Recruitment-2017 (Adv No: Estt/1/2017)
Applications are invited to recruit teaching faculty (Assistant Professors & Lecturers) in Engineering, Architecture, MCA, Polytechnic and School Wings of the institute on a consolidated salary of Rs. 15000/- per month for the Academic Year 2017-18.
Applications on prescribed proforma duly completed in all respect along with self-attested copies of testimonials should reach the office of Director by 07.06.2017 (5.00PM). List of eligible candidates for screening test will be displayed on 24-06-2017 and an objective type screening test of eligible candidate will be conducted on 26.06.2017 at 11.00AM in F-Block of the institute. List of Qualified candidates to be called for interview will be displayed on institute website on 30.06.2017. Interview will be held during 10th-13thJuly, 2017. Number of posts can be increased or decreased at the time of interview.
The details of number of posts, qualifications, experience, application proforma, Schedule of interviews and application fee are as given below:-
Detail of posts to be filled:
S. No. / Engineering Wing / No.Computer Science & Engineering / 06
Electrical Engineering / 01
Mechanical Engineering / 12
Civil Engineering / 06
S. No. / Applied Sci. department / No.
Physics / 02
Chemistry / 01
Math / 03
CE/HRM / 02
Human Values / 01
S. No. / Polytechnic Wing / No.
Electronics & Communication Engineering / 01
Computer Engineering / 03
Mechanical Engineering / 03
Electrical Engineering / 03
S. No. / Applied Sciences (Poly Wing) / No.
Physics / 01
Chemistry / 01
English / 01
S. No. / Computer App. Wing / No.
MCA / 04
S. No. / School Wing / No.
English / 01
Punjabi / 01
Math / 01
Physics / 01
Chemistry / 01
School of Architecture / 03
Qualifications and Experiences for above posts:
(A) For Engineering Wing
BE/BTech and ME/M. Tech in relevant subject with First Class or equivalent either in BE/BTech or ME/MTech.
For Applied Sciences (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Communication Skill, Human Values) will be MSc./MA with 55% NET Qualified.
Note: In case candidates with M.Tech. Qualification/NET qualified are not available then candidates with B.Tech. Ist division/ MA/M.Sc with Ist division will be considered on merit basis.
(B) For Architecture Wing
1)First class Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture
Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and First Class Master’s Degree in Architecture.
2)One year Teaching experience. Relaxation in experience may be given to candidates having M. Arch degree ( or equivalent) from University recognized by UGC or other competent authority.
3) Only candidates registered with Council of Architecture (COA) under the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972 shall be eligible for the above post
(C) For Computer Application Wing (MCA)
BE/BTech and ME/MTech in relevant subject with First Class or equivalent either in BE/BTech or ME/MTech.
BE/BTech and MCA with First class or equivalent in either BE/BTech or MCA
MCA with first class or equivalent with two years relevant experience.
(D) For Polytechnic Wing
First Class Bachelor’s degree in the appropriate branch of Engg.
First Class Master’s degree in the appropriate branch of Engg.
For Applied Sciences (Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English) will be MSc./MA with 55% NET Qualified. In case candidate with NET Qualification are not available then candidates with MA/M.Sc with 55% marks will be considered.
(E) For School Wing:
Minimum Educational Qualification should be post graduate in relevant discipline with B.Ed from recognized University.
Cost of Application Form: Rs. 500/-
Schedule of Interviews:
10th July, 2017Electrical Engg. , Computer Sci. & Engineering,
11th July, 2017 Civil Engineering, & MCA Wing
12th July, 2017Mechanical Engineering, Architecture
13th July, 2017 School Wing, Polytechnic Wing, & Applied Science
Terms and conditions for the above posts are as below:
- These posts will be filled on purely temporary basis with consolidated pay Rs.15000/-PM
- Age limits and relaxation in age for the posts shall be as per Punjab govt. rules.
- The number of posts indicated above can be increased/decreased at the time of interview.
- The Institute reserves the rights to fill or not to fill any or all of the above posts.
- Separate application should be sent for each post, if applying for more than one post. Applications on the prescribed proforma must reach to the office of Director by 07.06.2017 (5.00 PM) along with fee by all means and the Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt/late receipt of applications due to any postal delay.
- Passing in Punjabi subject of metric level is essential for all the above posts.
- Incomplete applications will be rejected without entering into any correspondence.
- Persons having requisite qualifications, experience and other eligibility criteria on or before 07.06.2017 will be considered.
- Candidates must write post applied, name of the department & category on top of the envelope. If any application form misplaced due to the absence of said information on the TOP OF ENVELOPE, then this office shall not be responsible.
- No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
- A demand draft of Rs 500/- (Rs. 250/- for SC/ST) in favour of Director, SBSSTC Ferozepur must be attached along with the Application Performa.
Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Campus
Moga Road (NH-95), Ferozepur-152004
Application Form for filling Teaching posts on Consolidated Salary of Rs. 15000/-per Month for Academic year 2017-18.
(1)Separate application forms must be sent for separate posts.
(2)Candidates must write Name of Post, Advertisement No., and Name of the Department on top right corner of the envelope. If any application form misplaced due to the absence of said information on the TOP OF ENVELOP, then this office shall not be responsible.
1.Name of Post applied for: ______
Name of Wing applied for : Engineering/Architecture/
MCA/Polytechnic/ School Wing
(Please tick)
Discipline/Branch: ______
2.Name in full (Block Letters): ______
3.Father’s Name (Block Letters): ______
4.Present Postal Address (Block Letters): ______
- Permanent Home Address (Block Letters) ______
- Contact No.: Phone ______Mobile ______
Email : ______
- (a) Nationality: ______
(b) Whether belongs to SC/ST, BC/Ex-Serviceman etc. (attach proof): ______
(c ) Male/Female: ______
(d) Marital Status: ______
8 (a) Date of Birth: ______
(b) Age as on the lat date of submission of application: ______Yrs ______months ____ days
9. Educational Qualification (from Matriculation onwards)
Exam Passed / University/ Board / Year of passing / Marks obtained/ Total Marks / Percentage / Division/ class / Major Subjects10.Whether qualify the test of Punjabi upto Matric level (attached proof) ______
11.Field of specialization: ______
12.Research of Publication (List to be attached)
Publications / Published/ Accepted for Publication1. Books
2. Papers in International Journals
3. Papers in India Journals
4. Paper in Conference/symposia and
Seminars etc.
13.(a) List of Previous Employment(beginning with the most recent)
Name of Employer / Post held / Pay Scale / Period / Brief description of Duties / Reason of LeavingFrom / To
14.(a) Total teaching Experience ______
(b) Other Experience (research, administrative etc). ______
15.Period required for joining ______
- (a) Have you ever been prosecuted/Sentenced
By the Court of Law (if so , give details) ______
(b) Have you ever been dismissed from service
(if so , give details) ______
17. Details of fee Rs ______DD No. ______Date ______
18 Any other relevant information ______
i) Name and designation:
ii) Name and designation:
20.List of certificates and testimonials (attested copies to be attached)
i) ii) iii)
iv) v) vi)
I hereby certify that the aforesaid information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: ______
Dated: ______(Signature of applicant)
For Office use only
Check List:
1. Does the candidate fulfill essential qualifications?Yes/No
2. Does the candidate have the required minimum experience?Yes/No
3. Eligible/Not eligible
Signature of Scrutiny Committee Members