seminary.

2. Taylor Mills was enrolled as an inquirer on 3 November 2014.

Ms Mills is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square and a student at Princeton Theological Seminary.

3. Laura Ferguson was certified ready to receive a call on 6 October 2014.

The Committee on Preparation for Ministry met with Laura Ferguson on 3 November 2014. Ms Ferguson preached, shared her exegesis, and a statement of faith. She will continue under the presbytery’s care until she receives a call. Ms Ferguson was enrolled as a candidate by the Presbytery of New Brunswick on 11 June 2013.

4. Jennifer Bruno was removed from the roll of Inquirers on 6 October 2014

Acting on behalf of the presbytery the Committee on Preparation for Ministry removed Jennifer Bruno from the roll of inquirers at her own request.

5. Satina Smith was continued as Certified Ready to Receive a Call.

After an annual consultation on 6 October 2014 the Committee on Preparation for Ministry continued Satina Smith as certified ready to receive a call.

6. Lory Ryan was continued as Certified Ready to Receive a Call.

After an annual consultation on 6 October 2014 the Committee on Preparation for Ministry continued Lory Ryan as certified ready to receive a call.

The Consent Agenda was adopted as presented.


1. I attended the Fall Polity Conference and the annual meeting of the Association of Stated Clerks in Louisville from 19-23 October.

2. Annual reading of minutes of sessions by peer review will begin this week. Any clerks of session who have not yet scheduled attendance at one of the review sessions should contact me or Ilene in the presbytery office.

3. The annual update of the spreadsheet for calculating terms of call depends upon decisions that are being made at this presbytery meeting. The spreadsheet will be updated and available on the presbytery site by close of business Friday.

4. There is one amendment to the Book of Confessions and seven amendments to the Book of Order that have been sent to the presbyteries by the General Assembly this year. We will vote on the constitutional amendments at our March meeting.

It has been our custom to ask standing committees to examine those amendments for which their work suits them to understanding and evaluating the proposed amendments, and to give the presbytery a recommendation when it meets in June.

Amendment 14-A on Renunciation of Jurisdiction will be submitted to the Permanent Judicial Commission for a recommendation.

Amendment 14-B for a review of the preparation for ministry process and the standard ordination exams will be given to the Committee on Preparation for Ministry for a recommendation.

The remaining amendments have no obvious home. I invite the presbytery to volunteer for ad hoc teams to study the proposed amendments and make a recommendation to the presbytery. In some cases it may be wise to have both a pro and a contra team for a given amendment. The administrative team of Council will approve the study teams. The following amendments are at issue:

14-1 To add the Belhar Confession to the Book of Confessions

14-C On adopting child protection policies

14-D On granting exceptions to the minimum composition of a presbytery

14-E On the denomination’s stance towards interreligious relations

14-F On changing the definition of Marriage in the Directory for Worship

The booklets about the proposed amendments will be handed out at the January presbytery meeting. In the meantime the booklet can be downloaded at

5. The presbytery’s internal server where our documents are stored has been down for several days. We are getting it back up as quickly as can be arranged. The minutes of the September meeting of the presbytery will be posted by the end of the week and the request for their approval will appear on the January Consent Agenda.


The reverend D. Paul La Montagne spoke for the presbytery:

Don Barringer was elected treasurer of this presbytery in December of 1996 for a term that began on 1 January 1997. He has been our treasurer for 17 and 1/2 years. (And his term lives on as virtual treasurer, since Linda Gilmore and I have yet to go to the bank and change the signature cards for the accounts, and Don has still been signing checks for us.) Prior to 1997 Don had served on the CoM (starting in 1995), vice moderator, moderator, and past moderator (in 1991-3), the Extended Ministry committee, Nominating Committee, Mission Council (from 1981-1984, when Council had a much different structure than it does now), and the Candidates and Credentials committee. Many of us don’t even know what a Candidates and Credentials committee is. Don’s service with his congregation goes back to the 1960s. Indeed, Don was ordained as a ruling elder at a time when they had always been called ruling elders.

In his capacity as treasurer this past 17 years he has served as a member of Council, of the Administrative Committee, of the Trustees, and of the Property Committee, not small jobs. Most of us look forward to rotating off of committees after our terms and getting a rest before we are called to serve again. Don was at it for 17 straight years. And most of us only work one committee at a time, not four.

Don is very sensible and straightforward. This has been a great benefit in Council, where the membership changes completely every three years. I have seen him agree politely when councils have asked him whether the treasurer’s reports couldn’t please be presented in a different format, not realizing that the present format is the result of a similar request just a few years previously. And he has complied as well as anyone whose boss is a committee can.

It has also been a great benefit on the Trustees and the Property Committee. The Property Committee has to deal with many simple requests which are handled quickly and without fuss. But a few matters take long hours of work dragged out over weeks and sometimes months. Don is always steady and supportive in such enterprises. I have never heard him complain about the workload.