ACACIA acuminata
Jam Tree
/ 6-10m / Loamy soilInland / Host plant, hard durable wood.
Flowers yellow Jul-Oct. Variety of habitats.
Drought/frost tolerant, long lived, slow growing / Tray 64
24/1220 / ACACIA cochlearis
Coastal Wattle
/ 2m / Sandy soilCoastal, windbreak / Bushy erect to sprawling shrub
Flowers yellow balls Aug-Sep.
Grow in thickets along the coast / Tray 64
5/8 /
ACACIA cyclops
Western Coastal Wattle
/ 3m / Sand, limestoneCoastal, windbreak / Medium shrub, thick leathery leaves
Fl. yellow balls Sep-Jan.
Tolerates saline soil, drought / Tray 64
SOLD / ACACIA drummondii
Drummond's Wattle
/ 1m / Sandy loam, clay / Rounded shrub, delicate foliageFlowers long yellow spikes July-Oct.
Prefers some shade and good drainage. / Tray 63
30/1436 /
ACACIA extensa
Wiry Wattle
/ 1.5m / Sandy loam soilsPrefers damp areas / Erect slender shrub, interesting foliage, attractive bark
Flowers yellow balls Aug-Oct. / Tray 64
ACACIA glaucoptera
Flat Wattle / 1m / Clay, gravel / Small shrub with unique wing like foliage, red tips on endsYellow ball flowers emerging from central stems Aug-Dec. drought tolerant / Tray 64
41/9 /
ACACIA howitii
Sticky Wattle / 5 -8m / Most soils / Large shrub/small tree, dense weeping habitScented pale yellow balls in Spring
Frost/drought tolerant, hardy, hedge plant / Tray 64
28/800 /
ACACIA lasiocarpa
Panjang or Dune Moses
/ 1m / Sand, gravel, clayCoastal
Tolerates salt / Shrub spectacular in flower
Flowers yellow May-Oct
Drought hardy, found in winter wet areas / Tray 64
SOLD / ACACIA melanoxylon
Blackwood / 15-20m / Gravel loam, loam / Large ornamental tree, best used for fine timber and shade/shelter
Flowers white to pale yellow balls, / Tray $43.00
16/798 / ACACIA microbotrya
Manna Wattle
/ 5m / Clay loam or sandy loamInland, windbreak / Bushy shrub
Flowers yellow Apr-July.
Fodder plant
Found on roadsides, water courses / Tray 64
18/13 / ACACIA myrtifolia
Myrtle Wattle
/ 2.5m / Loamy clay, gravel, sandWindbreak / Bushy shrub
Flowers creamy yellow May-Jan.
Hardy, planted roadside/tolerates coastal / Tray 64
23/12 / ACACIA pulchella
Prickly Moses
/ 1.5m / Sandy loam, gravelCoastal / Shrub, spectacular in flower, prickly
Flowers yellow July-Sept.
Found in low lying areas, swamps / Tray 64
20/15 / ACACIA saligna
Golden Wreath Wattle / 4m / Sandy loam, gravel
Coastal, windbreak / Dense shrub or tree
Flowers yellow Jul-Nov.
Stock fodder, hardy in most positions. / Tray 64
43/2908 / ACACIA trigonophylla / 1 – 2.5m / Sand, loam
Windbreak / Erect much branched pungent shrub, spiny leaves
Yellow flowers Aug-Nov
Informal screen/hedge / Tray 64
SOLD / ACACIA urophylla
Tall Leaved Wattle
/ 2.5m / Sandy loam, gravel / Erect slender open shrubFlowers yellow May-Oct.
Found along creeks and rivers, damp places. / Tray 64
42/1223 / ACACIA vestitaHairy Wattle / 3m / Most soils, clay
Windbreak / Graceful free flowering bushy shrub, downy foliage
Yellow dense globular heads Aug-Dec
Suits heavier clay soils, range climates / Tray 64
50/28 / AGONIS flexuosa
WA Peppermint
/ 10m / Sandy loam soilsCoastal, windbreak / Round headed tree with weeping branches, Fl. white fragrant Aug-Dec.
Shade tree, understorey.
Chief habitat of Ringtail Possums. / Tray 64
51/30 / TAXANDRIA linearifolia
Swamp Peppermint
/ 3m / Sandy loam, clay, sand, gravelWindbreak / Small tree/shrub.
Flowers white Mar-May/Sep-Dec.
Found near swamps and watercourses. / Tray 64
52/31 /
TAXANDRIA parviceps
Fine Ti-Tree
/ 2m / Most soilsWindbreak / Erect shrub, aromatic foliage
Small white flower heads Jul-Oct.
Found in seasonally wet areas. / Tray 64
100/37 / ALLOCASUARINA fraseriana
/ 9m / Sandy gravel soilsWindbreak / Medium sized tree, sparse foliage Flowers May-Jan, shade tree, common on roadsides
Associated with drier granite soils. / Tray 64
101/36 / ALLOCASUARINA huegeliana
Granite or Rock Sheoak
/ 8m / Sandy loam soilsWindbreak / Medium sized tree, sparse foliage
Flowers May-Jan.
Shade tree, fast growing, found roadside / Tray 64
102/1385 / ALLOCASUARINA humilis
Dwarf Casuarina
/ 0.5-2m / Sand, loam, gravelWindbreak / Erect or spreading shrub
Fl. red, orange, brown May-Nov.
Tolerates frost, dieback resistant
Found in sand dunes / Tray 64
653/1229 / CASUARINA cristata
Belah / 10-20m / Loam, clay
Saline / Medium tree with fine foliage, weeping habit,
Fast growing, nitrogen fixing
Shade, shelter, erosion control, timber / Tray 64
650/125 / CASUARINA
River Sheoak
/ 20m / Sandy loam, gravelWindbreak / Tall tree, evergreen, needle like foliage Flowers conifer like cones.
Nitrogen fixing, tolerates dryness, shade tree / Tray 64
651/126 / CASUARINA obesa
Swamp Oak
/ 8m / Clay soilsWindbreak, salt / Small tree, fast growing
Flowers Jan-Dec. Male/female plants. Excellent in saline soils and waterlogging. / Tray 64
551/107 / CALLISTEMON glauca speciosus
Albany Bottlebrush
/ 2m / Sandy loam or clay soilsTolerates wet and dry / Slender erect shrub with large showy red bottlebrush flowers Sept-Dec.
Found on swampy flats. / Tray 64
552/110 / CALLISTEMON phoeniceus
Fiery Bottlebrush
/ 4m / Sand, loamy gravelWindbreak / Hardy shrub, fast vigorous growth
Brilliant red bottlebrush flowers. Sept-Jan. Suitable for waterlogging. / Tray 64
554/114 / CALLISTEMON salignus
Willow Bottlebrush
/ 7m / Most soilsWindbreak / Small tree, weeping canopy, papery bark
Bright green foliage with red new growth
Flowers white Oct-Dec, attracts birds
Tolerates wet/dry, prune to central leader / Tray 64
558/116 / CALLISTEMON viminalis
Weeping Bottlebrush
/ 5m / Sand, clay loam, clayWindbreak / Small tree, weeping habit,
Bright red flowers Sep-Jan.
Attractive for street planting, fast growing / Tray 64
850/195 / CORYMBIA calophylla
Marri or Red Gum
/ 20m / Sand, loam, gravelWindbreak / Tree with rough bark, honky nuts, dense crown, fast growing.
Flowers white Dec-May.
Prefers high rainfall areas. Common in WA / Tray 64
852/611 / CORYMBIA citriodora
Lemon Scented Gum
/ 30m / Sand, loam, gravel / Tall upright tree, smooth white barkLemon scented foliage.
Flowers white Jul-Sept/Nov-Dec.
Fast growing, shade. / Tray 64
854/172 / CORYMBIA ficifolia
Red Flowering Gum
/ 10m / Sandy gravel / Ornamental medium bushy tree, rough bark, stiff leaves.Flowers red orange Dec-May.
Striking street tree, spectacular floral display. / Tray 64
855/196 / CORYMBIA maculata
Spotted Gum
/ 30m / Sand, loam, gravel / Attractive timber tree, smooth mottled bark.Flowers white clusters May-Sept.
Moderately drought tolerant. / Tray 64
5004/197 / EUCALYPTUS botryoides
Southern Mahogany
/ 20m / Most soilsCoastal, windbreak
Tolerates wet, salt / Fast growing tall tree,
Flowers white Dec-Jan.
Drought tolerant, good timber/shade tree / Tray 64
5007/198 /
Silver Princess
/ 7-15m / Loamy clay soils / Small tree with pendulous branches, silver foliage, ornamental.Large red flowers May-Aug. Drought tolerant. / Tray 64
5010/1143 /
EUCALYPTUS camaldulensis
River Red Gum
/ 18m / Sandy loamSalt, wet areas / Medium timber tree, smooth mottled bark
Flowers small white Jul-Feb.
Fast growing, honey, tolerates flooding / Tray 64
5012/200 /
EUCALYPTUS cladocalyx
Sugar Gum
/ 30m / Most soilsWindbreak / Tall fast growing tree, wide spreading canopy
Flowers white Jan-Apr.
Timber, shade, honey, drought tolerant / Tray 64
5013/201 /
EUCALYPTUS cladocalyx nana
Dwarf Sugar Gum
/ 9m / Most soilsWindbreak / Compact bushy tree, glossy leaves.
Small white flowers Jan-April.
Fast growing, shade / Tray 64
5014/1052 /
EUCALYPTUS conferruminata
Bushy Yate
/ 7m / Sandy loamCoastal, windbreak / Small mallee/tree, smooth bark, ornamental
Flowers yellow green Aug-Nov. large unusual buds.
Tolerates saline soil, wind, shade / Tray 64
5074/1837 /
/ 10-20m / Most soilsCoastal, windbreak
Salt, wet areas / Medium to tall tree, rough bark
Showy green/yellow flowers. Jan-Nov. Clusters of long horn shaped buds, wet/dry / Tray 64
5072/1389 / EUCALYPTUS decipiens
/ 6m / Sandy loamWindbreak / Mallee or small tree, flaky white bark
Flowers white Aug-Jan.
Found on sand plains, hills, winter moist sites / Tray 64
5016/203 / EUCALYPTUS diversicolor
/ 60m / Sandy loamWindbreak / Tall WA timber tree, smooth bark
Flowers white May/Sept-Feb,
Fast growing, honey, prefers hillsides / Tray 64
5018/204 / EUCALYPTUS erythrocorysIllyarrie or Red Capped Gum / 4-9m / Sandy loam, limestone
Coastal / Small ornamental tree, smooth bark.
Flowers spectacular bright yellow, red caps Feb-Apr.
Needs good drainage. / Tray 64
5082/225 / EUCALYPTUS forrestiana
Fuschia Gum
/ 1-3m / Sand, clay / Small mallee or tree, smooth bark.Flowers yellow Jan-Mar/Apr-Jun. bright red buds. Found in dry areas near salt lakes / Tray 64
5020/1122 / EUCALYPTUS globulus
Tasmanian Blue Gum
/ 50m / LoamWindbreak / Plantation pulpwood tree, blue green foliage
Masses white flowers. Sept-Dec.
Fast growing, shade, prefers loamy damp soils / Tray 64
5023/209 / EUCALYPTUS gomphocephala
/ 30m / Sand, limestoneCoastal, windbreak / Large tree, rough grey bark.
Flowers cream Jan-Apr.
Shade, timber, tolerates drought. / Tray 64
5024/210 / EUCALYPTUS grandis
Rose Gum
/ 40m / LoamCoastal, windbreak / Large tree
Flowers cream Apr-May.
Suitable for timber, shade, honey, shelter
Fast growing, prefers damp sites / Tray 64
5088/2899 / EUCALYPTUS kruseanaBook Leaf Mallee / 2-3.5m / Sandy loamInland / Straggly smooth barked mallee, blue grey rounded leaves
Flowers greenish/yellow Jun-Sept.
Frost/drought tolerant, ornamental/drier parts / Tray 64
5027/224 / EUCALYPTUS laeliaeDarling Range Ghost Gum / 10-18m / Sand, clay, gravel / White trunked upright tree.
Flowers cream Dec-Feb.
Shade, found on granite outcrops and hills. / Tray 64
5031/212 / EUCALYPTUS leucoxylon rosea
Pink Flowering Gum
/ 8m / Sandy loamWindbreak / Tree with large shady crown, open habit.
Flowers pink/crimson Apr-Oct.
Fast growing, good for dry summer climates / Tray 64
5070/1391 / EUCALYPTUS macranda
Long Flowered Marlock
/ 3-8m / Sand, loam, clayInland / Mallee or small tree, smooth bark.
Flowers yellow green Nov-Apr.
Suits small gardens. / Tray 64
5068/226 / EUCALYPTUS macrocarpaMottlecah or Rose of the West / 2-4m / Sandy soils
Inland / Mallee, blue grey leaves, white bark.
Large red/pink flowers Aug-Jan/Apr-Jun,
Large bowl shaped nuts, needs good drainage / Tray 64
5089/2897 / EUCALYPTUS macrocarpa ssp elachantha / 0.8-4m / Sandy soils / Spreading, sprawling mallee,
Smooth grey over salmon pink bark
Flowers red-pink Aug-Sept or Nov-Dec
Ornamental, dwarf form of E. Macrocarpa / Tray 64
5035/213 / EUCALYPTUS marginata
/ 35m / Sand, loam, gravelWindbreak / Timber tree, straight trunk, shady crown
Flowers cream Sept-Feb.
Shade, fine furniture. Common in WA. / Tray 64
5038/216 / EUCALYPTUS nicholiiNarrow Leaved Peppermint / 14m / Most soils / Ornamental tree, short trunk, compact
Fl. cream. Mar-May.
Drought/frost/limestone tolerant, good shade / Tray 64
5039/217 / EUCALYPTUS occidentalis
Flat Topped Yate
/ 12m / Sandy loamWet, salt / Medium tree, shady crown.
Fl. cream white Nov-May.
Drought/frost/flood tolerant, fast growing / Tray 64
5042/218 / EUCALYPTUS patens
WA Blackbutt
/ 3-25m / Sandy loamWindbreak, Wet / Tree, rough bark,
Flowers cream Jul-Aug/Nov-Feb
Fast, tolerates flooding, likes moist soils. / Tray 64
5080/1793 / EUCALYPTUS preissiana
Bell Fruited Mallee
/ 2-3m / Sand, gravel, clayWindbreak / Ornamental flowering shrub.
Large yellow flowers Aug-Nov. followed by bell shaped nuts
Well drained soils, suits small gardens / Tray 64
5087/2896 / EUCALYPTUS pyriformisPear-fruited Mallee / 1.5-5m / Sand, clay / Ornamental mallee, smooth bark, pendulous buds, pear shaped fruit, fast growing
Flowers red/white-cream-yellow May-Oct
Drought tolerant / Tray 64
5049/221 / EUCALYPTUS robusta
Swamp Mahogany
/ 20m / Sand, loam, clayWet areas / Timber tree, dense canopy, rough bark
Flowers white May-Jul.
Shade, winter wet areas, tolerates flooding. / Tray 64
5051/222 / EUCALYPTUS rudis
WA Flooded Gum
/ 15m / Sandy loamWindbreak, wet areas, salt / Medium shade tree,
Flowers cream Jul-Sept.
Soil stabiliser, slightly salt tolerant / Tray 64
5053/223 / EUCALYPTUS saligna
Sydney Blue Gum
/ 35m / Sandy loam, loam / Large ornamental/timber tree, smooth barkFlowers white Jan-Mar.
Fast growth, suits poorer soils / Tray 64
5054/1021 / EUCALYPTUS salmonophloia
Salmon Gum
/ 25m / Most soilsInland / Slow growing timber tree, pretty satiny salmon bark.
Flowers cream/white Aug-Dec.
Frost /drought tolerant, suits poorer soils / Tray 64
5056/228 / EUCALYPTUS sargentii
Salt River Gum
/ 10m / Sandy loamWindbreak, Inland, salt / Ornamental tree, rough bark, dense foliage
Flowers white/cream Aug-Jan
Shade, tolerates waterlogging / Tray 64
5057/229 / EUCALYPTUS sideroxylon
Red Iron Bark
/ 20m / Most soilsInland / Hardy medium tree, deeply textured brown bark, blue grey foliage.
Flowers white/pink Jun-Aug.
Timber, shade, tolerates frost/drought. / Tray 64
5058/1180 / EUCALYPTUS sideroxylon roseaRed Iron Bark / 15m / Most sandy to clay soils / Upright as juvenile then open spreading Adapts to many sites, strong timber tree
Pink red flowers May-Oct., fast growing in right conditions / Tray 64
5059/230 / EUCALYPTUS spathulata
Swamp Mallet
/ 8m / Sandy loam, clay loam, clayInland, salt / Ornamental tree, smooth reddish bark.
Flowers creamy white, red bud caps Oct-Apr. Fast growing, saline soils, salt depressions
. / Tray 64
5081/1794 / EUCALYPTUS todtianaCoastal Blackbutt (Pricklybark) / 15m / Sand
Coastal / Mallee or tree, rough fibrous bark, weeping habit, prickly bark
Flowers cream Jan-Apr.
Prefers good drainage, slow growing / Tray 64
5063/231 / EUCALYPTUS torquata
Coral Gum
/ 7m / Stony loam or clayInland / Small tree, rough bark
Pretty pink/red flowers Aug-Dec, red horn like buds. Street tree, tolerates dry/frost / Tray 64
5044/219 / EUCALYPTUS utilis
(was E. platypus)
Coastal Moort
/ 5m / Sand, clay loam, loamCoastal, windbreak / Bushy to the ground tree, fast growing
Fl. tiny white Sept-Jan.
Tolerates wind, drought, salt / Tray 64
5083/1289 / EUCALYPTUS victrix
Snow Queen
/ 6-8m / Sand, clay, loamInland / Small/medium tree, smooth white trunk
Flowers white/cream Nov-Mar.
Drought tolerant, suits small gardens, slow growing / Tray 64
5066/233 / EUCALYPTUS wandooWandoo or White Gum / 25m / Sandy loam, gravel, clay
Inland / Medium sized tree, powdery white smooth bark
Flowers cream Dec-May
Shade, hard durable timber, honey / Tray 64
5085/2898 / EUCALYPTUS woodwardiiLemon-flowered Gum / 8-15m / Sandy soils
Inland / Single trunk, smooth whitish-grey bark, weeping branches
Flowers large bright lemon-yellow Aug-Nov Bird attracting / Tray 64
1854/330 / LEPTOSPERMUM petersonii
Lemon Scented Tea Tree / 4m / Sandy clay
Coastal, windbreak / Medium shrub/small tree, lemon scented foliage, weeping branches, fast growth
Flowers white Sept-Feb, good screen plant. / Tray 64
1855/331 / LEPTOSPERMUM polygalifolium
Tantoon Tea Tree
/ 4m / Sandy clayCoastal, windbreak / Medium rounded shrub/small tree, weeping branches, fast growth, hardy.
Flowers white Oct-Dec.
Tolerates wind/acidic soils. / Tray 64
1859/2778 / LEPTOSPERMUM sericeum
Silver Tea Tree
/ 0.5- 3m / Sandy soilsCoastal, windbreak / Rounded shrub to 2m. Silvery grey foliage
Flowers large pink May-Oct, profuse flowerer
Frost hardy and tolerates salt winds. / Tray 64
2001/358 / MELALEUCA armillarisBracelet Honey Myrtle / 5m / Most soils
Windbreak / Small tree with dense foliage, red/pink buds open to white bottlebrush flowers Oct-Nov. Drought/salt tolerant. Great screen / Tray 64
2003/360 / MELALEUCA cuticularis
Saltwater Paperbark
/ 8m / Most soilsCoastal, windbreak
Wet, salt / Tree or shrub, often twisted branches, papery white bark, shade
Flowers cream Aug-Nov.
Suits swampy saline soils, creek lines. / Tray 64
2004/361 / MELALEUCA diosmifolia
Green Honey Myrtle
/ 2m / Sandy soilsWindbreak / Erect shrub, bushy windbreak.
Flowers yellow-green Sept-Oct.
Suitable for dry to wet areas. Frost hardy. / Tray 64
2005/378 / MELALEUCA ellipticaGranite
Bottlebrush / 1-4m / Sandy soils / Erect shrub, bark slightly papery and grey. Flowers red bottlebrush Jun or Sept to Dec/Jan.
Found on granite rock, extremely hardy. / Tray 64
2007/368 / MELALEUCA hamulosaCreekline Honey Myrtle / 3-4m / Most soils
Wet or dry, salt / Bushy, broom-like shrub
Flowers white, pink -mauve Sept-Jan.
Frost hardy, suits creek lines / Tray 64
2008/364 / MELALEUCA huegeliiChenille Honey Myrtle / 3m / Sand, limestone
Coastal, windbreak / Shrub or tree, good foliage, screen plant.
Flowers white, pink, purple slender spikes Sept-Jan.
Frost hardy, screen, road sides / Tray 64
2009/362 / MELALEUCA incana
Grey Honey Myrtle
/ 2m / Sandy loamWindbreak
Wet / Shrub with soft weeping habit, blue grey foliage.
Flowers creamy yellow July-Oct.
Frost tolerant, pretty hedge / Tray 64
2010/365 / MELALEUCA lanceolata
Rottnest Tea Tree
/ 5-8m / Most soilsCoastal, windbreak / Dense, low branching, dark foliaged tree, hardy, fast growing.
Flowers white Jan-Sep.
Spectacular in flower, resistant to salt spray / Tray 64
2013/1786 / MELALEUCA laterifloraOblong Leaf Honey Myrtle / 1-2.5m / Sand, clay
Wet, salt / Branching erect shrub
Flowers white Nov-Feb.
Will take semi dry conditions / Tray 64
2012/366 / MELALEUCA lateritiaRobin Redbreast Bush / 1.5m / Sandy loam, clay
Wet / Erect compact shrub, windbreak.
Flowers long orange/red spikes Sept-Apr. Swampy areas, waterlogging. Frost hardy. / Tray 64
2015/546 / MELALEUCA linariifoliaNarrow Leaved Paperbark or Snow in Summer / 5-10m / Sandy loam
Windbreak / Small tree with attractive white paperbark, low branches, dense canopy.
Fluffy white perfumed flowers
Dry/boggy conditions, frost hardy / Tray 64
2017/369 / MELALEUCA nesophila
Showy Honey Myrtle