MINUTES of the ANNUAL MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held at Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield on Monday 11th April, 2011.
PRESENT :Councillor E. Croft, Vice-Chairman of Berinsfield Parish Council
15 Members of the Public
Annette Loveland, Clerk to the Parish Council
Councillor Croft opened the meeting and explained that Councillor K. Hall, Chairman of the Parish Council had prepared a report, but unfortunately was unable to attend the meeting.
1.To approve the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 19th April, 2010. The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 19th April, 2010 were approved and signed.
2.Report prepared by Councillor Hall and presented by Councillor Croft. Councillor Croft thanked everyone for attending the Annual Parish Meeting and said he hopedthat everyone present would take the opportunity to express their views and concerns about your village. He explained that the Parish Council are always pleased to receive comments and, for that matter, complaints from residents as without this input the Council may not know about problems in the village.
Potholes One of the main concerns over the last year has been the potholes in the village. The Clerk and Councillor Hall met with the Area Steward from Oxfordshire County Council, Keith Stenning, and took him all around the village to show him the worst of the potholes. He marked those that he considered met the County Council’s criteria of being in the centre of the road and over 4 cm deep and these will be repaired by the County Council.
Illegal car parking. Another issue which has been brought to the Parish Council’s attention is the illegal parking of vehicles close to junctions. The Police Community Support Officers investigate all reports made to them and do issue fixed penalty notices where vehicles are deemed to be parked illegally. The Parish Council wish to emphasize how dangerous it is to park a vehicle where it obscures the vision of another driver.
Skatepark The skatepark continues to be a popular resource with the young people in the village and they do seem to be taking care of it. The youth shelter will be removed in the near future and the Parish Council has to decide whether to replace this and if so, where to locate it.
PavilionThe pavilion is now back in use following the damage caused by frozen pipes during the Christmas period. Berinsfield Football Club is doing very well, but unfortunately the Ladies team had to fold through lack of players. The Managers of the all the Teams would be pleased to hear from people interested in playing for them.
The Pavilion is available for hire by organisations who wish to use the meeting room and kitchen as well as for sporting activities.
SODC – Transfer of land The Parish Council is still waiting for South Oxfordshire District Council to transfer over most of the District Council owned open spaces in the village, but hope that this will be complete within a few weeks.
Grant Aid The Parish Council has again had the pleasure of making grants to local voluntary organisations. As with previous years, a small balance is still available for any organisations that may wish to apply during the year.
Berinsfield Library The Parish Council was pleased to hear that Oxfordshire County Council has listened to the residents and is re-considering its proposal to close some of the Libraries in Oxfordshire.
Elections – 5th May Councillor Croft reported that the Parish Council and District Council elections would be held on Thursday 5th May, 2011.
Website The Parish Council’s website, is available for use by any organisation in the village free of charge. Information can be passed to the Clerk either in writing or by e.mail and she will be pleased to include it under the Community Activities section of the site.
3.Financial Report.
Copies of the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st March 2010 were circulated to those present at the meeting. Councillor Croft informed the meeting that the accounts for the year 1st April, 2010 to 31st March, 2011 are currently being prepared ready for audit which will be carried out in June, 2010.
The funds raised through the precept enable the Parish Council to carry out its statutory duties in the village each year and applications are made for grants towards the cost of providing additional facilities in the village. Residents occasionally query why the Berinsfield Parish charge is higher than that for other Parishes in the District. The Parish Council owns and maintains the burial ground, recreation ground and pavilion, play areas, allotments, bus shelters and many of the small open spaces in the village. The litter bins and dog litter bins are also provided by the Parish Council and payment has to be made to contractors to empty these on a regular basis. All of these services have to be paid for from the precept.
Most of the properties in Berinsfield are either in band B or C which means that the tax on each property is less than the 9th that it would be if the properties were in band D. Many of the other villages listed in the information sheets issued by the District Council will have properties in bands D – H and this will have the effect of making their Parish requirement appear less. The other reason for the tax appearing high is that the Parish Council provides quite a lot of facilities in the village, but there are only just over 1,000 properties in the village to share the cost.
4.Public meeting.
a)Speeding in Fane Drive. At the meeting held on 19th April, 2010 the Police Community Support Officers indicated they would be carrying out speed checks in Berinsfield and residents enquired if this had actually been done.
b)Berinsfield Library. Mr. Marc Hiles, Chairman of the Berinsfield Library Working Party gave a brief report about the proposed consultation being organised by Oxfordshire County Council.
c)Pavilion. It was suggested that the rates for the hire of the pavilion should be included in Your Village Voice.
d)Planters. Residents felt thatmore soil should be put in the planters prior to the summer bedding plants being planted.
e)Area outside shops at junction of Chiltern Close and Fane Drive. It was reported that the paved surface was damaged where a bin had been removed. The Clerk informed the meeting that Oxfordshire County Council were checking their records to establish who actually owns the paved area between the shops and the layby in order that the landowner can be asked to carry out the necessary repairs.
f)Shops at junction of Chiltern Close and Fane Drive. Residents expressed their concern about the poor condition of the buildings housing the shops and flats. Residents asked if the landlord could be asked to tidy the area up.
g)Potholes. Residents expressed their concern about the many potholes in the village. Councillor Croft stated that the Highways Area Steward was aware of the situation.
h)Litter The Parish Council was asked to check whether the area outside the shops in Fane Drive would continue to be cleaned by the South Oxfordshire District Council’s contractors in view of the fact that the shops were no longer in the ownership of South Oxfordshire District Council.
i)Sewers. Residents asked what the current position was with regard to the adoption of the sewers in the village. Councillor Denslow informed the meeting that Thames Water would take over clay pipe sewers only. Residents in privately owned properties should contact South Oxfordshire District Council with regard to blockages that occur in the sewers in the road. Residents are responsible for any blockages in drains on their own property.
j)Trees/shrubs overhanging footpaths. Residents asked what could be done with regard to trees and shrubs that overhang public footpaths. The Clerk informed the meeting that the County Council can contact the owners of any trees/shrubs that overhang the footpath and ask them to cut them back. If they do not comply with the request, the County Council will cut the trees and shrubs back, but will charge the owner.
k)Dog fouling. It was reported that many residents are still not clearing up dog litter despite the fact that there are several bins located around the village. The meeting was informed that the Police Community Support Officers are able to give warnings and fines to people who persistently let their dog foul public open spaces and do not clear this up. It is, however, necessary for anyone wishing to report an incident to pass on the name and address of the person who is allowing their dog to foul. This information can be given to the Parish Council, who will make the report to the Police Community Support Officers.
l)Barriers on footpaths. It was reported that the barriers on certain footpaths in the village were not wide enough to allow a pram or wheelchair to go through. The meeting was informed that the barriers are provided by Oxfordshire County Council and that the information would be passed to them.
m)Events in the village. A resident enquired if a Celebration Day would be held in the village in 2011. It was reported that PACT may be organising an event in 2011. There will be a tea party at the Library on 27th April at 3.45 p.m. to celebrate the Royal Wedding. The Primary School children will be parading around the village as Kings and Queens at 9.30 a.m. on 28th April.
n)Hedge – Pre-school building. It was noted that a section of hedge had to be removed to enable the removal of the old pre-school building. Residents wanted to know if this would be replaced.
The meeting closed at 8 p.m.