For assistance in completing this document or

for clarification on any of the questions asked or processes involved

please contact:

Pride in Diversity

(02) 9206.2139 or email


Date / Version / Editor / Details
07/03/2016 / 1 / DH / New Award : Nomination Form Development


This award category relates specifically to any initiatives and/or processes that you have in place to support transgender and/or intersex people within the workplace.

Your award nomination may apply to transgender inclusion, intersex inclusion or both.

Period assessed:There is some flexibility in this award. Initiatives or processes may have been developed within, or prior to the 2015 calendar year. If developed prior to the 2015 calendar year, you must be able to show activity, uptake or results within the 2015 calendar year.

Submissions due:All submissions must be received by Pride in Diversity before 5pm on Thursday 24th March 2016 (Sydney AEST). This deadline is final. Pride in Diversity is unable to accept any submissions after this time. This deadline applies to all states.

Please send your AWEI completed submission document to either or 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010.

Important Dates:Thursday 24th March, 2016 – 5pmSubmissions close
Sydney AEST time

Friday 20th May 2016AWEI 2016 Awards and Australia’s Top 20 employers for LGBTI Workplace Inclusion will be announced at the Pride in Diversity AWEI Awards Event to be held in Sydney.

July 2016AWEI 2016 Index Publication (Australian benchmarking data and award winning practices) goes to print. This will be sent to all participating organisations shortly thereafter.

1st week December 2016AWEI Pride in Practice LGBTI Workplace Conference showcasing AWEI award winning employers, leading practice and inclusion initiatives, expert panels and leading LGBTI workplace research presentations.

For assistance:Please call Dawn Hough on (02) 9206.2139 or email


This submission is broken into the following sections:


(a)Complete if nominating for Transgender Inclusion Award

(b)Complete if nominating for Intersex Inclusion Award

SECTION 2:OVER AND ABOVE: For work over and above foundation work in Section 1.



All submissions are treated with the strictest confidence and viewed only by markers withinthe Pride in Diversity team. Pride in Diversity is happy to sign any non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements required.


Name of Business / Organisation


Number of employees Australia-wide:



Position within the organisation:

Postal Address:

Contact Details (phone and email)

Award Category

Which award category best describes your nomination. Please place a cross in the most appropriate box

Transgender Inclusion
Intersex Inclusion
Our submission incorporates elements of both Transgender and Intersex inclusion
(Please either complete two submissions or duplicateSections 2, 3 and 4 at the back of this document to separate your work for Transgender inclusion and your work for Intersex inclusion). The two submissions will be assessed independently.



This section is worth 70 points out of the 100 point allocation (Intersex inclusion scored independently as an additional submission, not within the same submission)

Please skip Section 1(a) if your nomination is only for Intersex Inclusion.

Please select all that apply and provide evidence where requested. If you are participating in the full AWEI and you have provided this information within your submission, you may tick the AWEI box rather than repeating this here. If you are not participating in the AWEI, please provide the evidence requested for each question below the table. T within the question number = Transgender.

Question No. / Criteria / Place X if not applicable / Place X if evidence provided below / Place X for AWEI evidence / Evidence supplied within AWEI
T(a) / We have clearly communicated/articulated support for transgender employees seeking transition assistance within the organisation. / Q1.3(e)
T(b) / We have a documented transitioning policy and/or process for those employees transitioning within the organisation. / Q1.3(e)
T(c) / Our employee network (or diversity initiatives) have actively sought to support, or show support of transgender employees over the 2015 calendar year. / Q2.1.2(s)
T(d) / We have provided training to members of staff that incorporate an awareness of what it means to be transgender or that addresses transgender inclusion. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(e) / We provided information or held an event for Transgender Day of Remembrance or Transgender Day of Visibility. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(f) / We have a bullying/harassment policy or grievance procedures in place that specifically reference transphobia or bullying/harassment in regard to ones gender identity or expression. / Q1.5(c)
T(g) / We specifically included transphobic examples in our list of what constitutes bullying/harassment. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(h) / We have transgender people within the organisation who are points of contact for those who wish to talk to someone or we have a dedicated Trans Friendly point of contact communicated. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(i) / We have a process in place to capture internal Trans related concerns or experiences with bullying/harassment. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(j) / We have a process in place to capture external Trans related concerns or experiences with bullying/harassment. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(k) / We communicate trans inclusivity via our recruitment team or recruitment documentation. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(l) / We have leave that can be negotiated for people currently undergoing transition. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(m) / We have expertise that we can call on to assist us training and processes regarding an employee’s transition. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(n) / We have provided our employees with documentation that educates people on gender, specifically trans and non-binary genders. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(o) / We have had Transgender speakers speak to our employees with a focus on awareness building and inclusion. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
T(p) / We provide people with the option of identifying as Transgender or non-binary genders on employee engagement and/or diversity surveys. / Please supply evidence below / N/A


T(a) - We have clearly communicated/articulated support for transgender employees seeking transition assistance within the organisation. Please provide details as to where this is communicated along with a screenshot or supporting evidence in response to (a) if selected

T(b) - We have a documented transitioning policy and/or process for those employees transitioning within the organisation. Please provide evidence of your formal policy or process that you have in place to support an employee transitioning in the workplace. If you are providing a global document/process or a document that has been written overseas, please indicate the degree to which this has been communicated/applied/utilised here in Australia.

T(c) – Our employee network (or diversity initiatives) have actively sought to support, or show support of transgender employees over the 2015 calendar year.Please identify any actions/events undertaken this year to specifically support or show your support of transgender employees.

T(d) – We have provided training to members of staff that incorporate an awareness of what it means to be transgender or that addresses transgender inclusion. Please provide a copy or outline of the content that applies to transgender awareness/inclusion

T(e) – We provided information or held an event for Transgender Day of Remembrance or Transgender Day of Visibility.Please provide a copy of the information provided and details of its distribution or details and evidence of your event.

T(f) – We have a bullying/harassment policy or grievance procedures in place that specifically reference transphobia or bullying/harassment in regard to ones gender identity or expression.Please copy and paste the information that specifically addresses transphobia or gender identity / expression.

T(g) – We specifically included transphobic examples in our list of what constitutes bullying/harassment.Please copy and paste the transphobia examples provided within your documentation.

T(h) – We have transgender people within the organisation who are points of contact for those who wish to talk to someone or we have a dedicated Trans Friendly point of contact communicated. Please provide evidence of this being communicated and explain how people might find this information.

T(i) – We have a process in place to capture internal Trans related concerns or experiences with bullying/harassment. Please describe process, specifically how people can extract Trans related concerns/bullying.

T(j) – We have a process in place to capture external Trans related concerns or experiences with bullying/harassment. Please describe process, specifically how people can extract Trans related concerns/bullying.

T(k) – We communicate trans inclusivity via our recruitment team or recruitment documentation. Please provide evidence of this communication.

T(l) – We have leave that can be negotiated for people currently undergoing transition. Please provide details of this leave and where it has been communicated.

T(m) – We have expertise that we can call on to assist us training and processes regarding an employee’s transition. Please provide evidence.

T(n) – We have provided our employees with documentation that educates people on gender, specifically trans and non-binary genders.Please provide evidence (Note: you can use the Pride in Diversity Let’s Talk Gender publication as an example ONLY if you can provide evidence that this has been made available or communicated to (relevant) staff).

T(o) – We have had Transgender speakers speak to our employees with a focus on awareness building and inclusion. Please provide evidence.

T(p) We provide people with the option of identifying as Transgender or non-binary genders on employee engagement and/or diversity surveys.

(a)Please provide evidence of wording utilised within any surveys as it related to Gender; and

(b)when the survey was last distributed.


This section is worth 70 points out of the 100 point allocation (Transgender inclusion scored independently as an additional submission, not within the same submission)

Please skip Section 1(b) if your nomination is only for Transgender Inclusion.

Please select all that apply and provide evidence where requested. If you are participating in the full AWEI and you have provided this information within your submission, you may tick the AWEI box rather than repeating this here. If you are not participating in the AWEI, please provide the evidence requested for each question below the table. I within the question number = Intersex.

Question No. / Criteria / Place X if not applicable / Place X if evidence provided below / Place X for AWEI evidence / Evidence supplied within AWEI
I(a) / Our discrimination clauses specifically references Intersex status. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(b) / We have a policy or grievance procedure in place that specifically references bullying/harassment in relation to one’s intersex status. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(c) / Our HR, contact offices and/or diversity teams have undertaken training that incorporates an understanding of Intersex as professional development. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(d) / Intersex awareness and inclusion has been included in our LGBTI and/or diversity training courses available to all staff. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(e) / Our employee network or diversity initiatives have actively sought to support (or show support of) Intersex employees. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(f) / We provided information or held an event for Intersex Awareness Day. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(g) / We have provided our employees with documentation that educates people on what it means to be Intersex. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(h) / We have had Intersex speakers speak to our employees with a focus on awareness building and inclusion. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(i) / We have provided support to Intersex organisations. / Please supply evidence below / N/A
I(j) / We provide people with the option of identifying as Intersex on employee engagement and/or diversity surveys. / Please supply evidence below / N/A


I(a) - Our discrimination clauses specifically reference Intersex status.Please provide details as to where this is communicated along with a screenshot or supporting evidence in response to (a) if selected

I(b) - We have a policy or grievance procedure in place that specifically references bullying/harassment in relation to one’s intersex status.Please provide evidence of your formal policy or process clearly showing where this has been referenced.

I(c) – Our HR, contact offices and/or diversity teams have undertaken training that incorporates an understanding of Intersex as professional development.

(a)Please provide details (outline or content) of the training that specifically addresses an understanding of Intersex; and

(b)When this training was last held

I(d) – Intersex awareness and inclusion has been included in our LGBTI and/or diversity training courses available to all staff.

(a)Please provide details (outline or content) of the training that specifically addresses an understanding of Intersex; and

(b)When this training was last held

I(e) – Our employee network or diversity initiatives have actively sought to support (or show support of) Intersex employees. Please provide evidence.

I(f) – We provided information or held an event for Intersex Awareness Day. Please provide evidence and the date that the information was provided / or event held.

I(g) – We have provided our employees with documentation that educates people on what it means to be Intersex. Please provide evidence. (You may use the Pride in Diversity / OII publication on Intersex Inclusion ONLY if you can show that this has been distributed or made available to employees).

I(h) – We have had Intersex speakers speak to our employees with a focus on awareness building and inclusion. Please provide evidence.

I(i) We have provided support to Intersex organisations.Please provide evidence (may be a letter of confirmation form the organisation supported).

I(j) We provide people with the option of identifying as Intersex on employee engagement and/or diversity surveys.

(a) Please provide evidence of wording utilised within any surveys; and

(b) When the survey was last distributed.


This section is worth 10points out of the 100 point allocation

Please provide as much information as you can in relation to work that you have completed as it relates to Transgender Inclusion or Intersex inclusion over and above anything identified in section one.

If you are submitting for both Transgender and Inclusion awards, these will be assessed separately. Please separate evidence beneath the appropriate headings TRANSGENDER INCLUSION or INTERSEX INCLUSION.


This section is worth 20points out of the 100 point allocation

Please provide any testimonials from Transgender or Intersex employees in terms of your inclusivity, or in reference to support you have provided.

If you are submitting for both Transgender and Inclusion awards, these will be assessed separately. Please separate evidence beneath the appropriate headings TRANSGENDER INCLUSION or INTERSEX INCLUSION.

Next Steps

Thank you for participating in the national benchmark for LGBTI workplace inclusion in Australia, and associated awards.

Please send your submission by the nominated deadline to:


or via post to:

AWEI Awards 2016
Pride in Diversity
PO box 350

Or via courier to:

AWEI Awards 2016
Pride in Diversity
Level 2, 414 Elizabeth Street

Please ensure that your submission and any hardcopy evidence you choose to include is received by the Pride in Diversity office no later than 5pm Thursday 24th March, 2016, Sydney AEST time.

If you are providing soft copies of supporting evidence, please ensure that you clearly refer to the section that the evidence relates to within the title name ANDwithin the document itself to ensure that important information is not overlooked.

Our 2016 award winners will be announced via a press release and at the annual Pride in Diversity Business luncheon and awards celebration on May 20th 2016. All participating organisations will receive a copy of the press release via email on the day. For those who wish to attend the luncheon, tickets for this event can be purchased from the Pride in Diversity office. For those not attending, they will be notified on the afternoon of the announcements.

For more information, please contact Pride in Diversity Director, Dawn Hough on (02) 9206.2136.

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