Future Destiny of Jerusalem


In his first vision, Zechariah saw thaiYahweht from the shadows, overlooked the destiny of Israel, and through His Divine army he would move for its redemption. In his second vistont he was shown the means whereby the Gentiles would be terrified and overthrown. Now he is shown that Jerusalem's persecution is limited, and its exaltation to the dignity of ¥ahweh*$ throne is sure (jer, ?:17). The prophet saw 4 man with a measuring line, and learned the purpose of his labors: Jerusalem shall be inhabited, Israel shall be re$toredt and the glorvwUl return. Again, the vision of the night had relation to the labors of the day, for *'a man with a measuring line" must have been a familiar figure to the workers in the Temple. Here, thent was a message of encouragement for them as well as for us,



"Behold5**—-The word indicates to **take sole." The fortunes and misfortunes of Israel and Jerusalem are signs which every true son of God has observed with the greatest interest.

"line"—The word in Hebrew Is *£h«bey* a different word to that used In Ezekiel 40:3 or Zcch.

"Breadth awl length thereof— ,Tlie extent as well as the duration of Israel's affliction is limited. No matter how men might try* they will never destroy the lew(Jen 30:11).

VERSE 3 "The angel tita! talked with me"

He supervised the visions, explaining them to Zechariah (Ch, 1:9, 13, 14, 19. Ch. 1:11). He

, ,, __.occupied the position sow assumed

1:16. The word occurring m those bythespirit word:Rev, 2:7, 1 Pet*

places indicates a measure as to 3:22, Rev. 1:1,

*Weat forth**— Lit. "came forward,** to meet and direct the

size, but uchebel" is used in Scrip*

ture In the sense of measuring on

for punishment (2 Sam. 8:2. Amosward ,,

7:$,17). In the former place * •»««•

David measured the Moabites, VERSE 4

some for death and others for

slaey. Tis h n"?«». «P«*fc «» Vm

Israel at the hands of the Gentiies —To the lot of rrTo****>*****ofv,l, calling upon throughout the ages.

slavery. This has been the lot of

bitn to cease measuring, for the time of blessing had come. A sense of urgency Is suggested la the word "run." He was to hasten to Usmt the measuring of perse* cutioc. There was a partial ful-

b! h hd f th eGentii


To measure Jerusalem"—Thisindicates thai & time limit is placed upon Jerusalem's siDictioas, and

though the time Is not here speci- filment of that in the prophet1* fied, the fact that there is a "set day, as both he and Haggai had

revealed that the time of blessing had come (see note Zecb* 1:1); but the fuines* of the vision awaits the future.

time" to favour Eon is indicated ----J "— "-- - n^-->—

elsewhere (Ps. 102:13. Heh. 11:3-

Diag, Acts 17;26. Acts 1:7.take21:24).


**— Jerusalem is here used representatively of Israel as a whole, it is also in other places. e.g. Ezeiu 23:4. Zech. S:S. Thus the context speaks of Jerusalem as "towns (plural) without walls."


«A wail af &**—Such a wall protected Israel when the nation left Egypt (Ex. 14:If-20). It served as a visible token of the Divine presence. The Divine presence and protection is promised here again (see Isa. 26:L 4:5).

*Ttie glory in ibt midst of bit" — In the Most Holy of the Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple*iheglory of Yahweb was manifested by a glowing light shining above the Mercy Seat between the Cherubim*Ezekief, ® a time of great apostasy, saw die glory of Yahweh depart from the Temple and city <Ezefc 8:4. 9:3. 10:4, 18. U;23), and the people left to their owa resources. But he also predicted the return of the Glory at the eonuiig advent of the Lord, when toe glorious "house of prayer for all sations** will be erected, the glory lo return will be in a different form to that which departed, however. The glory of the past was a glowing light; that of the future will be the manifestation of Yahweh in a great company of glorified ones, the chief of whom declared that he was tht*1i|ht of the world'1 (Joha 8:12). So Ezekiel declared "The gforvof &e Elahira (mighty ones) of t££icame from the way of the east (the direction in which It had departed (Bzek. 11:23); and his voice was like the noise of many waters (i.e. a great multitude) and the earth sbincd with his glory" (Escfc. 43:2). Here is Divine glory manifested id a multitude. It was the tope of Paul that he should &U*hk unto it (Rom. 5:2). We are called to that glory, for Yshwch Is faking "out of the nations" a people for His came (Acts 15:14), thai is, for His glory (Isa. 41:7. &au 40:5. 66:18-19).


That is His purpose with Israel both national and spiritual (ler. 13,11),and it will yet be accomplished ()er. 33:8-9).



"Come forth, ai* ?iee*— Christ will "build again the tabernacle of David which h fallen down** (Acts 15:16), by & complete national restoration "as in tbe days of old" (Amos 9:11). The services of Elijah and his associates will be used to that end. They will convey the Divine invitation to scattered Israel to return home (Mai 4:5-6), and the full ingathering will then take place (Ezek. 39:25; Rev. iS;4). Israel will not only be saved hut converted and transformed (Ezek. 20:33*38; Roto. 11:26).

The bad of the notlfe* — The context describes this as all points of the compass* for *I have spread yoy abroad as the four wiaos of the heavea.** To the Hebrew, the north was the place of obscurity. the Hebrew word (Tsawpboa) signifies "hidden," "dark," "unknowa," and cornea from a root meaning to hide by covering over, to hoard, or reserve. AH these ideas are expressed in the word "north" as used k this verse. Israel was scattered into the laud of obscurity, and was there hid* dec, reserved, or hoarded for YahwelTs purpose. From the same root as the word "north" comes the Hebrew expression translated "hiddem ones** in Psalm 83:3, So from the place of obscurity, where Israel has been hidden or reserved, the people will be called back home.


"Deliver myself, O Zkw" — Inthe days of Zechariah this was doubtless an appeal to those lewsin Babylon who had sot returned under the decree of Cyrus. But the prophecy relates primarily to tlie


future, when Babylon the Oreat shall come into judgment. Before the full weight of Divine vengeance will be unleashed against Catholic Europe, the lews will be invited back home {see Rev. 18:4). TbeR&vissd Version renders: "HoZion, escape thouf"



"After A« glory" — After the apocalypse of glory is Christ and the saints (I Tim, 6:15-16t Rom. 5:2: 2 Pet, t:4; Rev. 3:12). The judgment of the household precedes that of the world (1 Yet. 4:17). After Christ is glorified ill the saints (2 TTiess. 1:10), be will turn his attention to t&e world at large.

«Ha& He $mt me" — Yabwetsof hosts (armies) Is the speaker.' Christ Is the manifestation of Yahweh, and the Commander of the Armies to be revealed (Isa. 55:4). The saints comprise the armies under him (2 Tim. 2:4; Rev, 19:14), As an army marches in ihe name of its commander so in ibis verse the unnumbered multitude of the saints is classed under the single word "me*** Each one of them will be a manifestation of Divmz glory, oniied is attributes and in nature with their head, even Christ, and their Father, eves YaSiweh,

The apple of His eye" — Use word should be "pupiL*This is the most tender part of the body, and the one thai reacts immediately to any foreign matter touch* lag it. Thus no one can touch the people of God with impunity. See Ut. 12:14; Bzek. 36:22-24; Jsa. 54:17; Rom. 11:28.

VERSE 9 "I will shake mine band" — In

threatening aspect. Hie expression is used elsewhere as a symbol of the outpouring of Divine wrath (Isa. 11:15; I9zl6)+They shall fee a spoil to their


servants*— The enemies of Israel who have reduced them to slavery* will become their slaves m turn. See Isa, 51:22-52:6; 60:14-15.

*¥e shaft know" — See Exod29:46. Israel as a nation never came to really "know Yafeweh*** for to **know* Him k to lay hold of eternal life (John 17:3). To "know" in the true sense is to be bcgoiten by Yahweh's seed, His Spirit word, Is such a way as to produce fruit to His glory (1 Pet. 1:23; James 1:18, 2:18-20), When Israel shall see the fulness of Divine glory and power in the Lord Jesus and the saints, they will recognise how far they have failed to appreciate the goodness of Ythweh (RomuHttZ). T&e apocalypse of Christ will stake this manifest, and draw them close to their God.


"I will dwell In Hie midst of ffiee* — This was Yahweb*s purpose when He called His people item Egypt (Exod 29:45), but though they would not then bear (Jer. !3;11), His purpose wiiJ be fulfilled in tbe future age (Jen $3:9; Rev, 2L3).


"Many mufions shall be joined tf Yahweh — To be "joined" signifies "converted." (See Jer. 3i 174«; Zeeh. 8:22, 23; Isa, 60:12.) This will fiilfil the promise to Abraham-—€en. 11:4; Rom. 4:18.

"X will dwell In the midst oiHiee*— See Bzekiel 4S.-8-13 where a section of territory b described as being taken out of the midst of the Land for the exclusive purpose of Yahweh. He will dwell in the midst of Israel io the person of Christ sad the saints (Matt 23:39, 13:43; B»L 41:35).


"Yahweh shall inherit Judah bisportiaa in the holy land" — Ezekiel 4&8-13 shows t&at a large portion of the Land of Promise will be taken over by the Lord as a holy oblation, or portion, to be used


exclusively for ihe universal Divine worship to be set up at the Millenium, in Temple of BzekieVnProphecy*Brother Suiley shows that the area thus occupied by the Lord will constitute the territory that was originally given to the tribe of ludab which tribe will occupy contiguous land to the north. There will be a new allocation of land for all the tribes in the kingdom, so that Ezekiel and Z&chariahare shown to be at one in this interesting md significant prophecy,

"SfcstM choose Jerusalem" —

€f. Mat. 5:35- 2 Chron. 12:13; Ps. 132:1344; Isa. 49:14:16.

"Agalt** — It had already been chosen in the days of the prophet, so that this statement implied that

the people were yet to be scattered (as they were by the Romans) and regatheredtas they are being re-gathered today),


*3e silent* O at! %s2iM-— Flesh in its various manifestations — both in mdinduBh and in its social religious and political Institutions, will be humbled before the glory of Yahweh manifested iaHk son and His elect

"He is raised up out of his holy habitactoa" — Notice margin, The Lord will be elevated front Zion, and before him every knee shall bow and every tongue confess thaihe is Lord to the glory of God the Fuh&r, See Phil 2:9*11.