Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Systematic Screening for Behavior Protocol
Readiness / Key Questions / Status1. The need for systematic screening to identify non-responders to primary prevention has been established and is connected to the mission, priorities and school/program improvement plan. / ● What is the current system for identifying at-risk students in need of additional supports? (Team, protocol, supports)
● Is that system effective in identifying at-risk students in need of additional supports (externalizers and internalizers)?
● Are there any groups of students who are not being consistently identified? Who are they? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
2. The person or team who can authorize systematic screening has been identified and approval has been obtained to design and implement the process. / ● Is it the district/school superintendent or program administrator?
● School/District/Program Leadership team?
● Building administrator? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
3. A team exists that can support the student and family in determining what response, if any, should be taken for students who are identified as at-risk. / ● Who is on the team?
● What is the responsibility of the team?
● Does the team meet regularly? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
4. School/program and community-based supports for responding to students identified have been identified and are adequate to serve the need. / ● What supports are available for those students?
● Are they adequate? How do we know? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
5. The current policy and procedures for screening in non-behavior areas has been identified (including parent notification) and is used to inform the development of systematic screening for behavior. / ● What are the current policies and procedures regarding vision, hearing, academic screening, etc.?
● Is that notification policy effective and can it be used for behavior? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
6. An evidence based systematic screening tool with appropriate psychometric properties and norms has been identified. / ● What are the advantages and disadvantages of the screening tools under consideration? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
7. The policies and procedures for behavior screening have been developed and they include decision rules for key steps as well as parental notification/consent and rights. / ● How often and when will screenings occur?
● What decision rules have to be developed?
● How will you decide whether to get active or passive consent?
● When in the process will that occur? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
8. The policy and procedure for general behavior screening has been shared with families in advance of the initiation of systematic screening along with information about their rights to opt out and procedures for doing so. / ● How will they be shared? Open house, handbook, teacher conference night? Other?
● How can we increase the likelihood that families are aware of the program and its benefits? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
9. The policy and procedure for notifying families that their child has been referred to the school wide/program wide positive behavior support team exists and have been shared with families and personnel in advance of any specific referral. / ● Do procedures from a school wide/program wide positive behavior support team already exist? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
10. A point of contact has been identified at the early childhood program/district/school who will oversee the systematic screening process. / ● What role is most aligned to the work? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
11. Resources (personnel, materials, and professional development) have been identified to support systematic screening. / ● What qualifications are needed for the assessments?
● Who will train?
● How will the needed materials be obtained? / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
Readiness Action Plan
Readiness Indicator (1-11) / DetailedActions / Person(s) Responsible / Resources
Needed / Timeline / Report of Progress/Status
Steps in Implementation of Systematic Screening / Tasks / Status and Priority
In Place, Partially In Place, Not In Place
1. Make key decisions about screening logistics / ● Generate class lists for each teacher
● Determine format: paper/pencil or electronic
▪ Place electronic screening tool into secure faculty computer drive
● Determine whether to administer in a group setting such as a faculty meeting or individually by teacher
▪ Establish deadline for completion of screening tool
▪ All students must be scored in every category
▪ Teachers complete Screening Results worksheet, if appropriate
● In departmental middle and high schools, determine which teacher completes the screening tool
● Determine security procedures for collection of screening data / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
2. Ensure data entry, accuracy and summarization / ● Identify who will enter and summarize screening data
● Identify who will conduct spot checks of the data / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
3. Determine data-based decision making / ● Identify SW/PW PBIS meeting schedule following screening windows
● Identify grade/age level meeting schedule following screening windows
● Determine staff knowledge of interpretation of behavior data in combination with academic data / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
4. Determine procedure for notifying staff and families of results / ● Determine how to inform parent of results of screening ie, letter, parent conference, phone call
● Determine how to notify staff of the results of the data analysis / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
5. Determine procedure for referral to appropriate in school/program supports / ● Determine how to involve teaching staff, including special area teachers, counselors, and families / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
6. Discuss supports for individual students with families and monitor progress. / ● Review student progress
● Make changes based on need / ❏ In Place
❏ Partially In Place
❏ Not In Place
Implementation Action Plan
Implementation Steps(1-6) / Detailed
Actions / Person(s) Responsible / Resources
Needed / Timeline / Report of Progress/Status
Adapted from: New Hampshire Center for Effective Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Muscott (2008)