Tender No. TF/NE/WJ-25/ERP/PART-1/16 dated 13th February 2015.

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

O/o the Chief General Manager

North East Task Force

7th Floor, BSNL Bhavan

Panbazar, Guwahati-1


No. TF/NE/WJ-25/ERP/PART-1/16 dated 13th February 2015.


This bid document contains 27(twenty seven) pages from 1 to 27.

Price Rs.558/- (Inclusive of 14.5% AGST) only.

Table of Contents:

Section / Content / Page No.
Notice Inviting Tender / 3 to 4
Section -I / General Terms and conditions / 5 to 13
Section -II / Special conditions of contract / 14 to 15
Section -III / Technical Specification / 16 to 17
Section -IV / Format for attending Bid opening / 18
Section -V / Format for Information about bidders / 19
Section -VI / Bid Form / 20
Section -VII / Format for Agreement / 21 to 22
Section -VIII / Performance Bank Guarantee Bond / 23 to 24
Section-IX / Near Relative Certificate / 25
Section-X / Financial Bid / 26
Section-XI / Consignee Details / 27


(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Office of the CGM, NETF,

7th Floor BSNL Bhawan

Panbazar, Guwahati-781001


No. No. TF/NE/WJ-25/ERP/PART-1/16 Dated 13th February 2015.

Sealed tenders are invited by CGM, NETF Guwahati on behalf of CMD,BSNL from the experienced and reputed firms under two-bid system for supply ,installation of Desktop PC, Laptop and printers for North East Task Force Guwahati.

Cost of Tender papers documents and mode of payment / Rs. 558/- (Five Hundred fifty eight) only (Non-refundable) payable in the form of Banker Cheque/Bank Draft from any scheduled bank for Rs.558/- favourring Sr.AO (Cash), o/o the CGM, NETF Circle, Guwahati.
Tender can be downloaded from our website:
www.tender.bsnl.co.in / Tenderer should enclose a Banker Cheque/Bank Draft from any scheduled bank for Rs.558/- favoring Sr.AO (Cash), o/o the CGM, NETF Circle, Guwahati as a cost of tender document in case of downloaded tender.
Tenders can also be had on application from DE (MM) from 11.00 hrs of 16.02.2015 to 16.00 hrs of 07.3.2015 on working days on paying the cost of the tender document as mentioned above.
Quantity / Desktop PC- 42 Nos ( forty two nos.) Laptop- 6 (six) nos, Printer Laserjet – 20 (twenty)Nos
Estimated cost / Rs.24.00 Lakh (Rupees twenty four lakh)
Earnest Money (EMD) and mode of payment / Rs. 60,000/-(Rupees sixty Thousand) only in the form of Banker Cheque/Bank Draft favouring Sr.AO (Cash), o/o the CGM, NETF Circle, Guwahati.
Date & time of opening of tender / Tender will be received up to 14.30 hrs of 09.03.2015 and will be opened at 15.00 hrs on the same day.

Note: The quantity stated above are estimated and BSNL reserves the right to vary the quantity to the extent of -25 % to +25 % of specified quantity at the time of award of the contract without any change in unit price or other terms & conditions.

1.  Eligibility Conditions

i.  The bidder should be an Indian Company/firm/authorized dealer who have conducted business in India for more than 3(three) years for Desktop PCs, Laptop, and Printers etc.

ii.  Experience of having successfully supply of Computers to BSNL/ MTNL/ PSUs/ Govt Organizations/ Nationalized Banks during last 3(three) years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the following:

a.  Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost. or

b.  Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost. or

c.  One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost.

iii.  Average annual financial turnover during the last three years (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 ) ending 31st March of the previous financial year i.e. 31-03-2014, should be at least 30% of the estimated cost.

iv.  Valid PAN No.

v.  Valid VAT/Sales/ Service Tax Registration Certificate or exemption certificate, if any. In case firm is not registered with service tax department, undertaking is to be given by such firms stating that the firm will deposit such certificate before submitting first bill. In the absence of such registration, no payment will be made.

vi.  The bidders shall submit necessary documentary proof showing that they meet the eligibility criteria along with their tender bid. All documents submitted will also be self attested by the bidder.

vii.  NSIC registered firms will be given exemption as per existing rules.

Technical bid not supported with (1)Above eligibility criteria (2) Cost of Tender Document, (3) EMD , shall be straightway rejected. The Financial bid of the firms not having above eligibility shall not be opened.

2.  The Indian Agent on behalf of the foreign principal could bid in a tender. Further, in cases where an agent participates in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he will not be allowed to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a subsequent/ parallel tender for the same item.

3.  Tender document may be downloaded from website www.netf.bsnl.co.in or www.tender.bsnl.co.in . If at any stage of the tendering process it is found that the downloaded document has been altered/ manipulated, the bid shall stand cancelled and EMD shall be forfeited.

4.  Tender form fee is neither transferable nor refundable.

5.  Tender form will neither be sent nor be accepted by Post/Courier.


O/o the CGM,NETF Guwahati

Panbazar, Guwahati-781001


General Terms & Conditions

1. Application:

a)  The general conditions shall apply in contracts made by the purchaser for supply, installation of Desktop PC, laptops and printers for NETF Guwahati.

b)  Submission of a Tender will bind the Bidder to the acceptance of all the conditions specified in the tender document. It is understood and agreed that, the bidder after careful examination of the Tender Document and Specification has satisfied himself of the various terms, conditions and specifications set out therein, before offering the tender.

2.  Standards :-

The computers supplied under this contract shall conform to the standards prescribed in the Technical Specifications, detailed at Section-III.

3.  Patent Right: -

The successful bidder shall indemnify the purchaser against all third party claims of infringement of patent trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of any of the equipment (under this Tender) in BSNL, NETF Guwahati and any claim thereof shall be the responsibility of the supplier.

4.  Cost of Bidding :-

The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid.

The Purchaser, will in no case, be responsible or liable for these cost, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

5.  Amendment of Bid Document :-

a.  At any time, prior to the date for submission of bids, the Purchaser may, for any reason, weather at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the bid documents.

b.  The amendments shall be notified in our website and these amendments will be binding on them.

c.  In order to afford prospective bidders reasonable time to take the amendments into account in preparing their bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the dead line for the submission of bid suitably.

6.  Bid form :-

The Bidder shall complete the Bid Form (Section-VI) and the appropriate Financial Bid (Section-X) furnished in the Bid Documents.

7.  Earnest Money Deposit:-

i.  Earnest Money Deposit should be in the form of Demand Draft/Banker cheque/Pay order amounting Rs.60,000/-(Rupees sixty thousand) only on any Nationalised / Scheduled Bank payable at Guwahati in favour of the Sr.A.O(Cash) O/o the CGM, NETF Guwahati and should be attached with the tender.

ii. Any tender not accompanied with the prescribed Earnest Money Deposit (E.M.D.) is liable to be rejected.

iii.  The E. M. D. of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded after final acceptance of the tender and within reasonable time, but not later than six months from the date of opening of the tender.

iv. The E. M. D. will not carry any interest.

v. The E. M. D. will be forfeited to BSNL in the event of the bidder withdrawing his offer before final acceptance of the tender.

vi. The E. M. D. of successful bidders shall also be forfeited to BSNL in the event of the successful bidder fails to deposit the required Security Deposit, when required to do so, within the specified period as required for the proper performance of the contract.

vii. The E.M.D. of the successful bidder will be refunded after submission of required performance security deposit in full.

viii. EMD is to be given in a separate Sealed Envelope with a mark “EMD of Rs.60,000/= for tender for supply, installation of computers”. This envelope cover should be inside a cover as per clause 9.

8.  Eligible bidder:

(I)  Experience of having successfully supply of Computers to BSNL/ MTNL/ PSUs/ Govt Organizations/ Nationalized Banks during last 3(years) years ending last day of month previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of the following:

a.  Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost. or

b.  Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost. or

c.  One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost.

(II)  Average annual financial turnover during the last three years (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14), ending 31st March of the previous financial year i.e. 31-03-2014, should be at least 30% of the estimated cost.

(III)  Valid PAN No.

(IV)  Valid Sales/ Service Tax Registration Certificate or exemption certificate, if any. In case firm is not registered with service tax department, undertaking is to be given by such firms stating that the firm will deposit such certificate before submitting first bill. In the absence of such registration, no payment will be made.

9.  Submission of tender:-

The Tender may be submitted in two envelopes (wax sealed). In envelope “A” the requisite documents as mentioned below may be submitted and it will super scribe as “Technical bid”.

This envelope should contain the following:-

1.  Copy of PAN card and copy of income tax return for the last 3 (three) years.

2.  VAT/Sales Tax Registration Certificate.

3.  Original power of attorney in court paper in case, any person other than the bidder himself has signed the tender documents.

4.  Authenticated copy of Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm.

5.  The “Information about Bidders” (Section- V) supplied along with the tender document duly filled in, complete in all respects.

6.  Credentials and Documents as mentioned in clause no.8.

7.  Registration of the Company.

8.  Trade License.

9.  Memorandum/Article of Association, if applicable.

10.  Warranty certificate as per warranty clause 21.

11.  Compliance statement of Technical Specification.

12.  Near relative certificate as per Section-IX.

In envelope “B”, the rate quoted against each items as detailed in the Section-X of the tender document may be submitted and it may be super scribed as “Financial Bid”.

Both the envelopes A & B should be wax sealed in an envelope and duly super scribed as “Tender for supply, installation of Desktop PC , Laptop and laser jet printers”. Rates should be quoted both in figures and words in English. If there is a discrepancy in the rates between the figures and words, the rates quoted in words will be taken as correct for the purpose of evaluation. Any correction /overwriting must be authenticated by the signature of the bidder or his authorised representative. Use of correction fluid is strictly prohibited.

a. Tender in sealed cover containing 3(three ) nos of sealed envelopes as detailed in clause 7 to clause 9 should be super scribed :

“Tender for supply, installation of Desktop PC, Laptops & Printers”.

b. The bottom left-hand corner of the cover should indicate the name and address of the firm/bidder

c. The tender should be addressed to DE(MM), O/o Chief General Manager, NETF Guwahati -1 and should reach by 14:30 Hrs of 09-03-2015. The tender will be opened on 09-03-2015 at 15:00Hrs. If the opening day happens to be a holiday or bandh the same will be opened on the next working day.

d. Tenders received in unsealed covers will not be considered

e. Closing the cover with gum only or stapling the cover with stapler or pasting adhesive tape etc. will not be treated as sealed cover. The tender should be sealed with sealing wax properly.

Tender shall be submitted in the prescribed format enclosed with the non transferable Tender document as detailed in various clauses.

No amendment to the tender in any form by the bidder will be permitted after the opening of tenders.

Each page of the Tender document (i.e. the original Tender Document) submitted should be signed and stamped by the bidder or his authorised representative along with consecutive numbering. The tender documents are to be signed as a token of acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Tender.

10.  Late Tenders :- BSNL will not be responsible for late receipt of Tender Bids sent by either registered post or courier beyond the stipulated time mentioned in NIT. All such Tender bids will be summarily rejected and will be returned unopened.

11.  The jobs to be assigned as indicated in the Tender are only approximate and the Department reserves the right to alter or modify the quantities and the rate as quoted will remain binding on the bidder not withstanding any changes to the number of the jobs in the tender

12.  The tender document is not transferable.

13.  The Chief General Manager, BSNL , NETF Guwahati, Guwahati reserves the right to reject any or all of the Tender Bids, without assigning any reason.

14.  Clarification of bid.

To assist the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion ask the bidder for the clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. However, no post bid clarification at the initiative of the bidder shall be entertained.