ABC Level 2 Award in Fabrication and Welding Practice 600/5131/0

ABC Level 2 Certificate in Fabrication and Welding Practice 600/5190/5

Assessment Requirements


Unit L/503/9497 Tungsten-Arc Gas Shielded (TAGS) Welding

Level 2

Version 3 – September 2013

Learner Name ......

Name of Centre where registered ......

ABC Registration I/D ......

A.  Complete Fillet and Butt welds using the TAGS welding process (AC 7.1)

Complete a tee fillet welded joint in 3 mm thick LCS plate. This joint is to be welded in

the horizontal vertical position (PB). It should be welded and tested to the requirements of the

drawing Ref No TAGS/FW

Complete a butt welded joint in 3 mm thick LCS plate. This joint is to be welded in the

flat/down hand position (PA). It should be welded and tested to the requirements of the

drawing Ref No TAGS/BW

B.  Assessment of the Fillet and Butt welds: (AC 7:2)

Key – A=Acceptable D=Distinction M=Merit P=Pass F=Fail N/A =Not Applicable

(Circle the grade obtained)

SECTION 1 – Initial visual assessment of completed weld
BUTT WELD / Weld Contours: Height of weld not greater than 30% of material thickness. Insufficient weld deposit not greater than 10%. Consistent weld bead width. / FILLET WELD
A / A
A / Stop-Start: areas of the weld: Blended rejoining of welds. Absence of humps or craters. / A
A / Absence of surface defects: i.e. Excessive weld craters, stray arcing, overlap, excessive weld spatter. / A
A / Absence of cracks in or around the weld deposit. / A
N/A / Leg length size of weld: – Equal to material thickness. Correct leg length over full length of weld (200 mm) D=90% of length (180 mm) M=75% of length (150 mm) P= 60% of length (120 mm) F= <60%. / D. M. P. F.
D. M. P. F. / Undercut: Total length of undercut at each side of the weld (400 mm) To a maximum depth of 10%.
D = 10%(40 mm) M= 15%(60mm) P=< 20%(80mm) F=> 20%. / D. M. P. F.
D. M. P. F. / Root Penetration:
Total length of root penetration (200 mm)
D=>90%(180mm) M=>80%(160mm) P=>70%(140mm) F= <70%. / N/A
D. M. P. F. / Surface Porosity:
Length free from porosity in total length of weld (200 mm)
D=100% (200mm) M=95% (190 mm) P=90% (180mm) F=>90%. / D. M. P. F.
SECTION 2 – Workshop testing of fillet weld (Nick-break test)
Internal Porosity:
Clusters of porosity in total length of weld (200 mm) not to exceed
D= (No porosity) M=<5%(10mm) P=< 10%(20mm) F=>10%. / FILLET WELD
D. M. P. F.
Total length of inclusions not to exceed
D= No inclusions M=<5%(10mm) P=10%(20mm) F=>10%. / D. M. P. F.
Lack of penetration:
Total length of lack of penetration not to exceed
D=<15%(30mm) M=<20%(40mm) P=< 25%(50mm) F=>25%. / D. M. P. F.
SECTION 3 – Workshop testing of butt weld
Root Bend: Bend through 90° minimum.
D= No fracture/tear on bend M=Fracture/tear < 3 mm P= Fracture/tear < 5 mm
F= Fracture of weld and showing inclusions/lack of fusion. / BUTT WELD
D. M. P. F.
Face bend: Bend through 90° minimum.
D= No fracture/tear on bend M=Fracture/tear < 3 mm P= Fracture/tear < 5 mm
F= Fracture of weld and showing inclusions/lack of fusion. / D. M. P. F.
Fracture Test: Absence of clusters of porosity/inclusions over a 35 mm wide specimen
D=No porosity/inclusions M=< 5% of surface area P=< 10% of surface area F=> 10% of surface area. / D. M. P. F.
Grade awarded for completed weld
DISTINCTION / 4 Acceptable. 4 Distinctions. 2 Passes or greater
MERIT / 4 Acceptable. 4 Merits. 2 Passes or greater
PASS / 4 Acceptable. 6 Passes (or greater)
Comments from assessor:
Signed ...... Dated ......
Grade awarded for completed weld
DISTINCTION / 4 Acceptable. 4 Distinctions. 2 Passes or greater
MERIT / 4 Acceptable. 4 Merits. 2 Passes or greater
PASS / 4 Acceptable. 6 Passes (or greater)
Comments from assessor:
Signed ...... Dated ......

Determining the overall grade for both the butt and fillet welds:

The overall grade will be determined when both the butt and fillet welds have been completed. and assessed against the marking criteria. Each weld will be graded i.e. fail, pass, merit or distinction. The overall grade will be that representative of the lower grade achieved on either of the two welds.

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(TAGS/FW) / Welding Process:
(TAGS/BW) / Welding Process:

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C.  Complete welds using the TAGS welding process (AC 7.1)

Complete the following welds on materials up to 3 mm in thickness in the welding positions required.

These welds are not graded

Joint Type / Welding Position
Bead on Plate. With and without weaving / Flat (PA)
Edge weld / Flat (PA)
Open outside corner / Flat (PA)
Lap joint / Horizontal vertical (PB)

Be able to work safely when TAG welding. (AC 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3)

To be completed by the assessor.

Confirm that the learner complied with basic safety procedures as required by law and

organisational procedures to ensure their own safety and that of others whilst carrying TAGS

(Tungsten-Arc Gas Shielded) welding activities (AC1.1)

Signed ...... Dated ......


To be completed by the learner.

A.  Select and use appropriate protective clothing:

From the list of PPE and safety equipment given, indicate which of the items were used during

the welding activity (AC1.2)

Item of PPE/equipment / Yes / No / Item of PPE/equipment / Yes / No
Overalls / Safety glasses
Safety boots/shoes / Ear plugs/defenders
Welding gauntlets / Hat/headwear
Protective leathers/apron / Protective spats/armlets

B.  Dealing with waste materials (AC 1.3)

List THREE items of waste material that will be found as a result of (TAGS) Tungsten-Arc Gas

Shielded welding and state how each item can dealt with in line with the correct working


Waste Material/s / Method of dealing with excess and waste material/s

C.  Welding consumables (AC 3.1)

State why it is important to correctly store the welding consumables that would be used for the TAGS (Tungsten-Arc Gas Shielded) welding process




D.  Methods of distortion control (AC 6.1)

Identify the way in which the methods listed are used to control distortion in welded work

Method Used / How are these methods used to control distortion in welding?
Weld sequence
Joint preparation
Pre/post heating

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Welding procedure (AC 3:1, 4:1, 5:1 and 7:1)

E.  Complete the information required for the full welding of the butt welded joint.

Joint type: / Welding position: / Material type and thickness:
Joint preparation details. / Welding sequence:
Run No / Shielding gas type
and cylinder colour / Shielding gas
pressure and
flow rate / Filler wire type and diameter / Welding current / Tungsten type and diameter / Torch/filler wire slope angle / Torch/filler wire tilt angle / Speed of travel

(Complete row 1 for single weld deposit. Complete rows 1, 2 and 3 for multi-pass welds)

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To be completed by the Assessor/Tutor (AC 2.1)

Identification and function of equipment: For the items of the (TAGS) Tungsten-Arc Gas Shielded welding equipment listed, tick the box to confirm that the learner can identify and describe the function of each component.

Power source unit (transformer/generator) Welding inverter

Power source unit (transformer-rectifier unit) Welding lead

High Frequency Unit Ammeter and Voltmeter Cooling system

Shielding gas supply – regulator, flow meter and hoses Ceramic nozzles

Welding torch Welding return Electrical earth Tungsten electrodes

Foot or hand switch Tools/Ancillary items

Assessor/Tutor to confirm that the above task was carried out and the learner identified and gave appropriate responses to the function of the equipment listed.

Signed ...... Date ......

I/M and E/M to complete the complete the requirements listed below (if sampled). This should relate to ALL tasks covered in this unit.

Internal Moderator/Verifier Feedback (if sampled)
Internal Moderator/Verifier Signature: Date:
External Moderator Feedback (if sampled)
Internal Moderator/Verifier Signature: Date:

ABC Awards Authenticity Statement


This declaration must be completed and signed by the learner and countersigned by the tutor/assessor.

Learner Name: …………..……………….……………………………………………………

Learner Number: ………………………………………………………………………………

Centre: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Learner Statement of Authenticity

I confirm that the attached assignment/portfolio is all my own work* and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself. I have completed the assignment/portfolio in accordance with the Awarding Body instructions and within the time limits set by my Centre.

Signature: ………………………………….. Date: ………………………………

Centre Confirmation of Authenticity

On behalf of ……………………………………. (insert centre name), I confirm that the above mentioned learner, to the best of my knowledge, is the sole author of the completed assignment/portfolio attached.

Signed: ……………………………………. Date: ………………………………

Name: ……………………………………..

Job Description: ………………………………………………………………………………

*Unless otherwise stated e.g. for some entry level qualifications learner can work together but should show sections which are their own work.

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