North Africa, Southwest Asia, & Central Asia
- The region of North Africa, Southwest Asia, & Central Asia is the birthplace to _____ major world ______(Judaism, Christianity & Islam)
- The ______of these religions are an important force in many of the countries in this region
- While many people across the region follow ______ways of life, ______ways are also increasingly prominent (______)
North Africa’s Population Patterns
- Indigenous, Arab & European cultures are mostly responsible for ______the culture of the area
- The ______people before the Arab invasions were called the “______”who were once nomads (move fromplace to place) , but are now ______wholive mostly in the Atlas mountains in the ______
- The “______” people are the other principal ______group in North Africa
- The “______” are the Arabic speaking people who migrated to North Africa from Southwest Asia who can be found ______animals into the desert where there is enough ______to support their herds or ______for growing food in oases
- ______was the primary “______”---Sinai Peninsula---for Arabs who migrated to North Africa
- North African peoples have had continuous contact with “______” for hundreds of years which has ______the areas of Morocco, AlgeriaTunisia
- The availability of ______has been the biggest factor in deciding where people ______& for this reason most people settle along ______
- _____ of the people in Egypt live along the ______River & other major Urban Areas includeCasablanca (Morocco), Algiers (Algeria), Tunis (Tunisia), Tripoli (Libya) & Cairo (Egypt)
- ______is growing especially fast because people move in search of a better life but ______associated with movement include housing shortages, job shortages & lack of ______development (basic urban______such as streets utilities)
North Africa’s History & Government
- North Africa’s ______near Europe & Southwest Asia has made it ______to numerous migrations & ______over the centuries & as a result European , Arab & Berber influences exist in North Africa
- Hunters & ______settled throughout North Africa about 10,000 years ago & by 6,000 B.C. ______communities had arisen in the areas along the NileRiver & the Mediterranean Sea
- These farmers were the 1st to “______” plants animals(______ them from the wild & cultivating taming them for ______)
- The 1st ______civilizations occurred in the NileRiverValley about ______years ago
- They developed unique ______systems to water cropsallowing them to grow crops ______a year
- They developed a c______, built ______invented “hieroglyphics” (picture writing)
- ______boundaries are boundaries that follow straight ______do not account for natural or cultural ______
- They ______between Libya, Algeria, & Egypt & are a direct influence of ______rule & ______conquest in the mid-1800s
- During the 1800s a well-educated urban ______developed in north Africa
- They were trained in European ______& they adopted European ______about “______” (right to self rule)
- In the 1800’s it stirred demands from people for ______or belief that they should have their own ______country---this provided the basis for present day countries that emerged from the region
- Egypt gained i______from ______in 1922
- The “______”is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, ______the Mediterranean & the RedSeas
- It opened in November 1869 after 10 years of construction work & it allows ______by water between ______without navigation around ______
- 120miles long, 79 feet deep & 673 feet wide it has made Egypt a key national power because of ____
- The Suez is single lane containing no locks but allowing seawater to flow freely through the canalowned maintained by the “Suez Canal Authority” (SCA) of Egypt & under international ______, it may be used "in time of ______as in time of ______, by every vessel of commerce or of war, without distinction of flag”
- Algeriagained ______from ______in 1962, Libya from ______ in 1951 & TunisiaMorocco from ______ in 1956
Algeria gained independence from France in 1962, Libya from Italy in 1951 & TunisiaMorocco from France
African Imperialism
- ______stirred European ambitions & they wanted more resources for industrial production
- They competed for new ______for their goods & looked to ______as a source of raw ______& market
- As a result, colonial powers ______vast areas of Africa during the 19th & early 20th centuries
- The seizure of a country or territory by a ______country is called “______”
- European countries wanted more ______to fuel ______so they looked to new markets for the goods
- Europeans viewed a large ______as a measure of national ______
- Social ______
- Charles Darwin’s ideas about society “______” was applied human society
- Those who were fit for survival enjoyed wealth success were considered ______ to others
- “______” was the belief that one race is ______ to others & the Europeans believed that they were better than other ______
- Europeans believed that ______were a lower class because they had not made the ______advances that they had & it was their ______ to bring the results of their ______to other countries
- ______who worked to “______” people in other countries believed that Europeans were the answer to ending ______practices such as ______
- Factors Promoting (______) Imperialism
- The Europeans’ had technological ______such as the “______”---a gun invented in 1884, that was the worlds first ______ machine guns while the Africans relied on ______weapons
- European countries had a means to ______their empire due to ______like the steam engine,______, cables that allowed them to communicate within the colonies (telegraph)
- ______(mosquitoes) had kept Europeans away, but in 1829 the perfection of the drug “______” protectedEuropeans from becoming ______ with the disease
- Africans large ______ of cultures languages prevented ______ among different people groups
- At the ______Conferencethe French began to ______ from the West African coast to Sudan
- ______discoveries in 1867 then gold & rubber discoveries in 1886 increased European interests in ______the continent (no country wanted to be left out)---No ______rulers were invited
- ______ among European countries became so fierce that_____ Europeans nations decided to meet in Berlin in 1884 to prevent conflictlay down the rules of ______of Africa
- They agreed that any ______could claim land in Africa if they ______the other countries of its claims &showed it could ______ the area
- The nations divided Africa without any worry about linguistic or cultural ______by 1914, only ______ were free from European control
- ______ Effects of European Rule
- Colonialism ______ local warfare & humanitarian efforts ______sanitation, education ______
- ______increased & l______rates improved
- Economic expansion was productive because ______, dams ______ lines were built
- African ______came to be valued to the ______ market
- ***Most effects benefited ______ business & not the African ______
- ______ Effects of European Rule
- Africans ______of European diseases (______) & f______ resulted from the change to cash crop growing instead of ______ farming
- African traditional ______ was broken downartificial boundaries set by colonies broke apart _______
- Africans lost control of their ______& their ______1000’s ______during resistance
- Homes & property were ______, traditional authority figures were ______& men were forced to leave the villages & find ways to ______ themselves & their families
- African continent was ______& those boundaries still create problems with nations today (fighting)
North African Culture
- The primary ______ on North Africa has been theIndigenous, Arab & European cultures in this region
- ______is the major religion(mostly the ______branch)
- ______, the major l______, spread as the ______ religion spread
- Education is ______, but most stop there causing literacy rates to vary from ______
- People go to government owned ______ for medical treatment but doctor ______ & inefficient hospitals mean ______ care for rural areas
- Art forms in this region include Egyptian built ______(Great Pyramids) for royal tombs Islam influenced ______, embroidery & metalworking
Eastern Mediterranean Population Patterns
- The eastern Mediterranean is ______by millions of ______ people
- ______share similar customs & speak ______ while the Jewish people speak ______& practice ______
- ______million people live in Israel______of them are Jewish
- They believe that ______gave them Israel as the “______” & call themselves the “______”
- The Hebrews were a Semitic-speaking people who had a tradition concerning their origins & history that was eventually written down as part of the ______(Old Testament)
- They were ______ who organized into clans & they were descendants of the patriarch (man whoexercised authority over an extended family ) “______” who had migrated from Mesopotamia to the land of ______ where they became identified as the “Children of Israel”
- ______ caused many Hebrews to migrate from Babylon to ______until being enslaved by the pharaohs
- They remained ______until ______led his people out of ______wandering many years in the desert until they entered ______
- In ______tribes they entered into a conflict with the “______” (lived on the coast of Palestine) eventually establishing a united kingdom known as ______(god wanted them to have the land)
- Since then the ______have been forced to ______this region by exile, ______that are still raging on today
- Roman emperors since 300 B.C. have destroyed ______(Jews uprising & practicing religion) & the last 2 emperors “______” & “______” causing the problems today
- In 130, Hadrian was in Judea & saw ______ that had been destroyed by ______ so he was going to found a new ______& build a temple to ______on the old site of the temple to “______” (Jewish God)
- The Jews got upset & ______ again, this time killing off ______of them, wiping out the ______ of Jews in the area
- After the destruction the Jews moved throughout the ______but almost no one in the ______& with the Jews were gone from the area, Rome eventually ______& the religion of ______& the Arabs grew up in the area afterward because there were ____ Jews to keep “Islam” out
- Most Arabs in this area live in ______while most people in this sub region have settled along the coastal plains the EuphratesRiverValley because of the dry ______ climate
Eastern Mediterranean History & Government
- This regions history & government is ______ based
- The eastern Mediterranean is home to ______of the world’s major ______(belief in one god) religions that have shaped ______for centuries(Judaism, ChristianityIslam)
- The city of ______ is special to all regions especially the Jews who trace their origins to the ancient Israelites who created the kingdom of Israel
- The Jews believe in the ______of God’s laws & the ______of a just ______(Torah)
- They believe in ______but do not believe that ______was the savior
- The ______believethat those who believe in______ follow his teachings would live ______(Bible)
- Christianity teaches about the ______of Christ early Christians
- The ______ believe that ______came to speak to ______in “Mecca” (Saudi Arabia)
- Muhammad ______ that people should turn away from ______worship the “one true God” (______)
- His followers believe that he is a ______ or messenger & practice worship in a ______
Eastern Mediterranean Culture
- ______ have influenced people’s everyday ______ in this region
- The major religion is ______(mostly the Sunni branch) & ______ mainly exists in Israelwhile ______ makes up a very small portion of the people
- ______is the major ______but Hebrew is spoken in Israel
- Family life includes the ______ family & often involves religious worship
- ______ style dress is becoming more common (Christian & Jewish women)---Islam (women wear veils)
- ______is compulsory free______ rate varies from 76% in Syria to 96% in Israel
- ______ are often government owned & healthcare is steadily improving
- Artists writers have found their inspiration in______
Northeastern Population Patterns
- ______ of the ancient civilizations in this region continue to exert a cultural, ______ & social influence today
- Ethnic ______ in the Northeast migrated from Central Asia & the Arabian Peninsula
- “______” people live in the country of Turkey, practice Islam speak ______
- “______” people live in Iran (6.7 million people), believe they are the descendants of Aryans, speak Farsi are “______” Muslim
- “______” live in Iraq, speak ______35% are Sunni Muslim 65% are Shia Muslim
- The “______” live in the mountain areas of Turkey, IraqIran, speak ______(language related to Farsi) & ______ different from those who Arabs in the region
- ______ Urban areas include Istanbul (Turkey), Tehran (Iran) & Baghdad (Iraq) in which people move tot these places in search of better lives (except Iraq---war)
Northeastern History & Government
- Some of the world’s greatest ______ have flourished in the Northeast & many ______ during the height of these civilizations shaped the regions history
- The ____ settlements were in “______”---Tigris & Euphrates Rivers
- It is referred to as the world’s 1st “______”---is a center where ______ develops then spreads outward from there
- Mesopotamia was part of a large, rich ______region known as the “______”which was home to the ______who were a group of people who settled in Mesopotamia
- They ______ year round, created a code of law & created “______” (wedge-shaped writing)
- The “______” originated on the Mediterranean coast
- They made an ______ where letters stood for sounds (many modern alphabets are based on theiroriginal alphabet)
Northeastern Culture
- Even though Islam is the ______ religion in the Northeast sub-region each country has unique cultural characteristics
- The people of IranIran are ______ Muslims, people in Turkey are ______ Muslims
- The major language is ______ but Turkic people speak TurkishIranian people speak ______
- Children in Iraq must attend school through grade ____ while in Turkey children must attend school through grade ____ literacy rate vary from 80% in ______to 86% in ______
- ______varies hospitals are often struggling to be rebuilt because of destruction due to the _____
- Government owned clinics suffer from ______ of staff & poorly run ______
- The early civilizations created ______, fine metalwork & large ______
- The Sumerians built “______”---large brick temples
- ______in the region is based on ______tradition
Arabian Peninsula Population Patterns
- The harsh ______climate of the Arabian Desert has led most people to live along the ______
- Their lives are shaped by ______Islamic culture & modernization driven by the “______Industry”
- Most people or _____ million people in the region are “______” & “______” & follow the “______”---laws based on the “______” (followed in Saudi Arabia, OmanBahrain)
- The discovery of ______has increased wealth, ______immigration into Arab countries as well as ______ workers who specialize in oil extraction or the oil industry
- “______” is a geographical areas (territories) or a society (usually tribal), that is ______by a sheikh
- Sheikhdoms exist almost exclusively within ______countries, particularly in the Arabian Peninsula
- Basically they are territories ruled by Islamic ______ leaders
Arabian Peninsula History & Government
- The Arabian Peninsula is the birthplace of “______”---a religion founded in the 7th Century A.D. by ______, an Arabian merchant from the city of ______
- In the centuries leading up to the birth of Muhammad, ______ had become the dominant faith of the Mediterraneanit's message was quickly spreading to other regions of the world via the major trade ______ of the era
- “______” was an important city along these trade routes, playing a major role in the flow of ______between the trade systems of the Mediterranean Indian Ocean heavily ______ Islam by the traditions of Christianity & Judaism
- For example, Muhammad claimed that he was visited by the angel ______, who informed him that he was to be the ______ of God
- Abraham, ______, Jesus are all considered important ______ in Islam
- Muslims even claim that Abraham visited Mecca established the “______” there
- Muhammad was born into a ______ Quraish clan in Mecca where he was ______ at an early age
- He grew up to be a successful ______then turned ______
- He was also active as a social reformer, ______, merchant, philosopher, orator, ______, military leader, ______ & philanthropist
- He later worked mostly as a ______, as well as a ______ was first married by age 25
- ______ with life in Mecca, he retreated to a ______ in the surrounding mountains for meditation & ______
- According to Islamic beliefs it was here, at age _____, in the month of ______(varies), where he received his first ______ from God; Muhammad was commanded by “______” (God) to recite the words that would later become Islam's ______book, the “Qur'an”
- As the ______ continued for ____ years later Muhammad preached publicly of the ______to submit to the one ______god, gaining followers & earning the enmity (______) of the polytheistic authorities
- He proclaimed that "______", that complete "______" to Him (Islam) is the only way acceptable to God & that he himself was a prophet & messenger of God in the same vein as other Islamic prophets
- Muhammad gained few ______ early on & was met with hostility from some Meccan tribes as he his followers were treated ______
- To escape ______, Muhammad was forced to flee in 622 to Yathrib (later called ______)
- His poetic recitations & pleas for social ______continued to win ______& Muhammad was repeatedly called into battle in his efforts to unite Arabia behind the faith known as Islam (meaning "______")
- After finally conquering ______in 630, Muhammad returned to ______where he fell ill & died
- By the time of his death, most of the ______ Peninsula had converted to ______, & he had united the tribes of Arabia into a single Muslim religious polity
- In just 100 years after the death of Muhammad, Islam had by ______of arms, ______ out of Arabia conquered as far west as ______& as far east as ______
- From this point on, much of Mediterranean______would be characterized by the struggles between the ______ faiths, the Christians holding the ______side of the Mediterranean& the Muslims the ______side
Arabian Peninsula Culture
- Though the Arabian Peninsula is currently most known for its ______resources & Arab culture more & more ______workers are binging their own ______to the area (Cultural Diffusion)
- The major religions are ______Arabic is the major l______
- Most children in the region attend school there is a strong emphasis on ______ with literacy rate varies from 83% in Kuwait to 89% in Qatar (______centers)
- ______owned hospitals are not fully staffed & people often seek ______ health care from organizations like ______
- ______ places are the best known examples of Islam ______while geometric floral designs are more popular in ______
Central Asia Population Patterns
- The crossroads of Central Asia is home to numerous ethnic groupswith over ___living in the Caucasus Mountains
- The variety of ethnic groups is a reflection of the ______ to the area over the years
- ______ has shaped the population of the region
- In 1915, 1 million Armenians were killed by the ______ Turks & in Armenia20% of the Armenian population has left the country in search of a better ______
Central Asia History & Government
- Emerging from centuries of domination by other cultures & empires, the newly independent ______ of Central Asia are working to find economic &political ______
- Parts of central Asia______ around 100 B.C. due to the emergence of the “______”which was a trade route that connected ______the ______Seaallowing many cities in the region to thrive
- Territories that are culturally or ethnically ______ from surrounding larger cultures are called “______”
- ______ is an enclave because it is surrounded by ______countries 90% of its people are ______
- Numerous Asia countries declared ______ almost simultaneously when the Soviet Union dissolved in ____
- Though countries are moving toward political & economic stability, poverty & ______ are widespread
Central Asia Culture
- Central Asia is home to ______influenced by ______ centuries ago
- Age-old ______ exist alongside many new challenges
- The ______ branch of Islam is the major religion ______languages dominate the area
- ______ school is mandatory literacy rates vary from 88% in Tajikistan to 99% in Armenia & Georgia
- Health care is lacking ______struggles (U.S.S.R. breakup) have kept it from improving
- ______ are the major art forms