North West Ambulance Service Library & Information Service [NWAS LIS]Strategy 2012 -2015
Recommended by / Matt Holland, NWAS LibrarianApproved by / Trust Board
Approval date / 24 July 2012
Version number / 1.0
Review date / Three years from approval date
Responsible Director / Margo Kane, Director of OD
Responsible Manager (Sponsor) / Matt Holland, NWAS Librarian
For use by / All Trust employees
This policy is available in alternative formats on request.
Please contact the Library and Information Service on 07747456736
Change record form
Version / Date of change / Date of release / Changed by / Reason for change0.1 / 02April 2012 / 12 April 2012 / M Holland / Document creation
0.2 / 12 April 2012 / 16 April 2012 / M Holland / Revised Draft using Corporate SSP Template
0.3 / 24 May 2012 / 24 May 2012 / M Holland / Revised Final Draft
0.4 / 11June 2012 / 12th June 2012 / C. Offer / Revised final draft
0.5 / 07 July 2012 / 07 July 2012 / M Holland / Revised draft following review of EIA by Lisa Ward
1.0 / 07 August 2012 / 07 August 2012 / M Holland / Final version approved by the NWAS NHS Trust Board
North West Ambulance Service Library & Information Service [NWAS LIS] Strategy 2012 -2015
Change record form......
4NWAS Library & Information Service Mission Statement......
5Developing the Strategy......
6NWAS Library & Information Service Strategy......
7Accessible and Innovative [1]......
8Quality First: Providing Quality and Performance [2]......
9Library and Information Services [3]......
10Knowledge Management: Right Information, Right Time [4]......
11 Information Literacy and Critical Appraisal [5]......
12 Partnership [6]......
13Communicating with Users: Marketing & Communications [7]......
14 How is the NWAS LIS Strategy implemented and monitored?......
Appendix 1: Checklist for the review and approval of NWAS Library & Information Services Strategy 2012 - 2015
Appendix 2: Plan for dissemination of NWAS Library & Information Services Strategy 2012 - 2015
Appendix 3: Summary of Year One Action Plan 2012/13......
Appendix 4: Equality Impact Assessment Report......
1.1The NWAS Library & Information Service [NWAS LIS] Strategy 2012-2015 is divided into seven aspects of delivering the NWAS LIS service. These describe how the service is delivered (Accessible & Innovative, Quality First), what is delivered (Library & Information Services, Right Information, Right time, Information Literacy and Critical Appraisal) and how the library service works with partners and users (Partnership and Communicating with Users).
Seven aspects summary
1 Accessible & Innovative
2 Quality First
3 Library & Information Services
4 Knowledge Management: Right Information, Right Time
5 Information Literacy and Critical Appraisal
6 Partnership
7 Communicating with Users
1.2Each aspect is defined, together with an overview of achievements to date and an outline of further actions required. The overall direction of the strategy is set out in the NWAS LIS Mission Statement. The delivery of the strategy is monitored through the NWAS LIS Annual Review, NWAS LIS Action Plan and the NWAS LIS Monthly Dashboard. All documents are published on the NWAS LIS website. Copies are archived according to the NWAS guidance on Strategies, Producers and Policies.
2.1The NWAS LIS Strategy provides a strategic framework to guide the continuation and development of NWAS LIS services for the North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust for the period 2012-2015.
2.2This document aims to provide a written overview of NWAS LIS for service stakeholders and service users to read, understand and to be able to provide feedback on the strategic direction of NWAS LIS for the next three years 2012-2015.
2.3The strategy describes the actions necessary to deliver a service that will achieve in the national annual Library Quality Assurance Framework [LQAF] assessment at the Median average score (out of 100) or above for North West NHS Libraries.
3.1NWAS Library & Information Service [NWAS LIS]
NWAS Library & Information Service [NWAS LIS] was created in March 2009. NWAS LIS has a number of distinctive characteristics:
- it is a virtual service delivered via e-mail, mobile phone, internet/web and social networking;
- the Outreach Librarian travels to service points or to meet users at their place of work;
- NWAS is the only Ambulance Trust in the UK with a dedicated library and information service.
NWAS LIS is an independent library service, however, it doesparticipate inNorth West regional partnerships with other NHS and University Libraries through Library and InformationHealth Network North West [LIHNN] and NW Health Care Libraries Unit [HCLU]. The Trust receives 20K funding from HCLU as a contribution towards the Outreach Librarian salary costs. NWAS LIS is part of Organisational Development. See also organisational Diagram below.
3.2Library Quality Assurance Framework [LQAF]
The NWAS Library & Information Service Strategy 2012 -2015 underpins the NWAS LIS submission to the annual assessment of library service quality, the Library Quality Assurance Framework [LQAF]. This national quality assessment is conducted by the North West regional health libraries organisation, NW Health Care Libraries Unit [HCLU], on behalf of the national health libraries group the Strategic Health Authority Library Leads [SHALL]. Libraries are scored on 48 criteria with an overall score out of 100%. The outcome of the NWAS LIS Strategy 2012 -2015 is to ensure that NWAS LIS delivers a service that achieves a score at or above the Median Average score for the North West Region, judged to be an acceptable standard of provision by HCLU/SHALL.
All NHS libraries in NW LQAF 2010/2011 / %Median value for all NHS NW libraries / 85
Mean (average) of all NHS NW libraries / 89
Mode value for all NHS NW libraries / 87.5
NWAS Library & Information Service [NWAS LIS] / 87
3.3 External stakeholders
The key external stakeholder is the Health Care Libraries Unit [HCLU] who provide funding for the NWAS Librarian. Additional, peripheral stakeholders, are NHS Libraries regional groupings (Cumbria and Lancashire; Cheshire and Merseyside; Greater Manchester) in the North West who have partnership agreements with NWAS LIS to provide guest access to NHS Library Services to NWAS staff. NWAS LIS also participates with members of Library and InformationHealth Network North West (LIHNN) in co-operative inter-lending services.
3.4 Internal stakeholders
Key internal stakeholders are those parts of NWAS NHS Trust concerned with education and training, including divisions of: Education and Training, Learning and Development and Clinical Education. Other stakeholders include current users of NWAS LIS, non users (those groups who do not use NWAS LIS identified in the User Profiling exercise), staff who require access to an evidence base to support their work and education, including Board Members, Managers, Administrators and Support staff and those involved in research and writing for publication.
4NWAS Library & Information Service Mission Statement
NWAS Library & Information Service aims to provide high quality information, support and advice at the right time, in an accessible form and an appropriate location to support NWAS staff in delivering quality services and quality care to patients.
5Developing the Strategy
5.1The NWAS Library & Information Service Strategy 2012 – 2015, responds directly to a requirement of the annual Library Quality Assurance Framework [LQAF] that an NHS Library Services should have “a formally approved, dated, documented strategy for the provision of NHS funded library/knowledge services.”(Strategic Health Authority Library Leads 2012). LQAF as well as providing a framework for quality assurance measurement is also indicative of good practice in the NHS Library Sector. In writing a Strategy, formally approved, NWAS LIS is conforming to best practice.
5.2The Strategy is informed by, and based on, the NW Health Care Libraries Unit Strategy 2009 – 2014 (Health Care Libraries Unit 2009) and NWAS Policy on the development and management of strategy, policy and procedure documents. (NWAS 2011). The content of the strategy is framed around the existing NWAS LIS built over the three years from 2009 -2012. The strategy aims to ensure NWAS LIS is a good fit with NWAS and that energy and resources are directed to achieve the agreed aims of the Strategy going forward. The strategy is informed by 25 years of experience of the NWAS LIS Librarian in Higher Education and NHS Libraries.
5.3The following people, representing stakeholders in NWAS LIS, have read the strategy and agree that it is sound and fit for purpose from their different perspectives:
- David Stewart, Director of NW Health Care Libraries Unit
- Maureen Horrigan, Library Manager, Integrated Department for Education and Learning (IDEAL), LiverpoolHeart & ChestHospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Ryan Woodward, Librarian, Countess of ChesterHospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Carol Offer, Assistant Director Workforce Development, NWAS
- Peter Cockayne, Head of Education and Training, NWAS
- Michael Forrest, Head of Organisational Development, NWAS
- Joseph Dent, Advanced Paramedic, NWAS
- Jason Comber, Practice Education Facilitator, Cheshire & Mersey Area, NWAS
Information about the strategy, was included in the NWAS NHS Trust, Regional Bulletins in June 2012 circulated to all staff, with an invitation to comment.
6NWAS Library & Information Service Strategy
6.1Seven aspects of NWAS Library & Information Service provision
Seven aspects of the NWAS Library & Information Strategy, which combine to deliver the NWAS LIS mission, are set out here in diagrammaticform; the following sections provide an overview of each aspect.
7Accessible and Innovative [1]
7.1 Definition
NWAS LIS represents a unique service proposition delivering a virtual library service to a geographically dispersed user community from, Crewe to Carlisle. NWAS LIS aims to provide services that are available where users are, and at a time that they want to use them through innovative use of computer networks and social media.
7.2 Scope
- Service developments will be assessed against the ability of users to access them remotely over networks, for example, from their mobile phone or home computer.
- The NWAS LIS website will deliver help and support for users at the point at which they access information resources,to enable users to learn about which information resources are appropriate and how to use them.
- Resources created by NWAS LIS are free to use, available to anyone who chooses to access them, regardless of which Ambulance Service or NHS organisation users work for.
- NWAS LIS will deploy technology and social media tools for the benefit of NWAS LIS users that enhance the delivery of the library service. NWAS LIS will work with the Health Library and Information community to share and learn from best practice.
- Provide opportunities for NWAS LIS Users to feedback and report to NWAS LIS challenges in accessing the service, especially in areas that relate to Equality and Diversity.
7.3 NWAS LIS Activities Completed
- Built a version of the NWAS LIS website using NHS Networks that is accessible inside NWAS computer networks and from any home or mobile internet connection.
- Adapted free to use social media (e.g. NHS Networks, YouTube, Twitter, NetVibes, Yahoo Pipes and Mendeley) to create and deliver free content to NWAS and other users.
7.4NWAS LIS 2012-15 Activities Planned
Year One
Develop content for users using the web, social media, audio and moving image to communicate with users. While continuing to support all staff, focus on resources that are directed at Hazardous Area Response Team/Emergency Preparedness [HART/EP], and Emergency Control Centres [ECC] and revising and updating guides to online databases.
Ensure that there is clear information on all NWAS LIS communications to enable services users to contact the Library in a way that is suitable to them.
Years Two and Three
Review progress in Year One, and identify areas for new content creation in the Annual Action Plans 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
8Quality First: Providing Quality and Performance [2]
NWAS LIS aims to deliver a quality of service to NWAS NHS Trust staff that can be demonstrated to reach national, regional and locally derived quality standards. NWAS LIS seeks to continually improve services and places quality at the centre of service provision, service developments and service innovation.
8.2 Scope
- NWAS LIS participates in the national quality framework for NHS library and information services Library Quality Assurance Framework [LQAF] with the aim of providing a service that meets or exceeds the median average (scored out of 100) national standard for NHS libraries in the North West of England.
- NWAS LIS participates in regional inter-lending agreements through Library and InformationHealth Network North West [LIHNN]. NWAS LIS will adhere to standards set out in the Protocol for Inter-Lending and Document Supply for the LIHNN network 2012 (LIHNN 2012).
- NWAS LIS aims to deliver a quality service to its users. The outcomes tomeetlocally derived standards based on good practice in the NHS library sector for service delivery. These will be published on the NWAS LIS website.A typical example would be an undertaking to answer queries to NWAS LIS within 48 hours.
- NWAS LIS will work with the North West health library community to identify and integrate best practice in quality management and service improvement.
8.3NWAS LIS Activities Completed
- Creation in the period from March 2009 and March 2012 a library and information service capable of meeting national standards as measured by the Library Quality Assessment Framework [LQAF].
- NWAS LIS has completed two rounds of the Library Quality Assessment Framework [LQAF] process, the pilot phase 2009/2010 and the full implementation phase 2010/2011 achieving scores greater than the median average (score out of 100) of all North West NHS Libraries in both rounds.
8.4NWAS LIS 2012-15 Activities Planned
Year One
LQAF requires NHS libraries todeliver standards that are controlled by a managed process which includes setting, monitoring, reviewing and revising service delivery standards against customer needs. NWAS LIS will write and publish a description of services for users explaining what services users can expect, how they can be accessed and the time frame within which they can be delivered.
NWAS LIS will adapt current recording mechanisms for enquiry tracking and inter-library loan to provide information about standards e.g. 95% of enquiries answered within 48 hours.
Years Two and Three
NWAS LIS will publish quality measures as part of the NWAS LIS Annual Review.
9Library and Information Services [3]
NWAS LIS aims to deliver a full range of library and information services to NWAS NHS Trust Staff. These services are core to the NWAS LIS programme and are the framework around which NWAS LIS has been created.
9.2 Scope
Core services are defined as:
- Training in Information Skills
Access to Resources
- Document Supply
- Access to Learning Resources
- Current Awareness
- Literature Searching
- Professional Advice
- Enquiry Service
9.3 NWAS LIS Activities Completed
- In the period from March 2009 – April 2012 NWAS LIS has created a library service that is able to deliver the core framework of services.
9.4NWAS LIS 2012-15 Activities Planned
Year One
Write statements about each service, the underlying quality objectives and a statement about Equality of access to Library services. To publish these on the NWAS LIS website.See also 7.4.1.
Enable access to services through the NWAS LIS web site. A typical example would beusing online forms to request services such as literature searches or Inter-library loans.
Review at the end of year one of the strategy, July 2013, any challenges in accessing services that related to Equality & Diversity and take action to address them.
Years Two and Three
Review core library and information services to ensure that they remain fit for purpose. Plan improvements and new services as required in the Annual Action Plans 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
10Knowledge Management: Right Information, Right Time [4]
Knowledge management defined as “a conscious strategy for moving the right knowledge to the right people at the right time to assist sharing and enabling the information to be translated into action to improve the organizational performance." (O'Dell & Grayson 1997). NWAS LIS seeks to provide timely information that informs decision making, enables learning and improves organisational performance and health outcomes.
- NWAS LIS seeks active partnerships with NWAS staff working with individuals or groups, to provide customised information streams to support their work.
- NWAS LIS is proactive in pushing information out to NWAS staff through the NWAS LIS website and other computer networks.
- NWAS LIS seeks to be innovative in meeting information needs and to be responsive in delivering information through appropriate channels, and in a format that meets the needs of users.
10.3 NWAS LIS Activities Completed
- Established networks through which to push out regular current awareness updates, table of contents services and ad hoc updates.
- NWAS LIS publishes a monthly Current Awareness service summarising key developments in health and social care aimed at managers and senior clinical staff.
- NWAS LIS produces bespoke services in areas such as Infection control, guides to current topics of interest, bibliographies on areas of relevance and hosts the Emergency Services Current Awareness Update [ESCAU].
10.4NWAS LIS 2012-15 Activities Planned
Year One
NWAS LIS will identify and work with an individuals or group to coordinate knowledge management activities on their behalf, with the aim of creating a model/template/exemplar for future Knowledge Management projects.
Years Two and Three
NWAS LIS will remain open to working arrangements with individuals and groups building on the experience of Year One. NWAS LIS will continue to develop and deliver Current Awareness services.
11Information Literacy and Critical Appraisal [5]
11.1 Definition
NWAS LIS believes that information literacy and critical appraisal are key work skills. Information Literacy Skills are defined as “knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner.” (CILIP 2004). Critical appraisaldefined as “the process of carefully and systematically examining research to judge its trustworthiness, and its value and relevance in a particular context.” (Burls 2009).