Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
CFA Society Ireland Limited (a Company Limited by Guarantee)
Held at The Fitzwilliam Hotel, Dublin 2, at 6pm on 2nd June 2016.
Attendees :
Directors: Caitriona MacGuinness (President), Ronan McCabe, Joe Kavanagh, Francis Carter (Secretary), Rebekah Brady (Treasurer), Linda Duffy
Others: Claire Paul
Excused: Samantha McConnell, John Stokes, Olwyn Alexander, Martina Walsh
The meeting was chaired by the President, Caitriona MacGuinness.
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed the attendees.
The Secretary advised that the quorum of 15 Members in Good Standing represented in person or by proxy had been reached, so the meeting could proceed.
The Chairperson confirmed that notice of the meeting had been issued in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. The following sets out the events that occurred at the meeting.
1. Approval of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting (Ordinary Resolution 1)
Ordinary resolution number 1 to approve the minutes of the AGM held on June 16th 2015 was passed.
2. Receive and consider the Directors’ and Auditors’ Reports and Statement of Accounts (Ordinary Resolution 2)
Ordinary resolution number 2 to receive and consider the Directors’ and Auditors’ Reports and Statement of Accounts in respect of the year ended 30th June 2015 was presented for approval and duly passed by the meeting.
3. Appointment of Directors (Ordinary Resolution 3)
The Secretary advised that one director is retiring by rotation. Linda Duffy. Linda Duffy offered herself for re-election.
Ordinary resolution 3 (a), namely the re-election of Linda Duffy, was proposed by Francis Carter, seconded by Rebekah Brady and approved.
Martina Walsh iswas proposed as a director of the Society by Joe Kavanagh proposed, this was seconded by Rebekah Brady and approved.
4. Appointment of Officers
A motion to appoint Officers to the following roles:
Francis Carter was proposed by Joe Kavanagh for the role of President, seconded by Rebekah Brady and approved.
Linda Duffy was proposed by Francis Carter for the role of Secretary, seconded by Rebekah Brady and approved.
Caitriona MacGuinness was proposed for the role of Vice President by Linda Duffy, seconded by Francis Carter and approved.
5. Re-Appointment of Auditors (Ordinary Resolution 4)
A motion to re-appoint Grant Thornton as auditors was proposed and agreed. Rebekah Brady proposed, Linda Duffy seconded.
6. To authorise Board of Directors to Fix Remuneration of Auditors
A motion to fix the remuneration of the auditors was proposed and agreed. Joe Kavanagh proposed, Francis Carter seconded.
There being no other business the meeting then concluded.