OCTOBER 22, 2013




Chief Deborah RobinsonCouncillor Charmaine Stevens

Councillor Darlene CoultonCouncillor Mike Paul

Councillor Tom PictouCouncillor Debra Wentzell

Councillor Andrew FrancisCouncillor Todd Labrador

Councillor Jeff Purdy

Todd Labrador opens the meeting with a prayer

Minutes reviewed, approved by Andrew and seconded with Charmaine with one change noted.

Travel claims – cheques can only be given one business day prior to travel. If travel is not completed than the money is immediately due back to the band and must be repaid or taken off next payroll. Staff areto claim from the office to the meeting location. If staff carpool to a meeting, then only the driver is entitled to the mileage claim, this includes board members. Need to focus on getting a formal updated travel policy in place for staff and also councillors. Each office is to have a staff meeting to discuss this.

Chief and Council travel claims are currently being approved by Amanda. Upon hiring of the new band manager, Amanda’s responsibility for these travel claims will transfer to the new band manager.

There was a discussion held with respect to trying to determine residency for housing allocation. It was agreed that there is a difference between not occupying and not taking care of the home. Need to change the housing policy to reflect people not taking care of their homes as well. Maybe need to add a clause in the policy about # of days, months, to be considered a resident. Letter is written and it needs to be delivered to the band member in question.

A discussion was held with regards to a band member whose house was uninhabitable. Different options to address the matter were discussed. Further information needs to be reviewed before a final decision could be made.

A band member’s basement wall is flooding when it rains. It is a Kent home and Jim is to go look at it.

AANDC audit review went well Audit is to be posted online.

Band manager interviews – 6 interviews scheduled. They are receiving a written test before the interview.

Communication officer interviews being done tomorrow (Oct 23)

Profit sharing was discussed.

CEOP Yarmouth meeting to be completed by year end to finish project.

Respite care worker for a band member was reviewed. AFN is no longer able to cover these expenses, unless they can be covered by Social. Social is to review the situation and inform band member of their decision.

Several band member requests were discussed.

Band member home has a problem with mold. Health Canada recommendations need to be looked at and addressed. Agreement reached to respond to the recommendations ASAP. Windows are being replaced right now as a first step in addressing the issue.

Shelburne office added to the list of offices for C&C meetings.

There was a discussion on the environmental issues in Yarmouth. Chief brought it up at audit review with AANDC. They (AANDC) are going to do soil samples on the area in question.

Profit sharing forms are ready. AFN will send new addresses to the separate offices so they can update their mailing lists after they are all received.

A band member request for medical financial assistance was denied as it was outside of program authorities for health.

A water quality issue still exists in Wildcat. Health Canada has done water testing. The well will be “shocked” as a means of trying to correct the problem. The store will provide water in the interim.

A complaint was received complaining about the job interview process through the gaming commission. The complaint was passed to the chair of the gaming commission for action.

By-election – request from one of the band members in Wildcat to have one to replace Todd. Already has been decided to not have a by-election.

Amanda is to do up a list of the Christmas suppers to pass to councillors.

Band member request for wood was denied.

Band member request to have washer looked at as it wasn’t working. Andrew was to go check it out.

Head of carpenters in Gold River sought clarification on the issue of wage increases for carpenters in light of the wage freezes. Issue was referred to Wanda for her input.

Notice was given that the Green crab license needs to be changed over to Lunenburg County.

House plans for Gold River are to be sent to Andrew for review and action.

Fiscal year for accounting of recreation funds was agreed to be changed to match band’s year end of March 31st.

Discussion was held about the Workers Compensation Boardshould be paying AFN back the wages while employee claimswere being reviewed and approved.

Band member request to have fines paid was denied.

Council cheques are to be sent to the meetings. Not all councillors are receiving their cheques on time.

In camera discussions were held.

Next Council meeting is scheduled to be on the 12nd in Bridgewater. November 26th in Shelburne

Meeting adjourned