Community Team for People with a Learning Disability


Supporting adults with learning disabilities and their families


We believe that people with a learning disability should have the right to lead a full life and to be supported to have the same opportunities as everyone else. This means:

·  Taking part as fully as possible in community life

·  Making choices about where you live and how you spend your time.

·  Being respected as an individual.

Who we are

We are a multi-disciplinary team of:

·  Social workers

·  Learning disability nurses

·  Support workers

·  Speech and language therapist

·  Psychology/psychology assistant

·  Transition workers

·  Learning disability physiotherapists

The team also have access to learning disability psychiatry services

Who we work with

We work with people who have a diagnosed learning disability, defined by the Department of Health in ‘Valuing People Now 2009’ as the presence of:

·  A significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills (impaired intelligence), with;

·  A reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning);

·  Which started before adulthood, with a lasting effect on development.

What we do

·  We will carry out an assessment of your needs, goals and outcomes against national eligibility criteria. An assessment involves a discussion with you and your family or any carers involved, to help us work out your social and other care needs.

·  If you are eligible for help from us, we will work with you to agree how best to support you. If you are not eligible, we may signpost you to other services provided by local independent, voluntary and community organisation.

·  Please remember that there may be a charge for services, depending on your financial circumstances.

Ways we can help

If you are eligible we may be able to support with one or more of the following:

¨  Help to live as independently as possible

¨  Help to look for meaningful daytime activities or supported employment

¨  Assess your carer’s needs and help develop contingency plans

¨  Assess your health needs and support you to stay healthy

¨  Help with hospital liaison support

¨  Help with planning for the future

¨  Help you to get support from other professionals

¨  Work with you to help manage your behaviour.

If you are eligible we will aim to give you a Personal Budget so that you can organise your own support to meet your assessed needs.

How to get in touch

The Stockport Adult Social Care single point of contact for general information, advice and referrals can be contacted on 0161 217 6029 Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm

or via the Council website

Where we are based

The Community Team for People with a Learning Disability (CTPLD) are based at Stopford House (4th Floor), Piccadilly, Stockport SK1 3XE.

Further information and advice

FLAG (For Local Advice and Guidance)
An independent service that puts people in need of health and social care support in touch with those local organisations best able to provide it.
FLAG are based at Graylaw House, Chestergate, Stockport SK1 1LZ.
Phone: 0161 474 1042

Why not visit our website

An interpreting service is available if you need help with this information.

Stockport Interpreting Unit

0161 477 9000


Fax: 0161 480 1848

If you would like this leaflet in Braille or audio format, please contact
0161 474 4614 for a copy.

Minicom: 0161 217 6024

Fax: 0161 474 4666


A130 | January 2015