ISSN 2501-3386
E. ISSN 2393-137X
Author's Contract
Between, (ICOANA CREDINTEI)ICON OF FAITH. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research (IFIJISR) Represented by the Editor-in-Chief
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Academic position and affiliation: ......
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§ 1 Subject matter of the contract
This is a contract between the publisher,ICON OF FAITH International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research (IFIJISR)represented by the Editor-in-Chief and the author mentioned above.
§ 2 Duties of the author
The author shall:
1. Submit an original typed (and edited) Microsoft Word document via e-mail, the title, abstract and keywords published in English;
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The publisher is responsible for publishing the document.
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The author shall transfer all rights to the document editor who is committed to the publication and commercialization of the document (also in printed, electronical or E-book form), without limits of time and space.
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For, ICOANA CREDINTEI: Editor: BUGIULESCU MARIN, ……………………………………………
Date: ......
Please submit a signed copy of this form with every piece
of written work to the ICOANA CREDINTEI.
ICON OF FAITH. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research
Name of Author: ......
Academic position and affiliation: ......
Title of articles,essay: ......
I hereby declare that this piece of written work is the result of my own independent scholarly work, and that in all cases material from the work of others (in books, articles, essays, dissertations, and on the internet) is acknowledged, and quotations and paraphrases are clearly indicated. No material other than that listed has been used. I confirm that this piece has not been previously submitted for assessment to any other publication. This written work has not been published elsewhere.
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