Boca Ciega High School 2017-18

Syllabus: APEX Credit Recovery Program

Hello Pirates!

Welcome to the new school year at Boca Ciega High School! APEX is a credit recovery program that allows students work at their own pace to earn credits toward graduation. Mr. Voeltz and Mrs. Liss will be working together this year assisting you with earning your credit. Students, this is a wonderful opportunity and privilege for you to earn credits and improve your GPA.

What is APEX?

APEX is a computerized web based program. Most academic core subjects are offered on APEX. These subjects include, but are not limited to: Geometry, English, American History, and Earth Space Science courses. With two teachers, APEX provides valuable one-on-one instruction that the student may need to be successful with learning a concept.

How does APEX work?

Students will begin each Module with a pretest, which will determine what he/she knows and needs to review. A personalized pathway to learning will be created based on the pretest. Students will work through assigned lessons, and take notes through each lesson. They will take a quiz, at the end of each lesson, which they must pass with an 80% or better to advance to the next lesson. After completing the assigned lessons, they will take a posttest, which they must pass with a 70% or better. Students are allowed to use all notes (Cornell Way) on tests (internet and other electronics are not allowed). Students are given two attempts at the posttest. If they still have not reached the 70% criteria, then they will need remediation in their area of weakness. This includes one-on-one re-teaching and going back through lessons. After they complete these steps, then they are given another opportunity to take the posttest. Students will not receive a grade until they complete all the modules and the final review exam.

Can Students work at home?

Yes, students can work at home on lessons and quizzes in each module, however, all pre and posttests must be done in the APEX lab (4-101). If we find that a student has taken a pre or posttest outside of the lab, they will receive a 0% for that test. APEX can be accessed on internet explorer @ Please take advantage of this opportunity to work at home!

***You are in a one semester course; therefore, you should complete the course within one semester. ****

Grading: Student’s grades will be averaged by these criteria.

ü  Student’s must complete each module with a posttest score of 70% or higher. (All testing must be done in the APEX lab room 4-101).

ü  After students complete all the modules, then their posttest scores will be averaged.

ü  Additional points can be added for good Cornell Way notes.

7% for Excellent Cornell Way notes, 5% for Good Cornell Way notes, 3% Fair Cornell Way notes.

ü  The final exam will be averaged into the overall grade.

ü  After students complete their course, the grade change will be updated on Portal.

Key’s to being successful in APEX?

1.  Good Attendance

2.  Each student must maintain a notebook and use the Cornell Way notes. (All notes can be used on posttests).

3.  Come to class ready to work.

4.  Respectful to peers and teachers

5.  Stay positive

Discipline: Consequences for Inappropriate behavior or breaking school rules.

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Seat change

3.  Teacher/Student conference

4.  Parent contact/detention

5.  Possible referral to AP/Behavior Specialist/Guidance Counselor

Please feel free to contact Mrs. Liss or Mr. Voeltz if you have any questions @ 893-2780 or and


Student Signature