English 1301MWF: 10-11:50, 12-1:50

Michelle “Kiki” Garza (Adjunct/Writing Tutor)Email:


Office: Gonzales Hall 121Office hours: TBD

Brief Introduction to the Course

Writing is often a very frightening and daunting task to take on for so many people. But before you run off and hide in a corner, breathe in and take a minute to consider: Professional writers feel the exact same way. Good writing isn’t written over night; just the same, good writers aren’t born in a day.

Your journey towards becoming an academic writer begins first with English 1301, where you will examine closely how you write, read, and comprehend difficult texts through examination, reading and writing about writing.This course is designed to be a study of writing, in which you will re-examine and redefine (for yourself) those “set” conventions you may have previously learned.

Course Texts and Materials

Required readings will be provided via the course website

A Pocket Style Manual (6th Edition)

Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook (recommended)

Assignments and Organization of Course

The course will be divided into four units, each covering specific aspects within the study of writing. You will be asked to write an essay for each unit covered. You will also be asked to submit 2 major portfolios: 1 midterm, and 1 final. Specific guidelines will be posted to the class website for these as well as other writing assignments.

Paper 1 (Analysis of DC Genres) / Oct 31 / 15 %
Paper 2 (Literacy Narrative) / Nov 7 / 15%
Paper 3 (Annotated Bibliography) / Nov 23 / 15%
Paper 4 (Review of the Literature) / Dec 7 / 15%
Journal/Reflections / TBD / 10%
Final Portfolio / TBD / 20%
Final / TBD / 10%

Contacting Me

The best way to contact me is through email. I typically answer emails in the evenings between 6 and 10, and on weekends. You may also call the office during my scheduled office hours. If I am not in the office at the time you call, please email me.

Late Work/Resubmissions

No late work or resubmissions will be accepted. If you must miss a deadline, contact me in writing 24-36 hrs ahead of time to make arrangements for a revised due date.

Attendance and Extra-Credit

Students have the opportunity to make up attendance points by making an appointment at the WritingCenter and meeting with a writing consultant to discuss works in progress. You will be able to make-up up to 2 absences in the8 week semester. These may also be redeemed for extra-credit in the course. No other extra-credit or make-up opportunities will be made available for this or any other assignment in the course.

Writing is not a genteel profession. It's quite nasty and tough and kind of dirty.

~Rosemary Mahoney