Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region XII


Malagapas, Rosary Heights 10, Cotabato City 9600


Pursuant to DEPEd Order No. 55 s., 2013 which is the IRR of RA No.10627 otherwise known as the Anti-Bullying Act adopt policies to address and prevent the acts of bullying in the school.

I. Coverage

Consistent with the section 3 of the act of anti-bullying policy, the school prohibit bullying in the following in the following:

a. School grounds, classroom/buildings.

b. Property immediately, adjacent to school grounds.

c. School-sponsored or school-related activities, functions or program on school grounds.

II. Prohibited Acts

The school shall take reasonable measures in the following acts:

(1.)Bullyingthrough the use of technology or an electronic device or other forms of media owned, leased or usedby the school.

(2.) Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, and provides information during an investigation of bullying, on who is a witness to or has reliable information about bullying.

(3.) Any form of abuse, whether from an adult (teacher), another student to wit: bully and the victim.

(a) Any unwanted physical contact between the bully and the victim like punching, pushing, showing, kicking, slapping, tickling, headlocks, inflicting school pranks, teasing, fighting and the use of violable objects as weapons.

(b) Any act that causes the victims psyche and or emotional well-being.

(c) Any slanderous statement or accusation that causes the victim undue emotional distress like directing foullanguage or profanity at the target, name calling, tormenting and commenting negatively on victim’s looksand body.

(d) Corporal punishment that maybe a penalty imposed for an alleged or actual offense, which is carried out or inflicted for the purpose of discipline, training or control by a teacher, school administrator, an adult, or any otherchild who has given or has assumed authority or responsibility for punishment or discipline. It includes physical, humiliating or degrading punishment, including but not limited to the following:

1) Blows such as, but not limited to, beating, kicking, hitting, slapping, or lashing, of any part of a child’sbody, with or without the use if an instrument such as,but not limited to a cane, broom, stick, whip or belt.

2) Striking of a child’s face or head, such being declared as “no contact zone”;

3) Pulling hair, shaking, twisting joints, cutting or piercing skin, dragging, pushing or throwing of a child;

4) Forcing a child to perform physically painful or damaging acts such as, but not limited to, holding a weight or weights for an extended period ang kneeling on stones, salt, pebbles or other objects;

5) Deprivation of a child’s physical needs as a form of punishment;

6) Deliberate exposure to fire, ice, water, smoke, sunlight, rain, pepper, alcohol, or forcing the child to swallow substances, dangerous chemicals, and other materials that can cause discomfort or threaten thechild’s health, safety and sense of security such as, but not limited to bleach or insecticides, excrementor urine;

7) Tying up a child;

8) Confinement, imprisonment or depriving the liberty of a child;

9) Verbal abuse or assaults,including intimidation or threat of bodily harm, swearing or cursing, ridiculingor denigrating the child;

10) Forcing a child to wear a sign, to undress or disrobe, or to put on anything that will make a child lookor feel foolish, which belittles or humiliates the child in front of others.

11) Permanent confiscation of personal property of pupils, students or learners, except when such pieces of property pose a danger to the child or to others; and

12) Other analogous acts.

(4.) The students must report any bullying acts and retaliation for investigation.

(5.) Any student found guilty of giving/telling false accusation against a fellow student shall be subject to disciplinary action.

(6.) Bullying on school grounds; property immediately adjacent to school grounds; at school-sponsored or school-relatedactivities, functions or programs whether onor off school grounds; at school bus stops; on school buses or othervehicles owned, leased or used by a school; or through the use of technology or an electronic device owned, leased or used by a school.

(7.) Bullying at a location, activity, function or program that is not school-related and through the use of technology or anelectronic device that is not owned, leased or used by a school if the act or acts in question create a hostile environment at school for the victim, infringe on the rights of the victim at school, materially and substantiallydisrupt the education process or the orderly operation of a school and;

(8.) Retaliation against person who reports bullying, who provides information during an investigation of bullying, or who isa witness to share reliable information about bullying.

(e) Identify the range of disciplinary administrative actions that may be taken against a perpetrator for bullying or retaliation which shall be commensurate with the nature and gravity of the offense: Provided, that, in addition to the disciplinary sanctions imposed upon a perpetrator of bullying or retaliation, he/she shall also be required to undergo a rehabilitation program which shall be administered by the institution concerned. The parent of the said perpetrator shall be encouraged by he said institution to join the rehabilitation program.

III. Prevention

The School Shall:

1. Promote clean and orderly classroom and school environment.

2. Develop healthy relationship, understanding and respect among peers, schoolmates and teachers.

3. Build a positive sense of interpersonal relationship thru self-awareness and self-management.

4. Teach positive on line behavior.

5. Deliver inclusive and caring learning environment.

6. Discuss with parents the anti-bullying policy, prohibited acts and the corresponding disciplinary measures of the school.

7. Educate the students on the dynamics of bullying, the anti-bullying policies of the school as well as the mechanism of such school for the anonymous reporting of acts of bullying or retaliation.

8. Educate parents and guardians about the dynamics of bullying, the anti-bullying policies of the school and how parents and guardians can provide support and reinforce such policies at home and,

9. Maintain a public record of relevant information and statistics on acts of bullying or retaliation shall be strictlyconfidential, and only made available to the school, administration, teachers directly responsible for the said students and parents or guardians of students who are or have been victims of acts of bullying.

IV. Intervention

The School Shall:

1. Report acts of bullying or retaliation.

2. Respond promptly to and investigate reports of bullying or retaliation.

3. Restore a sense of safety for a victim and assessing the student’s need for protection.

4. Protect from bullying or retaliation of a person who reports acts of bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, or is witness to or has reliable information about an act of bullying;

5. Enable students to anonymously report bullying or retaliation; provided, however, that no disciplinary administrative action shall be taken against a perpetrator solely on the basis of an anonymously report;

6. Subject a student who knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying to disciplinary administrative action.

SEC.4. Mechanism to Address Bullying. – The school principal or any person who holds a comparable role shallbe responsible for the implementation and oversight of policies intended to address bullying.

Any member of the school administrative, student, parent or volunteer shall immediately report any instance of bullying or act of retaliation witnessed, or that has come to one’s attention, to the school principal or school officer or person designated by the principal to handle such issues, or both. Upon receipt of such report, the school principal or thedesignated school officer or person shall promptly investigate. If it is determined that bullying or retaliation has occurred,theschool principal or the designated school officer or person shall:

(1) Notify the law enforcement agency if the school principal or designee believes that criminal charges under the

Revised Penal Code may be pursued against the perpetrator;

(2) Take appropriate disciplinary administrative action;

(3) Notify the parents or guardians of the perpetrator; and

(4) Notify the parents or guardians of the victim regarding the action taken to prevent any further acts of bullyingor retaliation.

If an incident of bullying or retaliation involves students from more than one school, the school first informed of the bullying or retaliation shall promptly notify the appropriate administrator of the other school so that both may takeappropriate action.

Due Process

(5) The victim shall file her/his complaint address to the school principal.

(6) The school CPP committee and Anti- Bullying shall convene to investigate the veracity and authenticitycomplaint.

(7) The student offender shall be given the opportunity to answer the complaint in writing, with the assistanceof the parents/guardians.

(8) The decision of the school head shall be in writing, stating the facts and the reasons for the decision and;

(9) The decision of the school head may be appealed to the division office, as provided of the existing rules of the department.

V. Disciplinary Measures

First Offense:

a. Written reprimand

Second Offense:

a. School services

Third Offense:

a. Suspension or expulsion depending on the severity or seriousness of the committed.

Note: The above mentioned disciplinary measures shall be in accordance with the existing rules and regulations of theschool.