February 8, 2016
Patricia Clagg, Chairperson Jeff Dillon, Superintendent
Christy Tayler, Vice-Chair Tim Jensen, Principal
Jaime Ponce Susan Lincoln, Clerk
Robert Fogg Shaunna Noe, Treasurer
Tom Farley, Fed. Programs Director
Sarah Hoover, Staff Member
Jeremy Hoover, Patron
Jim Staples, Aslan Christian Academy
Patricia Clagg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Christy Tayler moved to approve the bills paid as amended. Robert Fogg seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Christy Tayler moved to approve the Confirmation and Consent Agenda as amended. Robert Fogg seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Principal Tim Jensen shared the list of students who are on the honor roll for the 1st semester.
Jim Staples with Aslan Christian Academy updated the Board on the progress of the new Academy. Mr. Staples advised that they expect the first building to be open by August or September of this year.
He talked more about the girls they will be helping with this Academy. Many of these girls are currently being held in detention as there is no place for them.
Mr. Jensen updated the Board on the final outcome of the Graduation Rate Appeals. He advised that we went from a 74% graduation rate to an 88% graduation rate. Counting against us are students who left school to get their GED.
Mr. Jensen advised that they had speakers recently talk to the staff about Personalized Learning. He said his staff is excited and ready jump in. He said he is going to Kuna schools soon to meet with them and look at their model.
Mr. Jensen advised that they are beginning their 3rd round of Star testing. They will be able to look at the trend lines after this.
Mr. Jensen reported that the Aca Deca Team took 3rd/4th place due to a technicality. He advised that the team is struggling to get kids interested in being a part of it. He feels that this is due in part to the popularity of the Ag Program. With more choices being offered, it is harder to draw students in. They have discussed being a part of the Economic Summit instead, as it is less time consuming.
Mr. Jensen advised that the spring sports would begin February 26.
Mr. Dillon shared that the student rollout would be March 30th. He asked that the Board attend if at all possible. He will bring more information back to the Board.
Mr. Dillon discussed the Student Fees Charged and how it affects our District.
Mr. Dillon held a 2nd Reading of Policy 202.7 – Authorization of Signature. Discussion was held.
Mr. Dillon held a 2nd Reading of Policy 204.1A – Public Participation at Board Meetings. Discussion was held.
Mr. Dillon held a 2nd Reading of Policy 204.6 – Open Meeting Law Compliance. Discussion was held.
Mr. Dillon held a 2nd Reading of Policy 401.1 – Personnel Files. Discussion was held.
Mr. Dillon held a 2nd Reading of Policy 805.3 – Retention of District Records. Discussion was held.
Mr. Dillon held a 2nd Reading of Policy 805.4 – Records Management. Discussion was held.
Christy Tayler moved to approve Policy 202.7, 204.1A, 204.6, 401.1, 805.4 as presented. Christy Tayler moved to approve Policy 805.3 with the amendment of page 8 – Personnel Performance Appraisal – alter it from 2 years to PM. Robert Fogg seconded and the motions carried unanimously.
Mr. Dillon spoke to the Board about the proposed Mercer Cafeteria Remodel. With the growing number of students it is becoming a safety issue. Mr. Dillon will bring quotes to the Board for a possible expansion.
Mr. Dillon spoke to the Board about the Personalized Learning Pilot in more detail. He will continue to bring more information to the Board.
Mr. Dillon presented the Personnel Report to the Board. Christy Tayler moved to approve the Personnel Report as reported. Jaime Ponce seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dillon presented the facility use reports with the approval to waive fees. Christy Tayler moved to approve to waive the fees for the Facility use on February 6. Jaime Ponce seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Christy Tayler moved to approve to waive the fees for the Facility use on February 27. Jaime Ponce seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dillon spoke to the Board about changing the release schedule for March 30. He would like this to be a full day for the students, for this day only. Christy Tayler moved to approve to change the schedule for March 30, 2016 to have a full day of school for the students for the WiCats Rollout. Jaime Ponce seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dillon talked about having an insurance fee for the student devices. This fee would run about $20 per year. This would be an optional fee for parents. Mr. Dillon advised that he will bring a policy to the Board next month on this.
Mr. Jensen also reported that he was asked if Wilder would again host the State Baseball Tournament this spring. Mr. Jensen agreed to. He will bring more information back on this.
There were no requests to the Administration.
Patricia Clagg adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Lincoln
District Clerk
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