Block 11 Lot 17 Springville East I Molino, Bacoor, Cavite 4102
De Mesa Family
Ana De Mesa is the mother of sponsored child Karen De Mesa. De Mesa couple has six children. Mr. de Mesa works as taxi driver but his income could hardly support the growing needs of his family especially three children are in school including Karen.
The family borrowed a total amount of P3,000.00 with 1% interest (P3,900.00) payable for 3 months. Each day, they will give P50.00 (43.00 for the capital and 7.00 as savings). Mrs. Ana De Mesa put up a sari-sari store in front of their house; aside from basic needs she also sells onions, garlic and ginger. Sometimes, she sells boiled peanut. Sponsored child Karen helps her mother manages their store and she’s the one going to market to buy goods when she’s not in school. In terms of payment, Karen or her younger sister is the one who givestheir payment at Gems center.
Gems Heart is hoping that through Micro-Finance strategy, it will help them improve their living to meet their basic needs especially for the education of the children. Once the family pays back the amount, they can borrow again twice the amount to increase their capital.
Mrs. Ana De Mesa’s sari-sari store in front of their house
Block 11 Lot 17 Springville East I Molino, Bacoor, Cavite 4102
Baay Family
Anabel Baay is the mother of sponsored child Ian Baay. Baay couple have 6 children and Anabelis presently pregnant for their 7th child. The husband ispart time welder/construction worker and his income is not enough to feed 6 children and could hardly support the basic needs of the children especially their education.
The family borrowed a total amount of P2,500.00 with 1% interest (P3,250.00) payable for 3 months. Each day, they remit P43.00 (38.00 for the capital and 5.00 as savings). During the releasing of capital, both couple were oriented and signed on the agreement so that both of them understand their responsibilities. Mrs. Anabel Baay put up sari-sari store since they have already built a store. Their location is good enough for them to have a sari-sari store. Sponsored child Ian helps her mother in going to nearby groceries to buy goods when he’s not in school since the mother is pregnant and being tired is not advisable for her. In terms of payment, Ian or the motheris the one who remits their payments at Gems center.
Gems Heart is hoping that through Micro-Finance strategy, it will help them improve their living to meet their basic needs especially for the education of the children.
Mrs. Anabel Baay sari-sari store-inside and frontal view
Block 11 Lot 17 Springville East I Molino, Bacoor, Cavite 4102
Doria Family
Jocelyn Doria is a mother of sponsored child Joseph Doria. Mrs. Doria has 4 children and all of them are in school. She became widow for couples of years. She engages in various vending activities depends on the season. During school break, shesells barbeque or “ihaw-ihaw”, engaged in direct selling and her regular source of income is vending cook snacks. She tried also to put up sari-sari store just to augment their living and able to send all children in schoolout of income from her livelihood activities.
Mrs. Doriaborrowed a total amount of P2,500.00 with 1% interest (P3,250.00) payable for 2 months. Each day, sheremits P60.00(50.00 for the capital and 10.00 as savings). Mrs. Jocelyn Doria used capital in selling native snacks, ripe mangoes and boiled peanuts within Nazareth community. In terms of payment, Mrs. Doria is the one who gives her payments at Gems center.
Gems Heart is hoping that through Micro-Finance strategy, it will help them improve their living to meet their basic needs especially for the education of the children.
Mrs. Jocelyn Doria-selling ripe mangoes & “kakanin” mangoes and raw ingredients for “kakanin”
Block 11 Lot 17 Springville East I Molino, Bacoor, Cavite 4102
Caduldulan Family
Mr. and Mrs Sabina Caduldulan isthe parent of sponsored child Edson Caduldulan. The couple has 4 children and three of them are in school. Mrs. Caduldulan works as laundress while the husband is “Pares” vendor in PasayCity. He visits his family every weekend. Their combined income could hardly support the growing needs of their children especially the eldest is in high school.
The couple borrowed a total amount of P2,000.00 with 1% interest (P2,400.00) payable for 2 months. Each week the couple remit P315.00 (280.00 for the capital and 35.00 as savings). The couple used the capital for their “Pares” like porridgebusiness.
Gems Heart is hoping that through Micro-Finance strategy, it will help them improve their living to meet their basic needs especially for the education of the children.
Note: Photos will follow because the micro business is located in Metro Manila outsideNazareth