March 29, 2011
March 29, 2011
Also present were Terry Bliss, Doug Czerkies, Dan Crowell and Deb Taylor.
Mr. Bliss reviewed information collected at a meeting held with Montgomery and Schoharie counties. He stated that there is interest in shared services such as Communications, Public Defender and District Attorney. They will continue discussions and explore options for efficiency. He stated that he will also explore options with other surrounding counties.
Mr. Crowell stated that two meetings will be held next week with Town Supervisors and Village Mayors regarding local government shared services. He stated that he is also looking into the possibility of a shared Purchasing Agent for a short term while a permanent solution is researched such as a full time agent to explore and negotiate better pricing.
Mr. Czerkies expressed concern about the direction of Purchasing in the short term. He suggested obtaining the services of someone who is familiar with the system and procedures of the County.
Mr. Bliss suggested involving the current Oneonta City Purchasing Agent and OtsegoCounty’s former agents in discussions of the future of Purchasing.
Representative Murphy suggested the Board revisit contracting with someone to handle grant writing for energy projects. He will contact individuals regarding prior proposals. He stated that he had contacted MEGA regarding a pilot program but has not heard back. He expressed concern that there may be no funding available.
Mr. Czerkies reviewed the status of a solar panel project planned for the Otsego Manor building and the Public Safety building. He stated that the Public Works committee has approved the two projects totaling $36,000 each with $25,000 in grant funds from NYSERDA each. He pointed out that these projects will have a relatively small payback period given fuel costs.
Mr. Czerkies took the committee on a tour of the OneontaOfficeBuilding.
Ms. Taylor reviewed the financial impacts of privatizing the Tourism program. She pointed out that the current budget for administration and advertising is $493,000 with approximately $41,981 for employee benefits. She will be discussing this further with the Intergovernmental Affairs committee. She stated that by the County collecting bed tax they are obligated to reinvest a portion in the tourism industry. She suggested that with appropriate sales staff the collection of bed tax could increase while marketing OtsegoCounty as a destination.
There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Monday, April 25, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the second floor conference room in the CooperstownOfficeBuilding.