It is our goal and hope to have every child prepared with his or her homework every day. We try our best as teachers to achieve this by providing each child with a planbook and giving both verbal and written daily reminders.
We rely on your help at home, too. You can help by asking your child about his or her homework, asking to see his or her homework when it is finished, providing a quiet spot in your home for homework completion, expressing an interest in his or her schoolwork, and/or staying near you child as he or she completes homework in case of questions.
In an effort to help the fourth grade students truly become responsible, we have implemented the following late work policy:
INCOMPLETE, MISSING/LOST WORK: If your child comes to school without an assignment, or it has been lost, not finished, etc. he/she will have the opportunity to hand in a coupon which gives them an additional day to complete the work. If all 3 coupons have been used, then the student will be required to hand in a blank sheet of paper. That assignment will receive a score of 0%. Your child can complete the assignment and hand it in late. This late paper will not receive a grade higher than 75%. If the assignment is never finished, the score of 0% will remain in the gradebook.
Every effort will be made to make you aware of your child’s late assignment by stamping the planbook with a LATE WORK stamp in the corresponding subject block. The planbook is required to be brought home on a daily basis for a parent signature.
If we may, we ask that you please do not write notes excusing your child from homework. This puts each teacher in an unfair position, as she must determine the seriousness of each situation. These judgement calls can create feelings of inequity between the children if each situation cannot he handled in the same manner. Unfortunately, it also encourages additional notes. We do, however, understand that emergency situations do arise. If this is the case, please do not hesitate to inform your child's teacher either by note or phone call so the case can be handled on an individual basis.
Please take some time at the start of this school year to discuss with your child the importance of being organized and prepared for each and every school day.
Looking forward to a successful and productive year!
The Fourth Grade Teachers