Mariano Pedroza

Born in Brasíia, Brazil, in 1966, Mariano grew up in six different countries (Brazil, Ivory Coast, Angola, Senegal, France, USA) where he had the opportunity to experience the importance of cultural diversity as well as the depth of the transcultural essence of human beings.

Body Oriented Psychotherapy

Mariano has a private practice in Brasília, Brazil, where he has been working with individuals, couples and groups since 1995.

He is a Certified Bioenergetics Therapist - CBT by the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analisys – IIBA (

He was trained in Core Energetics (a body-centered transformational process that integrates the work with the body, mind, heart and spirit) by its founder, John Pierrakos MD. He is currently a Supervisor and Local Trainer for the Core Energetics Institute of Brazil.

Systemic Integrative Community Therapy[1]

Mariano is a Certified Community Therapist by the Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC, and has been working with groups in several “precarious communities” (slums) in the outskirts of Brasília since 2001.

He is a founder associate member and a Director of the Movimento Integrado de Saúde Comunitária – MISMEC-DF ( , a nonprofit organization dedicated to peace building and health promotion through the creation and strengthening of social webs of solidarity and community support.

He is currently a Trainer and Supervisor, member of the Associação Brasileira de Terapia Comunitária – ABRATECOM (

Trauma Releasing Exercises – T R E

Mariano is a T R E trainer (level III). In the past couple of years, he has been integrating T R E both, in his private practice as well as in the work with communities. He is currently coordinating the T R E training program in Brasília.


Fluent in Portuguese, French and English

Good understanding and basic communication in Spanish

[1] Systemic Integrative Community Therapy is an innovative method for the empowerment of communities and populations at risk. It was created by Psychiatrist and Anthropologist Adalberto Barreto MD who developed this method empirically by working for over 20 years in “Pirambu”, one of Brazil’s largest slums.