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22 February 2008
Preparations by member states
to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the
Declaration on Security in the Americas[1]/
February 25, 2008
Washington, D.C.
(Presented by the Central Liaison Office of the Regional Security System, CLO RSS)
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(Presented by the Central Liaison Office of the Regional Security System, CLO RSS)
Submitted: January 10, 2008
In October, 2003 the Follow up to the Special Conference on Security was held in Mexico where the Declaration on Security in the Americas was created. Clause 2 of the Declaration states that “our new concept of security in the hemisphere is multidimensional in scope, includes traditional and new threats, concerns and other challenges to the security of the states of the hemisphere, incorporates the priorities of each state, contributes to the consolidation of peace, integral development, and social justice and is based on the democratic values, respect for and promotion and defense of human rights, solidarity, cooperation, and respect for national sovereignty”. The Regional Security System (RSS):
- REITERATES in relation to Clause 8, “the need to develop appropriate instruments and strategies to address the special security concerns of small island states, as reflected in the Declaration of Kingstown on the Security of Small Island States”. RSS has therefore participated in the following:
- Consultative meeting on the Inter American Tourism and Recreational Facilities Security (ITRS) Program held in Trinidad in January 2006.
- The 6th Regular Session of the Inter American Committee against Terrorism held in Bogotá, Colombia in March 2006.
- The 2nd Consultative Meeting on the Inter-American Tourism and Recreational Facilities Security Program (ITRS) held in Barbados in March 2006.
- The Border Management and Cross Border Cooperation Symposium held in Vancouver, Canada in August 2004.
Measures taken are as follows:
- The continued collaboration between the member states and other islands in the Caribbean through joint planning and cooperation, pooling of manpower, equipment and resources in order to ensure improved security.
- The formation of an intelligence cell at CLO, RSS for the purpose of intelligence gathering, analysis and information sharing in order to strengthen capacity in the fight against illegal drug trafficking, and other security threats.
RECALLING “the security of small island states has peculiar characteristics which render the states specially vulnerable and susceptible to risks and threats of a multidimensional and transnational nature, involving political, economic, social, health, environmental and geographic factors and that multilateral cooperation is the most effective approach for responding to and managing the threats and concerns of small states” AG/RES. 2187 (XXXVI-O/06); In order to assist member states to meet the various threats, concerns and challenges they face, the RSS:
- REAFFIRMS its commitment to continue to assist member states to build security measures in order to address security concerns. Therefore, in agreement with Clause 27 RSS reaffirms that “multilateral cooperation based on shared responsibility, integrity, balance, mutual trust and full respect for the sovereignty of states is essential for addressing the global drug problem and related crimes which constitutes a threat to the security of the region”. The following measures were taken:
- Prevention and Interdiction of Illegal trafficking of Narcotic Drugs
- Joint coordinated patrols by Coast Guards of RSS Member States in RSS area of responsibility.
- Collaborated counter drug operations between RSS air, land and sea assets with the assistance of the RSS Air Wing.
- Joint counter drug search and rescue operations between RSS air and sea assets and other Caribbean Forces inclusive of the French and Dutch.
- The RSS has been assisting with the establishment of National Joint headquarters in each RSSMemberState. It serves as a focal point for joint operations between Police, Customs, Immigration, Coast Guard and Defense Force assets. Its role is to assist with inter agency coordination and dissemination of information in order to support Maritime and Law Enforcement Agencies especially with anti – drug operations.
- Education/Training
RSS recognizes the importance of the development of the Forces in its MemberStates as well as the need to strengthen and improve the capacity of its Member States in order to tackle security threats and concerns. As a result, RSS provides for the planning and execution of exercises and training with the assistance at various times from the USA and UK authorities placing emphasis on drug related courses which includes land based and maritime training. The following training programs are conducted annually:
Land Based
- The RSS Basic Course – This provides participants with the basic military fundamentals skills needed. The objective of the course is to ensure that participants are proficient in the following areas:
- Human Rights
- Narcotic Interdiction, Eradication and Prosecution
- Operations during Disaster
- Handle and Fire Personal Weapons
- Pass TOETs on Personal and Alternative Weapon
- Act as a member of a fire Team/ Section an Operation or Exercise
- Live and Operate in a Jungle Theatre
- Act as a member of a Crowd Control/ Dispersal Group.
- The RSS Leaders Course - This course trains junior leaders and potential junior leaders, here participants learn to enhance and improve their leadership qualities, their methods of instruction, planning and management, preparation and issuing of orders, knowledge of military tactics and patrolling, awareness of jungle operations.
- The RSS Instructors Course – This course provides participants with the skills needed to become instructors for both land and sea personnel.
- The Command and Staff Course - This course prepares participants to perform Staff functions of a general nature which are appropriate to their ranks and for their professional development in the areas of management and operational command skills. This course is designed to assist participants to:
- Increase strategic awareness
- Develop operational command skills
- Solve problems logically
- Communicate effectively
- Understand and apply the functions of Command and Staff work.
Coast Guard Training
- Basic Seamanship – Participants are trained in the fundamentals of seamanship and introduction to navigation, firefighting and engineering.
- Board and Rummage Training – Participants are trained to identify drugs, gather and preserve evidence, conduct search and seizure, defensive tactics and the execution of boarding procedures and techniques.
- Basic Engineering – Participants are trained to conduct routine maintenance, identify defects and effect repairs and conduct sea checks.
- CG Operators – Participants learn the fundamentals of small boat handling.
- 920 RHIB Operators – Participants learn to safely and effectively operate and maintain the 920 RHIB.
- Rates Leadership – This course provides participants with enhanced leadership and instructional skills.
- The RSS reaffirms its commitment to the fight against passive and active corruption which as stated in Clause 31 “constitutes a threat to the security of our states and undermines public and private institutions ...... and weakens the ability of governments to respond to other security threats”.
Measures taken:
- An agreement has been made that members working in sensitive departments in Member Forces would undergo security screening and that action will be taken against persons who fail security screening.
- The RSS, concerned about natural and man made disasters especially to its Member States which are vulnerable, recognized that measures needed to be taken to mitigate their effects in order to avoid or reduce damage to the environment, infrastructure and the people of its Member States. As a result, the following measures were taken:
- Collaboration among Member States in order to conduct table top exercises, increase public awareness, preparation of plans and operations etc., in order to increase preparedness among Member States.
- Annual Trade Winds exercises are conducted with the USA and UK and other Caribbean Forces to test the capabilities of the Forces working jointly.
- The coordination of the disaster response by the RSS on behalf of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA) by the activation of a special body of personnel known as the Caribbean Disaster Relief Unit (CDRU) which consists of members of the Defence and Police Forces of the CARICOM countries.
The mission of the RSS is to “ensure the stability and well being of Member States through mutual cooperation, in order to maximize regional security in preserving the social and economic development of our people”, therefore the RSS reaffirms it commitment to supporting peace and security in the Hemisphere.
[1].In fulfillment of the mandate container in resolution AG/RES. 2274 (XXXVII-O/07).