A Guide to the Catastrophic Event Project – Due Friday May 13th
Select a catastrophic event (general – i.e. Blizzard) and one historical event (i.e. Blizzard – Iran, February 1972). Students may present their information in a variety of formats such as Powerpoints, Word Doc, Prezi, etc. You may work in pairs.
Before and after historical event photos: This will require two pictures at least; one before picture and one after picture. If there are any pictures of the actual event in progress, include that as well.
Description and causes of event: For the description, include any methods for how the general event is measured scientifically, and what those measurements mean. Describe in detail the historical event. For causes include precipitating factors of the historical event such as weather conditions if applicable, and any indicators the event was about to happen (i.e. seismic activity prior to a volcano).
Costs in human life and injury: Provide the number of deaths and injuries for your historical event (if known). Also, give the annual average amount of people killed and injured by this type of event (if one is available). Tell how this type of event causes death and injury.
Cost in dollars: Provide the amount of damage in loss of dollars for the historical event. Also, include an annual average in a dollar amount caused by this type of general event if available and the type of damage that is typical.
Effect on ecosystems, plants and animals: Using the historical event, describe the amount of damage to the ecosystem, plants and animals (wild and domestic). Give a brief description of how this type of event in general affects ecosystems, plants and animals.
Effect on landscape: Using the historical event, describe the damage to the landscape (if any). Provide details regarding how long (time required) to restore an area to conditions similar to the original environment prior to the historical event. Give a brief description how this type of event in general causes landscape damage and destruction. If it is not possible to return to a state similar to the environment prior to the event, explain why.
Bibliography: Cite the sources that you used. Use the actual websites and not google images or Wikipedia in general.
Type of event______
Format of Project ______
Format approval (Teacher signature)______