GSU National Council Conference Call
Monday, November 28, 2016
Minutes of Meeting
1.Call to Order
Sister Donna Lackie, GSU National President called the meeting to order at
11:00a.m. (Eastern time). She called the roll of officers present, as follows:
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In person – GSU Boardroom
Donna Lackie, National President
By phone:
Martine Babcook, NVP
Rhianon Banner, RVP NCR
Dale Blandford, RVP Pacific
Daniel Charron, RVP NCR
Louis Cotte, RVP Quebec
David Cunning, RVP Ontario
Terry Flynn, RVP Western
Mélanie Hamel, RVP Quebec
Randy Howard, RVP Atlantic
Greg McGillis, RVP NCR
Nicole Rousseau, RVP NCR
Bill Walsh, RVP Atlantic
Lori Walton, NVP Equity
Kelly Bush, RVP Atlantic
Alain Courcelles, RVP Western
Jack Gale, NVP
Linda Harding, RVP Pacific
Dave Thomson, RVP Ontario
Local President:
Michelle Simard, Local President 20008 (Replacing Linda Harding)
Bob Haywood, Advisor to the National President
Maria Thomas, Executive Assistant to the National President
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Note: The agenda is attached to these minutes as Appendix ‘A’.
As per the minutes of September 28, 2016, Sister Lackie informed National Council that this was no longer a Regional Vice-President’s conference call but a National Council conference call. Minutes will be provided.
2.Report from the Regional Vice-Presidents – PSAC Health and Safety Conference in Montreal
Sister Banner: Sister Banner stated that it was a fantastic conference and that the guest speakers were amazing. She explained that the conference touched on many great topics such as workplace violence and mental health. Overall, she indicated that it was a great conference and that she will be able to share her experience with others.
Sister Walton: Sister Walton stated that it was a great conference and that she echoes Sister Bannon’s comments.
Brother Howard: Brother Howard also echoed Sister Banner’s comments. However, he maintains that one of his concerns was that not enough time was allocated to the deal with the resolutions and the mental health presentation. He also indicated that the Agriculture Component has great tools on their website on Mental Health.
Sister Babcook: Sister Babcook mentioned that it was a good ‘refresher’ conference. She also stated that the speakers were excellent and that overall, it was a great conference.
Sister Lackie: Sister Lackie informed National Council that due to a hectic schedule, she could not attend the conference but was happy to hear that the PSAC NH&S conference was a success.
3.Report of the GSU Communications Committee
Brother Walsh, Chair of the GSU Communications Committee, informed National Council that the Committee Members met in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago. He indicated that the other members of the Committee are Brother McGillis, Sisters Flynn, Simard and Livingston. He explained that at the meeting, they discussed the communications plan and various issues. He stated that it was decided that Twitter and Facebook accounts would be created for all the RVPs and that Locals would have access to Facebook and explained, that this would allow the locals to have a Facebook page and the locals would be responsible for managing this. Sister Rousseau wanted to know if a local was obligated to have a Facebook account. Sister Lackie indicated that it was not mandatory but that she supports it and she maintained that it is a good communications tool. Sister Flynn, also stated that she is willing to provide support if Locals needs help with setting up a Facebook account. Sister Lackie suggested to National Council that perhaps the Communications Officer of the Local could be responsible for this task. Sister Rousseau stated that she would discuss this with her Local at their next executive meeting. Sister Lackie reiterated that Twitter and Facebook are not mandatory and that training would be provided to National Council at the meeting in January 2017.
4.Report of the By-Laws Committee
Brother Cunning informed National Council that the Committee met in Ottawa at the beginning of November 2016. He explained that the Committee is working on the By-Laws which will be presented at the next National Council meeting in April 2017.
Brother Cotte informed National Council that a conference call of the Union Recognition Committee will be held to review Regulation 6.
5.Report of the Benevolent Fund Committee
Brother Haywood informed National Council that the Committee has met once and that they will be having a conference call on December 5, 2016 to decide if the Benevolent Fund Committee should be created. Sisters Harding, Flynn and Brother Walsh are the other members of the Committee.Sister Lackie mentioned that this Committee would be helpful for members in need but this is the decision of National Council.
6.GSU Christmas Hours
Sister Lackie advised National Council that the GSU National Office is closed between Christmas and New Year and that the office will re-open on Tuesday January 3rd, 2017. An email will be sent out to National Council and Local Presidents.
7. NC Training – January 2017 (Fairmont Château Laurier)
Sister Lackie reminded National Council that a training information session will be held at the Fairmont Château Laurier on Tuesday January 17, 2017 and Wednesday January 18, 2017. At this meeting, some topics for discussion will be Workplace 2.0 and social media. Sister Lackie encouraged National Council to submit topics for this meeting.
Brother Cotte requested that National Council meet prior to the presentation on Workplace 2.0 being given by Public Services and Procurement Canada. He also suggested that we have a resource staff person from the PSAC attend this presentation. Sister Lackie will follow-up with PSAC National President Robyn Benson to see if she can assign someone.
Brother Cunning stated that this would be a good opportunity to approach the members and find out what their concerns are regarding Workplace 2.0. He stated that PSPC will be going ahead with the implementation of Workplace 2.0, but maybe we can find solutions to address the concerns of members.
Sister Lackie advised National Council that there will be a thirty-minute presentation from the department sent to National Council to prepareprior to the meeting.
Sister Flynn advised National Council that unfortunately she will not be able to attend the training session in January 2017.
Sister Thomas reminded National Council to verify their PSAC accounts since this is the email used by the National Office.
8.Round Table / Discussion
The meeting ended with a round table discussion.
Brother Blandford: Brother Blandford thanked Sister Lackie for attending the Local AGM on November 23rd, 2016.
Sister Simard: Sister Simard thanked Sister Lackie for allowing her opportunity to be part of the Communications Committee.
Brother McGillis: Brother McGillis wanted to know the status of the ‘Go To Meeting’. Sister Lackie will follow-up with Sister York and will inform Brother McGillis.
Sister Hamel: Sister Hamel expressed concerns with the membership list and union dues. Sister Lackie indicated that she will follow-up and will get back to her. Sister Hamel was also looking for an update regarding the GSU structure as she received no feedback from the email that was sent. Sister Banner stated that she did not have the opportunity to meet with all of her locals and that perhaps the email can be resent. Sister Thomas stated that she will resend the email.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. (noon)
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Appendix ‘A’ - Agenda
1.Call to Order
2.Report from RVPs (PSAC Health and Safety Conference in Montreal)
3.Report of the Communications Committee
4. Report of the By-Laws Committee
5.Report of the Benevolent Fund Committee
6.GSU Christmas Hours
7.NC Training – January 2017 (Fairmont Château Laurier)
8.Round Table / Discussion
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