PAVES-O Plan for Writing
Name: Date: ___ Class: ______
Type of Writing (Circle one): Expository Narrative Persuasive Descriptive
M: A: P: T: ______
Audience’s knowledge level of subject: (circle) low ↓ medium → high ↑
Reason: ______
Audience’s attitude toward topic: (circle) negative - neutral √ positive +
Reason: ______
1. Point of view: (circle) 1st (I, me, us) 2nd (You) 3rd (They, him, her)
2. Perspective(s) in time (verb tense): (circle) past (did) present (does) future (will)
3. Personality adjective of writer/narrator ______
(Examples: knowledgeable, caring, angry, worried)
4. Person writing/narrating (role in society) ______
(Examples: student, teacher, policeman, reporter, friend)
Attention grabber: (quote, startling fact, personal story, thought provoking statement)
Necessary background information: (Choose what is needed from who, what, where, when, why, or how)
Thesis statement: What is the topic of your essay (all the ideas you are emphasizing)?
E #1: E #3:
T.P. + S.: T.P. + S.:
T.P. + S.: T.P. + S.:
T.P. + S.: T.P. + S.:
T.P. + S.: T.P. + S.:
E #2: E #4:
T.P. + S.: T.P. + S.:
T.P. + S.: T.P. + S.:
T.P. + S.: T.P. + S.:
T.P. + S.: T.P. + S.:
Thinking Patterns: Label each support with the thinking pattern used. *
1. Define: examples, illustrate by describing, group ideas
2. Compare: different group-same qualities, different group-different qualities, degree of overall similarities/differences
3. Relate: If-then, cause & effect, contrary (same group-different qualities), contradiction (same group-similar qualities)
4. Circumstance (arguable): prove possible or impossible (prove could/could not happen), prove past or future fact (prove it did/will happen)
5. Evidence:: testimonial (personal experience), authority (legal, popular, books, documents), maxims (sayings believed
to be true), precedent (previous legal or authorized change), law (governing rules), statistics (data, research, surveys)
: (identify a general fact, feeling, or future idea and circle which one it is)
Summary of results—one sentence (What does all this information boil down to?)
General fact, feeling or future statement about your topic—one or two sentences.
How will your writing be organized? Circle one.
Time Importance
General to specific Specific to general
Senses Topic, supports, conclusion
Problem – solution Other: ______