Advances in MRI and arthroscopy have enabled a much better understanding of hip pathologies... have your differential diagnoses and rehabilitative skills kept pace with these advances??

The hip joint is truly one of the most amazing joints in the body. It is the critical link between the ambulating lower limbs and trunk. Its articular configuration allows almost unlimited directions of movement and it has more muscles attaching around it than any other single joint in the body.

This very practical course takes a very modern look at the structure of the hip including the crucial roles gait mechanics and muscle coordination play in maintaining normal function. Additionally, this course examines many of the traumatic and degenerative causes of anterior hip pain, demonstrates recently developed clinical tests and highlights a progressive evidenced-based conservative rehabilitation program developed over a 15 year period by David Lindsay and colleagues at the University of Calgary Sport Medicine Centre.

NEW biomechanical understanding, NEW assessment techniques, NEW treatment approaches & a very up-to-date and extremely practical course manual.

·Learn about the different causes of anterior hip pain (AHP), including iliopsoas syndrome, labral tears, impingement syndromes, osteo-arthritis.

·  Develop a clinical reasoning process along with enhanced assessment and palpation skills to assist differential diagnosis of AHP.

·  Is arthroscopic surgery the answer? What are the implications and potential pitfalls?

·  Develop an understanding of other non-surgical intervention strategies including an evidence-based, physiotherapy guided, hip rehabilitation program for AHP with a documented 80% success rate.

“Great Course! - so well explained and very powerful in changing my perception of the hip joint “

New Advances in Hip Rehabilitation

David Lindsay BHMS BPhty MSc

Academic program for 1-day seminar; Cost $275

8:00am REGISTRATION (½hr)
8:30am CLASSROOM SESSION (1½ hrs)
·  understanding the amazing structure and function of the hip joint
10:00am BREAK
10:30am CLASSROOM SESSION (2 hrs)
·  common hip pathologies
olabral tears
oImpingement syndromes
oArthroscopic surgery
oIliopsoas syndrome
12:30 LUNCH (1hr)
1:30pm WORKSHOP SESSION (2½ hrs)
·  Clinical assessment of the hip
4:00pm WORKSHOP SESSION (1 hr)
·  Evidence-based hip rehabilitation


David Lindsay BHMS, BPhty, MSc:

David is an Australian-trained Physiotherapist with a Masters of Science research degree from the University of Alberta. He is the Head Physical Therapist at the University of Calgary Sport Medicine Centre – one of the largest Sport Medicine Centres in Canada. David is involved in active clinical and research practice and has been teaching post-graduate physical therapy courses for over 15 years. He has published over 25 peer-reviewed research manuscripts in a variety of international medical and scientific journals. David was one of a select group of international physical therapists invited to contribute a chapter in David Magee’s new book titled “Athletic & Sport Issues in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation” He sits on the Editorial Board of 2 international journals including the North American Journal of Sport Physical Therapy. David has been collaborating with hip surgeons and sport medicine physicians for over 15 years to develop a highly specialized hip differential diagnosis and rehabilitation program that has undergone scientific scrutiny and clinical success. He has been teaching his hip course to enthusiastic PT audiences across Canada, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and the USA.

“Every Physical Therapist Must Take this Course!”

Academic inquiries contact: or visit


·  Gain a CLEAR understanding of the anatomy of the hip including how such anatomy relates to function- in a manner you’ll remember forever.

·  Take a VERY MODERN look at the biomechanics and muscle physiology of this amazing joint which will likely change your perception of how the hip behaves in a manner that makes PERFECT sense.

·  Exactly what is muscle balance around the hip and why is it important. How do muscle imbalances occur and how is it possible to objectively assess and correct these imbalances in a clinical setting in a manner that makes PERFECT sense.

·  What role does the acetabular labrum play in normal hip function, what causes labral injury, how do these present clinically and what are the treatment options?

·  How to differentially diagnose Femoral Acetabular Impingement from other articular or soft tissue conditions.

·  How and why hip arthritis presents in characteristic ways.

·  What is and what causes iliopsoas syndrome.

·  At what point should arthroscopic surgery be considered? What are the indications and implications – and just as importantly, what are the potential pitfalls. NOTE: a complete hip arthroscopy post-op rehabilitation protocol is included in the manual.

·  Learn a clinical reasoning process along with RECENTLY DEVELOPED assessment and palpation skills that will assist in differential diagnosis of anterior hip pain (AHP).

·  Develop an understanding of appropriate intervention strategies including a progressive, evidence-based, physiotherapy guided, hip rehabilitation program for AHP with a documented 80% success rate.

·  You will take home a very comprehensive yet easy to read course manual that is completely referenced that will cover everything discussed on the course so that there is very little need to take additional notes. You’ll be able to sit back and enjoy the presentation.


I feel like a child again! I'm not 100%, but probably 90% there... I can internally rotate my hip like I could when I was a kid. The exercises perfectly integrate muscle activation into daily activities - I'm better able to activate those deep glutes more effectively and properly when walking, stepping and bending.

Just wanted to let you know how excited I feel right now... I've had this problem for over 5 years and seen many people but I have yet to feel this good... It's a great feeling. Thanks again for everything.



A very modern look at hip biomechanics, assessment & rehabilitation using the latest scientific methods

Sunday May 4th, 2014

Please complete the following information and mail with cheque* to:

Level 10 Fitness Inc Physiotherapy

ATTN: David Leyland-Harris

110-890 Harbourside Dr,

North Vancouver, BC V7P 3T7

Name of Registrant:



City: Province/State:

Postal/Zip: Home Phone:

Work Phone: Fax:


Cost: $275 (which includes all tax)

Payment is by cheque only.

*Please make cheque payable to:

David Leyland-Harris

Registration inquiries: David Leyland PT

Academic program inquiries: David Lindsay: