anthony m. lee asian art research

1649 W. Greenleaf Ave. #GW Chicago IL 60626 (773) 743-2370

Neolithic Pottery, Ritual Jades

4800-2000 BCE (Yangshao, Macheng, Banpo (Pottery); Liangzhu, Hongshan cultures (jades, burnished blackware)

Bronze Age Ritual bronze vessels, Ritual and sculptural jade, ivory

Xia ca. 2000-1500 BCE

Shang 1700-1027 BCE

Western Zhou 1027-771 BCE

Eastern Zhou 770-221 BCE

770-476 -- Spring and Autumn 475-221 -- Warring States

Early Dynastic China Tomb culture, Buddhism, Cosmopolitanism

Qin 221-207 BCE

Western Han 206 BCE-9 CE

Xin (Wang Mang interregnum)CE 9-24

Eastern Han 25-220 CE

Three Kingdoms 220-280 CE

220-265 – Wei 221-263 – Shu 229-280 -- Wu

Western Jin 265-316 CE

Eastern Jin 317-420 CE

Southern and Northern Dynasties 420-588 CE

Southern Dynasties 420-588

420-478 – Song 479-501 -- Qi

502-556 – Liang 557-588 -- Chen

Northern Dynasties 386-588

386-533 -- Northern Wei 534-549 -- Eastern Wei

535-557 -- Western Wei 550-577 -- Northern Qi

557-588 -- Northern Zhou

Sui 581-617 CE

Tang 618-907 CE

Five Dynasties 907-960 CE

907-923 -- Later Liang 923-936 -- Later Tang

936-946 -- Later Jin 947-950 -- Later Han

951-960 -- Later Zhou

Ten Kingdoms 907-979 CE

Later Dynastic China Porcelain, Export, Luxury Goods

Song 960-1279 CE

960-1127 -- Northern Song 1127-1279 -- Southern Song

Liao 916-1125 CE

Western Xia 1038-1227 CE

Jin 1115-1234 CE

Yuan 1279-1368 CE

Ming 1368-1644 CE

Qing 1644-1911 CE

Republic of China (in mainland China) 1911-1949 CE

Republic of China (in Taiwan) 1949- CE

People's Republic of China 1949- CE

Archaic True antiquity (Shang, Zhou or Han period bronzes and jade)

Archaism Reproduction of the ancient (e.g. Song dynasty copies of Shang bronzes)

Bi Ritual disc form with round center hole, jade

Bronze Standard alloy of tin and copper with other metals.

Bronze Age In Chinese archaeology, period beginning with first recorded writings, on bronze, bone and bamboo, ca 1500 BCE. Begins with Shang Erlitou period and extends to the Eastern Zhou period corresponding to late bronze age, 221 BCE.

Buddhism Belief system (philosophical, later religious) developed by Siddhartha Gautama, 5th C BCE. By correct thought and actions believers hope to end the cycle of reincarnation. Basic tenet is that all life is suffering, and by recognizing truth we gain enlightenment and the means to end rebirth.

Cloisonné Technique of firing enamels (glass) on metal body, colours separated by wires

Cong Ritual columnar object with rounded corners, jade

Ding Tripod vessel, bronze

Earthenware Low fired pottery, porous (e.g. flower pots, Han – Tang tomb figures)

Gu Trumpet mouthed beaker, bronze

Jade Nephrite (in Chinese the category also includes agate, chalcedony, sardonyx and many other coloured semi-precious stones). Until late 1700’s all Chinese jade came from Khotan area (West China) sources in pebble to boulder form. After late 1700’s mined in much vaster quantities. Jadeite or Burmese Jade or Jewellery Quality jade is also from this period and later. Jade is not technically carved, rather abraded with corundum powders impregnated on various tools and drills.

Jesuits Society of Jesus, lay and monastic society founded by Ignatius Loyola in the late Renaissance, emphasizing high degree of scholarship and learning within the parameters of Catholic clericalism. In China, many were invited to the court as artists and scientists primarily, including Matteo Ricci (1552 – 1610) and Giuseppe Castiglione (1688 -1766).

Lacquer Natural paint made from the sap of the rhus vernicifera tree. Can be coloured with pigments (e.g. lampblack, cinnabar, gold dust). Successive layers built up over a wood core forms a waterproof seal. Built to a high thickness, it can be carved

Literati Chinese educated elite, officials/mandarins

Mughal Period of Islamic rule in India (heirs to the Mongol dynasty of Tamerlane), a style of highly polished and delicate carving of Jade

Neolithic In Chinese archaeology, period of prehistory covering approximately 5000 – 2000 BCE.

Porcelain High fired pottery, fully vitreous, thin and strong (e.g. bone china)

Qin Dynasty founded by Qin Shihuang (King Yong Zheng of Qin) 221 BCE. Unified China and beginning of period of Imperial dynastic rule.

Stoneware Medium fired pottery, semi-porous with hard slip or glaze (e.g. diner ware, many Song Ceramics)