Title 1
Our school is fortunate to be a Title 1 school in Baltimore City. The federal program provides our school with additional funding for programs, staff and materials. The title 1 program has 10 components for the school. These include:
- Component 1- Comprehensive Needs Assessment
- Component 2- Scientifically- based School Wide Reform Strategies
- Component 3- Highly Qualified Staff
- Component 4- Highly Qualified Staff Development
- Component 5- Attract and Retain High Quality Teachers in High Needs Schools
- Component 6- Increase Parent Involvement
- Component 7- Transitions from Early Childhood Programs
- Component 8- Teacher Involvement in Decision Making
- Component 9- Effective, Timely Assistance
- Component 10- Coordination of Federal, State, and Local Programs.
Callaway Elementary will provide parent opportunities to learn more about their child and education by sponsoring:
- Back to School Night
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Volunteer Training
- Volunteer Recognition Day
- Family Fun Nights
- Coffee with the Principal
- P.T.O Activities
Parents may participate as volunteers in such activities as:
- Book Fairs
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Classroom
- Hall Monitors
- Black History Assembly
- American Education Week
- 100th Day Celebration
- Fundraisers
- Quarterly Awards Assembly
- Spring Talent Showcase
- Science Fair
- Spirit Week
- Fun Day
Home School Compact
Callaway Elementary School
3701 Fernhill Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
Lisa M.Smith, Principal
Beverly Murray, Assistant Principal
School Vision: Callaway Elementary School will be a vibrant community of life-long learners comprised of students, parents, community partners, faculty, staff and administrators working together to create pathways of success through a quality, rigorous, comprehensive education in a safe, orderly and inviting learning environment.
As a student at Callaway Elementary School I will:
- I will participate in class each day and always work hard
- Complete assignments at school and at home
- Bring all materials to school each day and be prepared for class
- Follow school, class and bus rules
- Respect the school, students, staff, families and communities
- Show homework book to parents each day and get a signature
- Deliver all school communications to my family
Callaway Students R.O.A.R:
R-espectful we treat others the way we want to be treated
O-utstanding we strive for excellence
A-chievers we reach our goals
As a member of the academic team of Callaway Elementary School I will:
- Provide an environment that is conducive to learning
- Provide high quality curriculum and instruction by using CCSS
- Provide interventions when necessary using scientifically based instruction
- Encourage family/community volunteers to be active partners in education at school and at home
- Communicate regularly with families regarding progress using quarterly parent-teacher conferences, take home work, progress reports, report cards, benchmark testing and homework book. Provide conference availability times for parents/families
- Be accessible to parents/families via conferences, phone or email
- Respect the school, students, staff, families and communities.
As a member of the family team of Callaway Elementary I will:
- Provide a quiet time and place for homework
- Ensure that my child makes progress in school and to encourage my child to work towards success
- Participate in school activities such as volunteering and parent- teacher conferences
- Communicate regularly with members of the academic team by scheduling a conference at the convenience of myself and the school staff
- Monitor attendance, tardiness and early dismissals of my child
- Read newsletters, bulletins and notes from the school
- Respect the school, students, staff, families and communities
School Mission: Callaway Elementary School will be a beacon in the community committed to creating opportunities for all students to learn. We will enhance relationships between the school and community, as we shape responsible citizens, inspire critical thinkers, and equip students with fundamental skills. Our students will be prepared to serve their community and contribute to the global society.