Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

UNRESTRICTED Document ID : PR-1299

November 199 Filing key :

Management of First Aid and Evacuation within the Corporate Affairs Department


This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.

Version 1 Management of First Aid And Evacuation within CD dept.

Authorised For Issue 24/11/1999

Signed :

The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Version No. / Date / Author / Scope / Remarks
1 / 24/11 / CSM/4 / Initial Issue


Authorised For Issue 24/11/1999 i

Contents ii

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Objective: 1

1.2 Owner 1

1.3 Review 1

2. Procedure 2

2.1 First Aid 2

2.1.1 Aim 2

2.2.2 Organisation 2

2.1.3 Training 2

2.2 Fire Wardens 3

2.2.1 Aim 3

2.2.2 Organisation 3

2.2.3 Training 4

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Version 1 Management of First Aid And Evacuation within CD dept.

1. Introduction

1.1 Objective:

The objective of this document is to define the management of First Aid and Evacuation in response to emergencies within the Corporate Affairs Department. The document will:

Ø  Define roles and responsibilities

Ø  Define Training Requirements

Ø  Define Review Procedures

1.2 Owner

The owner of this document is the Corporate Affairs Director

1.3 Review

This document will be reviewed annually by the document owner. The attachment of the document, which is the emergency response sheet, will be kept up to date by CSM/4. He will receive the required inputs from the nominated first aider and the nominated fire warden.

2. Procedure

2.1 First Aid

2.1.1 Aim

Ø  To ensure provision of First Aid to staff involved in incidents in the physical area of the Corporate Affairs Department.

Ø  To have at all times a minimum of one qualified first aider available within the physical area of the Corporate Affairs Department.

Ø  To ensure that first aid equipment is available and fit for purpose

2.2.2 Organisation

The Corporate Affairs Department will consist of one nominated first aid co-ordinator and a number of additional first aiders. A minimum of 10% of the staff shall be qualified as first aider.

The nominated first aid custodian will ensure that:

Ø  At all times the minimum number of qualified first aiders is available within the Corporate Affairs Department. Nominate new first aiders, as required.

Ø  The first aiders are qualified and properly trained/refreshed. Organise the annual training of CD staff.

Ø  Co-ordination takes place with the person in charge of first aid for the office building or MAF area.

The first aiders will ensure that:

Ø  First aid equipment is available and fit for purpose

Ø  They are recognised as first aiders. A sign for this purpose shall be available outside their office.

Ø  Their qualifications as first aiders remains up-to-date

Ø  They shall attend the annual first aid tests.

Individual staff will:

Ø  Alarm first aider when observing injured staff

Ø  Assist first aider as required with care for injured staff or by alarming/mobilising additional medical resources.

2.1.3 Training

All first aiders will be responsible for ensuring that their first aid qualification remains valid. Formal Refresher training shall be organised by the individual.

Annual competency verification shall take place for all first aiders. This shall be organised by the nominated first aider and shall concentrate on resuscitation and the stopping of major bleedings. Other, more complicated injuries will be treated by medical staff, based in the clinic, which is in walking distance from the area of the Corporate Affairs Department.

2.2 Fire Wardens

2.2.1 Aim

Ø  Ensure escape ways within the physical area of the Corporate Affairs Department are free from obstructions and emergency doors can be operated at all times.

Ø  To verify all offices, meeting rooms and toilet areas are vacated in the case of a fire alarm and that all offices are closed.

Ø  To ensure all staff mobilise at the Assembly Points outside the building after a fire alarm

Ø  To co-operate with the emergency services (e.g. fire brigade) during actual emergencies.

Ø  To ensure fire fighting equipment is available, in date and fit for purpose.

Ø  To be able to fight minor fires within the area of the Corporate Affairs Department

2.2.2 Organisation

The Corporate Affairs Department will consist of one nominated fire warden and a number of additional fire wardens. A total of minimum 10% of the staff shall be qualified as fire warden.

The nominated fire warden will ensure that:

Ø  At all times the minimum number of fire wardens is available within the Corporate Affairs Department. Nominate new fire wardens, as required.

Ø  The fire wardens are qualified and properly trained/refreshed.

Ø  Co-ordination takes place with the responsible person for Fire Wardens for the office building or MAF area.

The Fire Wardens will ensure that:

Ø  Escape routes are kept free of obstructions

Ø  Emergency doors can be opened at all times

Ø  Their qualifications as fire warden remains up-to-date

Ø  They are recognised as Fire Wardens. A sign for this purpose shall be available outside their office.

Ø  Fire extinguishers are available at the designated locations

Individual Staff will ensure that, when required to evacuate the building:

Ø  They switch off electrical appliances in the rooms

Ø  They switch off the lights

Ø  They close the office door

Ø  They leave the building in an orderly fashion through the nearest available exit

Ø  They muster at the nearest suitable Assembly Point.

2.2.3 Training

Ø  Evacuation tests for the overall building shall be carried out on a regular basis. The responsibility for organising these tests is with the nominated Fire Warden for the office building or the MAF area.

Ø  All Fire Wardens will be responsible for ensuring that their qualification remains valid. Formal Refresher training shall be organised by the individual.

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Version 1 Management of First Aid And Evacuation within CD dept.

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