ICIS v7.8Content Descriptions

Release Date: February 23, 2018

The following changes are included in ICIS v7.8. This document is organized into two categories:Web/Background Processing/Reports changesand Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) Changes.

Web/Background Processing/Reports Changes

The following changes have been made to the web application, background processing (BGP), and reports.

Enforcement Action Changes

1)Allow New DMR Violations to be linked to an Existing Final Order (EP-1555)

Updates the business rules to allow future violations (where Violation Date is after the Final Order Issued/Entered Date) to be linked to a Final Order provided there is at least one violation for the same parameter limit that is prior to the Final Order Issued/Entered Date. Updates RNC processing to handle these violations by setting the RNC Resolution Date to the RNC Detection Date.

Reports: No changes

Permit Changes

1)Add Appendix A Biosolids Data Elements to Permit Component (EP-1304)

Replaces the existing Biosolids Permit Component with a new Biosolids Permit Component that contains the Appendix A data elements and is consistent with the Biosolids Program Report. This new Biosolids Component data can only be entered via EDT. It can no longer be added, removed, or viewed via the web entry screens. The Permit screens have text to indicate if a Biosolids Permit Component exists for the selected permit.

Reports: Removes all references to old Biosolids Permit Components in Reports, including removing the Permit Biosolids folder from the NPDES Universe.

2)Migration of old Biosolids Permit Component data (EP-1604)

All current Production Biosolids Permit Component data will be “archived” by extracting it in a spreadsheet so that it can be made available to users if needed. All current ProductionBiosolids Permits will have an indication that they have a Biosolids Permit Component. Theseexisting components will be blank.

Reports: No changes

New Database Audit Tables

1)Update ICIS Operational database with DMR Audit Tables (EP-1603)

New DMR Audit tables have been added to track the deletion of DMRs through web or EDT to support analysis and issue resolution. Database triggers were added to ICIS_DMR_EVENT and ICIS_DMR.

Reports: No changes

RNC Changes

1)Add Corrected Automatic RNC Status (EP-1561)

Enhances the existing RNC process to calculate Corrected Automatic RNC Status for a single specified Permit ID for a quarter for which Official RNC has been run. The authorized user can invoke this from the Manage RNC History screen for a permit. The new Corrected Automatic RNC Status field is displayed on the Permit Basic Information screen as well as the Manage RNC History screen.

Reports: The ICIS NPDES Ad Hoc Universe includes objects to report on this new data field in both the Permit RNC Status folder and the All Permit RNC Statuses folder. The Overall RNC hierarchyin both folders was updated to the following:

  1. Corrected Manual status, if present.
  2. If A is blank, use Automatic Corrected status.
  3. If B is blank, use Manualstatus.
  4. If C is blank, use Automatic status.

Folder names within the Permit RNC Status and All Permit RNC Statuses folders were updated to be consistent with the RNC field names as they are displayed in the ICIS application:

  1. Permit RNC Status
  2. RNC Status (Automatic)
  3. RNC Status (Manual)
  4. Corrected RNC Status (Manual)
  5. Corrected RNC Status (Automatic)
  6. All Permit RNC Statuses
  7. All RNC Status (Automatic)
  8. All RNC Status (Manual)
  9. All Corrected RNC Status (Manual)
  10. All Corrected RNC Status (Automatic)

The following objects were added to the All Permit RNC Statuses \ All Corrected RNC Status (Automatic) folder:

  1. RNC Status Corrected Auto SNC Flag
  2. RNC Status Corrected Auto Cat Cd
  3. RNC Status Corrected Auto Cat Ds

2)RNC Run for a specific State should populate the Corrected Automatic RNC field (EP-1819)

The unofficial/official RNC for state-specific runs was updated with a new input parameter that, when set to Yes, will save the RNC value generated to the Corrected Automatic RNC field. When the parameter is blank or set to No, it will save the RNC value to the Automatic RNC field.

Reports: No changes

Nightly Processing Changes

1)Allow Nightly Processing to extend the Expected DMR Schedule even when the Limit Set has Unsubmitted DMR data (EP-1866)

Removes the business rule in Nightly Processing that prevented extension of the Expected DMR Schedule if there are any Unsubmitted DMRs for the Limit Set.

Reports: No changes

Facilities Changes

1)Remove the State Facility Identifier business rule (EP-1618)

Removes the business rule that State Facility Identifier must be unique within each state based on the Facility’s Location address.

Reports: No changes

Electronic Data Transfer (EDT)Changes

Please read below for a description of each EDT change.

Permit Changes

1)Change Permit blanking out Facility Primary SIC and NAICS code (EP-1742)

Updates EDT processing so that Facility-level Primary SIC and NAICS codes are not blanked out by a Change Permit transaction.

Impact: No XML schema impact

Action to Take: None

2)Add Appendix A Biosolids Data Elements to Permit Component (EP-1304)

Replaces the existing Biosolids Permit Component with a new Biosolids Permit Component that contains the Appendix A data elements and is consistent with the Biosolids Program Report. This new Biosolids Component data can only be entered via EDT.

Impact: Old Biosolids Permit Component (BiosolidsPermit Submission) was removed from the ICIS XML schema and replaced with the new Biosolids Permit Component data using the same BiosolidsPermit Submission. Any submissions of the old data will fail schema validation.

Action to Take: Submit Biosolids Permit Components containing the new set of data and matching the new schema.

Compliance Monitoring Changes

1)Add the ability to submit optional government contacts to State NPDES Compliance Monitoring EDT (EP-556)

Updates the schema and EDT processing so that an ICIS user can submit government contacts via EDT for State NPDES CM submissions.

Impact: New Government Contact tags were added to the XML schema. Previously, Government Contacts were not overwritten when submitting a Replace (like Change) ComplianceMonitoring transaction so as not to overwrite any data that could only be entered via the Web. With this change, the data will be able to be submitted via EDT and so the Replace (like change) transaction will now overwrite any Government contact data entered via the Web. Even though these areoptional tags, if users do not submit Government Contact data in their Replace (like change) transaction, the system will blank out any existing data in those fields.

Action to Take: Use the Change transaction for CM updates that do not include Government Contact changes (to avoid overwriting existing Government Contacts) or update Replace transactions to submit all Government contacts every time.

Facilities Changes

1)Remove the State Facility Identifier Business Rule (EP-1746)

Removes the business rule that State Facility Identifier must be unique within each state based on the Facility’s Location Address.

Impact: No XML schema impact; Business rule change only.

Action to Take: None.

Enforcement Action Changes

1)Allow New DMR Violations to be linked to an Existing Final Order (EP-1555)

Updates the business rules to allow future violations (where Violation Date is after the Final Order Issued/Entered Date) to be linked to a Final Order provided there is at least one violation for the same parameter limit that is prior to the Final Order Issued/Entered Date. Updates RNC processing to handle these violations by setting the RNC Resolution Date to the RNC Detection Date.

Impact: No XML schema impact; Business rule change only.

Action to Take: None.