Objectives: Cognitive Process Skills as Applied to Music
- Concept Formation
- Collect information and organize it in preparation for making generalizations
(examples – listening selections, song material, world instruments)
- Identify and list musical characteristics through the use of one’s senses
(examples – tempo, melody, harmony, style, sound sources)
- Group collected information by common characteristics or qualities
(examples - programmatic music, part-songs, regions of the world)
- Discriminate between and among the common qualities and unique features
of items within the groups
(examples –compare and contrast meters, chordophones from different cultures)
- Interpreting Data and Generalizing – relate concepts and use them to form generalization
- Examine one aspect of music in several different compositions
(example –rhythm used in two different listening selections to tell two stories)
- Compare the same aspect of music in more than one composition
(example – whether the rhythm patterns in two different phrases alike or different)
- Generalize – apply answers to earlier questions to other situations
(example – this chordophone is designed like others in another country)
- Explain– to demonstrate understanding of a concept
(example – take a new instrument and explain why it belongs in a particular world
instrument classification or category)
- Application of data, concepts, and generalizations for the purpose of
- Compare objects, performances, activities, etc
(example – what is the difference between an opera and a Broadway musical?)
- Predict possibilities based on previous learning
(example – how could a vocal or instrumental group perform without
a conductor?)
- Support predictions
(example – what chamber choirs or instrumental ensembles can we find that don’t
have a conductor?)
- Verify – checking information for accuracy
(example – looking in a world instrument encyclopedia or checking on the
Internet to determine if an instrument is from the country we selected
Suggested order revision for Cognitive Process Skills Objectives on the curriculum chart:
- collect, 2. organize, 3. classify, 4. analyze, 5. evaluate, and 6. generalize
Try creating a one-page music concepts chart with five categories at the top, including rhythm, melody, form, texture, and expression. Then list the K through 8 grade levels down the side and fill in the specific concepts in each category in the boxes beside the grade levels.
Begin to develop a variety of forms of assessment to determine music learning on each grade level. This might include a grading rubric, a performance program, or sample listening or written tests.
Develop a list of terms to be included in the curriculum guide glossary.
Suggestions for items to include in the Table of Contents (in no particular order):
Philosophy of Music
Pennsylvania Standards for the Arts and Humanities
National Standards for Music
Concept Chart
Forms of Assessment
Glossary of Curriculum Guide Terms
Instrumental Music Curriculum, Grades 4 through 12
Strings Instruments
Band Instruments
Piano keyboard
Classroom Music Curriculum, Grades K through 8
Choral Music Curriculum, Grades ? through 12
Sample Lesson Plans for Each Curriculum Category